Swimming rivalry motivates Roedel and Brundage By Mahlon Beachy Of the Emerald When Oregon swimmer Gwen Roedel races in her distance freestyle events, she faces some stiff competition — her own teammate Babette Brand age. Roedel, a sophomore, and Brundage, a junior, are two of the premier stars for Oregon’s swimming team. And when they compete together, the duo forms a one-two punch that rapidly puts points up for Ducks. They competed together at the 22nd Annual Dolphin Invitational. The two were in the 1000-yard, 500-yard and 1,650-yard distance freestyles. The result: Three first places for Roedel and three seconds for Brundage. “They’re both fierce competitors,” says Oregon coach Dan Cole. “One week one will win, and the next week, it’ll turn around.” Last year, Roedel set a school record of 17:06 in winning the PacWest 1,650 freestyle title as a freshman. She was also the NorPac 500-yard freestyle champion. Brundage was the 200-yard individual medley champion at the PacWest Cham pionships, and as a freshman two years ago, she won four NorPac titles, in cluding the 200- and 400-yard in dividual medley and the 1,650 freestyle. “They really push each other in prac tice,” Cole says. “They’re both very good workout swimmers.” The two have not only competed as Duck teammates, either. While attending high school in Washington, both swam for the Highline Swim Club. Brundage began swimming for the club at age 13, while Roedel started with the team at age six. “I went to Highline when I was a sophomore, and we’ve been swimming against and with each other ever since,” Brundage says. “Gwen had already been there for a long time, and she’s always been a little faster than me in the distance freestyles.” But Brundage says there is no tension in the competition between the two. “When we get in there and race, I don’t feel like I have to beat Gwen. 1 think of it as that we’re going to help each other go faster.” Roedel agrees. “Sure, we both want to win and go out there to win. But whatever happens out there, happens. It’s usually left at the pool, and we have a really good friend ship outside the pool." Moreover. Brundage feels the competi tion between the two helps them to pace themselves better. “You’ve always got that same familiar stroke on that side of you. It even makes it more relaxing, rather than having so meone over there that you don’t know how they swim,” says Brundage. Both swimmers agree that the com petition between them has increased significantly since they have become col lege teammates. “In high school, I was never any com petition to Gwen." Brundage says. "1 didn’t know how to swim until I was 12 years old.” Brundage says it was not until her freshman year at the University that her times came down to a competitive level with Roedel’s. Thus, it was initially hard on Brun dage when Roedel came to Eugene the following year. "It was really hard at first. I had just moved my times down to her level, and I wanted to stay where I was,” Brundage says. "It scared me, and I think that hurt me last year.” The two weren’t close in high school, but things are different now. "We’ve talked about how it (the com petition) was stress on both of us,” Brun dage says.'"And we cleared it up and now it’s no problem. I've become a lot better friends with Gwen. I've gotten to know her a lot better.” Cole feels both women will continue to excel in their swimming as well as their lives. "They have probably the best work ethic and are the toughest competitors of all the women I've coached in the past," Cole says. "They’re also delightful peo ple to be around, they have a very good sense of humor." Both are good students, and Cole says Roedel will probably be nominated for Academic All-American at the end of the year. et al. MEETINGS PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIE TY OF AMERICA will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 307 Allen Hall. Guest speaker Susan Stone from Tektronix will speak. INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE will hear the following budgets today at 5 p.m. in Century Room A: Recreation and In tramurals, OSPIRG, Student Bar Assoc., Minority Law Student Assoc., and Con stitution Court. Public is welcome. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: Mar. 5 Maytag Company (marketing assis tant, service assistant). Mar. 5 State Farm Ins. Co. (agents, sales, and management). Women and minorities encouraged. Mar. 5 Student Conservation Assoc, (internship, resource management) drop in: Mar. 4 from 10-12 p.m. in Room 238 Hendricks. Mar. 7 Oregon State University, College of Business, (gradate student). Group meeting at 9-1 p.m. Room 108, EMU. Mar. 8 Drewsey School Dist. (teacher 1-4 Mar. 11 Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan (teacher (k-5), librarian (k-5), math and computer, social studies, and English all 6-12). Mar. 12 John F. Kennedy Schule, Berlin. W. Germany (kindergarten, highschoo! German, social studies, history. French, guidance couselor and more). Deadline for submitting Et Als to the Emerald front desk. 300 EMU. is noon the day before publication. Et Als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events oc curring nearest the publication date, and campus-originated events will be given priority. 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