Coffee Bean of the Month African Blend of Kenya & Zimbabwe $ KINKO’S 860 E. 13th • 344-7894 Oui, we have French Dip Sandwiches at the Skylight Refectory $235 Introducing French Dip Sandwiches Au Juis on Fresh French Bread Still a great place for Italian entrees, crisp salad bar fixins, scrumptious gyros, french roast coffees and other gourmet delights CHECK CLASSIFIEDS FOR TODAY’S SPECIAL LOCATED A CLOUD OR TWO ABOVE THE EMU MAIN DESK Open: 10:30am to 2pm .UOBookstore— We are x Cleaning ' Our Attic! We are getting the jump on spring—and the values are yours! Many of our stock titles up to Sale ends Match 2, 1985 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplies 686-4331 Trible: A feminist outlook Liberating the Scriptures By Dan Coran Of thu Emerald Feminism is one of those topics that may draw differences of opinion even before much is said. Yet, according to Phyllis Trible, an internationally-recognized authority on the role of women in the Bible, feminism is an issue which challenges contemporary society in critical and far-reaching ways. Trible, a professor of sacred literature at New York's Union Theological Seminary, believes that ancient Israel's male-dominated, patriarchal society distorted and muted the true role of women in biblical literature. This paternalistic at titude has not only affected modern biblical inter pretation, according to Trible, but has also af fected other areas of modern culture. Trible spoke on feminism and biblical faith Tuesday and Wednesday at the University, through the Department of Religious Studies' an nual Distinguished Lecturer's Program. “The patriarchal attitude is one of domina tion and subordination,” Trible says. "In our society, this manifests itself in such areas as racism, exploitation of the earth and the macho mentality of military development. Feminism is a radical critique of this attitude.” According to Trible. there have been several approaches to feminist interpretation of biblical literature. One points out instances in the Scrip tures where the inferiority, subordination and ex ploitation of women are evident. Trible says this portrayal of women reflects, to a certain degree, the culture of ancient Israel. “From birth to death. Hebrew women belonged to men,” Trible says. “Girls stayed close to their mothers until their fathers released them for marriage. Men expected to marry' virgins, and a woman who was not a virgin at the time of marriage violated the honor and power of her father and husband. Such a person was put to death by stoning.” According to Trible, another avenue of feminist interpretations of the Bible re-interprets various biblical episodes from the viewpoint ol the woman involved. One example is Trible’s in terp rotation of the creation of man and woman in the second chapter of Genesis. “Adam’s identity as a male did not exist before the creation of Eve," Trible says. "Human sexual identity came into being simultaneously. Eve was not created second to primal man, nor as his helper, his servant or his subordinate. Man does not control her, but moves toward her to regain unity and wholeness.” Re-interpreting biblical Scripture from a feminist viewpoint is an effort to point out mean ings already existing in the text, Trible says. "The Bible is a rich, complex and diverse book making interaction between writer and in terpreter inevitable,” she says. "Like any true work of literature, its meaning is often not fixed. New occasions teach new duties, and we are com pelled to look for meanings which save, liberate and free." "This doesn’t mean, however, that one can make the Bible say anything one wants." Trible cautions. "A good analogy is a score of music. Though no two conductors produce the same music from one score, the notes written down re main fixed and unchanged." Trible has published a number of articles on women and the Bible including "Women in the Old Testament" and "Depatriarchializing in Biblical Interpretation." She is also author of the books "God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality" and "Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives." She would like to see her work as part of a larger feminist effort within the church to create a new cultural perspective. “The work I’m doing hopefully brings peo ple enlightenment and joy, and for now that's enough. On another scale, though, it’s an effort to help the church and society truly repent for the sin of patriarchy — the sin of exploitation and subordination. It’s a vision for a balanced understanding of humanity, both male and female.” High-tech writer to speak Lenny Siegel, director of the Pacific Studies Center in Moun tain View, Calif., will speak on the environmental costs and ef fects of high-tech industry tonight at 7:30 in Room 150 Geology. The lecture is spon sored by the EMU Cultural Forum. Tomorrow, Siegel will speak rEMCI Cultural Forum presents Internationally known author and researcher Mr. Lenny Siegel Director of the Pacific Studies Center Will give a lecture on the environmental costs of the high tech industry. TONIGHT I 150 Geology 7:30 p.m. on the dangers of computeriza tion at 3:30 p.m. in EMU Cen tury Room A, in a lecture spon sored by the University Arms Control Forum. Both lectures are free. Called "the resident gadfly of the Silicon Valley” by The New York Times, Siegel is an authority on the social, economic, environmental and military implications of high technology. Siegel’s articles have ap peared in a number of newspapers and national magazines. He is the editor of two periodicals: Pacific Research and Global Electronics Information Newsletter. As director of the Pacific Studies Center, Siegel has prepared reports for Congress on the background of California’s Silicon Valley and has testified before Congress on several issues. 1L± * -t r? try our new lunch menu tf. *P -sTs NOW AVAILABLE riJitXe MAM DM IX SATURDAY & SUNDAY . ^ , o t. U ‘SPECIAL MANDARIN LUNCH* *VtS-iK. 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