Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1985, Page 2, Image 2

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Damn proud
God bless America. We are
two of the very few people on
campus who are still proud to
be Americans. We drive
American cars that we bought
with our own hard earned
money. We’re still proud of this
country and are willing to fight
for it even if it means nuclear
war. We believe we can win a
nuclear war with President
Ronald Reagan’s increased
spending on the Star Wars
defense system.
That is why we are so outrag
ed at our socialist anti
American classmates who at
tempt to impede the path of the
glorious White Train. We see
Family Hair Care
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the White Train as a symbol of
America’s greatness. As the
White Train rolls boldly to its
destination in Hanover,
Washington, we feel that the
only thing wrong with the
White Train is that it is lacking
two colors, blue and red. Yes,
the red, white, and blue train
rolling on to preserve the
American way; baseball, apple
pie, and well-built steel cars.
The vodka drinking anti
Americans in our country
should be ashamed of
themselves. If they don’t like it,
then get the hell out. Long live
America and let the red, white,
and blue train roll on. Damn
Doug Gates
John Dempsey
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To paraphrase a couple of re
cent letter writers, we need
legalized abortion because, “If
the 1.5 million children now
aborted in America each year
survived, then overcrowding,
overpopulation, and more
poverty might result." That’s
not necessarily the case. In fact,
even if population growth was
at issue, we could still abolish
abortion and not have popula
tion growth.
Why not just ban our liberal
immigration policy and put
more emphasis on curtailing il
legal immigration as well? We
allow about a million and a half
immigrants to come into our
country per year (the same
number of children we allow to
be aborted, coincidentally), and
we might keep in mind that
these immigrants are generally
young, seek employment, and
place many burdens on our
welfare services in the event
that they can’t find work.
America’s population growth
currently is due to immigration
and increased longevity —
without these two factors, our
population would be declining
due to excessively low
I feel it's more morally
justifiable to end abortion and
stop immigration (in order to
check population growth, in
case that presents any pro
blems) than to allow immigra
tion and then justify the cruel
practice of abortion with the
argument “We need abortion to
curtail population growth.”
Tereasa McNew
- v ' " V Elmira
Brandon Sheppard (ODE,
Feb. 18) equates textual authori
ty with textual veracity. An
authoritative text means simply
that the text is an accurate copy
of the original manuscript. An
authoritative text does not im
ply that the content of the work
is factual.
We have authoritative texts of
“Huckleberry Finn” and “The
Great Gatsby.” These texts ac
curately reflect the original
manuscript as written by Twain
and Fitzgerald. Nonetheless,
such texts do not prove the
stories by Twain and Fitzgerald
to be factual accounts (and I’d
really like to believe in
Huckleberry Finn). Similarly,
the New Testament may ac
curately reflect the prose of the
original manuscripts, but the
veracity of the ideas must be
taken on faith.
George Bergeron
Graduate, English
No point
I was greatly intrigued by the
letter, “Beef Up”, written by
Roch Steinbach (ODE, Feb. 13).
Mr. Steinbach uses the time
honored technique of posing
vital questions which force us
do re-examine our own beliefs
and assumptions. Apparently,
we then realize our many
misconceptions about the world
we live in, and we are hurled in
to an enlightening face to face
confrontation with truth.
However, upon further reflec
tion it became clear to me that
my own confrontation with
truth had not yet come about. 1
realized that not only did 1 not
know one of the answers to his
profound questions, but neither
did 1 have any idea what the
point was of asking them in the
first place. So. in response. I
can only pose some more in
triguing and illuminating ques
tions to further stimulate
1) Should we publish letters
to the editor which we
ourselves or others we know
may not understand? Does this
not interfer with our freedom to
believe that we know
everything? Should the authors
of letters to which we take of
fense be tracked down and
2) Does the conspicuous
absence of good Christians dur
ing the demise of ancient
Sumerian civilization prove
conclusively that abortion is
right, wrong, or both?
3) Mr. Steinhach asks if it is
significant that D.H. Lawrence
was impotent when he wrote
“lardy Chatter!y*s Lpfer“. -
Would it be significant if tbi& *
condition were rectified upon
his completion of the book? Is
impotence a natural conse
quence of writing an important
novel? Can you catch it by
writing to the Emerald?
Joseph Person
Biased man
How could the Emerald give
front page coverage to John
Trever's anti-Semitic views
(ODE, Feb. 15)? A thoroughly
biased man sponsored by a
thoroughly biased organization
delivers a thoroughly biased
speech and you give it above
the-fold front page placement?
Where’s your news judgment?
The Emerald showed equally
poor judgment in not using
Trover’s speech as a forum. The
very least you should have done
is provide space for responsible
Of course, the Zionism of
European Jews after World War
II was single-minded and
xenophobic. Not to recognize
the temperament of Holocaust
survivors is to be short-sighted
and historically blind. Ghetto
mentality burned to create the
ultimate ghetto — a bristling
little armed country. “Never
again" is no mere slogan. It's a
However, second and third
generation Israelis, though
steadfastly nationalistic, are
nevertheless politically
pragmatic. They accept the
necessity of a Palestinian state,
yet like any protectionist
government, understandably
they want this concession on
their own terms. To cite David
Ben-Gurion. that devout or
thodox Zionist, as Trever does,
to prove his spurious thesis is to
ignore current evolution of
Israeli policy. Trever fails to
acknowledge Israel’s growing
political maturity and its place
among the civilized nations of
the world.
Lisa Siegle
Oh goody!
Are the committees and
vigilantes responsible for
designating a "crisis" in
American education mad
because their children came
back from school stupid and
unemployable? What happened
to the goodhearted and sensible
Americans, like my Dad. who
know damn well that I'm being
educated, but want to know
when I’m going to get a degree?
Come on you guys — don’t
change the rules on me now. If
you keep talking like this. I fear
you’ll Keagan s
"Aiftwricarf-'W U'ell" shit and
' #hnf*»eriously funding higher
education. Next thing you know
I won't be aborted by the finan
cial aid office at 186 credits —■
and just when I was about to
declare a major. Maybe I’ll be
granted a student leave from the
"peace keeping” action in Latin
America. Oh Goody.
Christopher Bollweg
Undeclared (Academically)
Letters Policy
The Emerald will attempt to
print all letters containing fair
comment on topics of interest to
the University community.
Letters to the editor must be
limited to 250 words, typed,
signed and the identification of
the writer must be verified when
the letter is turned in. The
Emerald reserves the right to edit
any letter for length or style. Let
ters to the editor should be turn
ed into the Emerald office, Suite
300 EMU.
Oregon doily
Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday
through Friday except during exam week and vacations
by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., at the
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403.
The Emerald operates independently of the Universi
ty with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial
Union and is a member of the Associated Press.
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768 E. 13th
1 Block From Campus
iJHin Hakst -
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