DREAD BUYING EXPENSIVE TEXTBOOKS? LOTS OF BARGAINS ON USED BOOKS at the ] BOOK EXCHANGE We take books on consignment from YOU! YOU set the prices, usually less than other book sources. Check to see if the texts you need are here! January 7-11 10-4 • Room 108 EMU Coupons in the Emerald save you money. J Check every page, every day. It pays. | Group seeks practical jokes from ‘wildly funny’ students . . . - - - - - _ - . " .... . *« : . V •• it: ... The Oregon Daily Emerald has been in formed that the Natonal Practical Jokes Con test has "carefully selected" the University "on the basis of many qualities: its academic standards, reputation, respected professors, fine student newspaper.. ..but most of all for.. .wildly funny, original and outrageous student body." Whether the compliment was per sonalized or just a photo-copied press release sent to many colleges throughout the country, it was an invitation for jaded students to share their favorite tricks and be treated with a first prize of $1,000 or one of two $100 second place awards. NPJC is seeking this year’s equivalent to the old-fashioned joy buzzer, and entries must be in by Jan. 31. Categories for this twisted form of wit include practical jokes for classrooms, dor mitories, initiations, parties, rival colleges, the administration, roommates and ex lovers. Also off-campus stunts for restaurants, weddings and offices will be considered. To enter, type or neatly write out each joke idea and mail to National Practical Jokes, P.Q. Box 6198, FDR Station, New York. N.Y., 10150. Entries will be judged on originality, wit, style and comic effect If a tie exists, winners will be determined by neatness of entry. Submitting a joke to the contest means allowing the sponsor to modify en tries and to possibly use them with names and addresses for commercial purposes without additional compensation. Help Continued from Page 3 study, ranging from pre-health sciences to journalism. The members of each group registered for two classes STUDENT SAVERS Navel ORANGES 28 0 LB. Red or White Ruby ^ m M GRAPEFRUIT 5 lb. bag Whole Smoke Picnic HAMS 88 0 LB. Nabisco SALTINE CRACKERS 16 oz. box 89 0 Heinz CATSUP 32 oz. bottle 99 0 'twFcmMk LMg —(COUPON) Drive n Save AA LARGE First two dozen Coupon expires Jan. 15, 1985 491 California LEMONS 7 /$1 Drive n Save - 2 lb loaf MILD CHEDDAR $Q99 or JACK CHEESE w Golden Wheat MACARONI & 4 7% oz. boxes /$1 Oregon Grown CUT UP FRYERS 78