■ calendar __ For the week of November 21-29 FILM WEDNESDAY, 11-21 Cinema 7: “Another Time. Another Place” at 8 p.m. “Women in Love” at 9:50 p.m $3.50. Bijou: "Repo Man" at 7:15 and 9:30 p.m $3.50. THURSDAY. 11-22 Cinema 7: (See Wednesday's listing) Bijou: (See Wednesday's listing) FRIDAY, 11 23 “Tamanawis lllahee: Rituals and Acts in a Landscape" by local film maker Ron Finne Harris Hall, 8th Ave and Oak St. 7 p.m. Free. The film is subtitled Songs. Threats. Laments, and Visions of the Future — History and Poetry in the Pacific Northwest.” Cinema 7: “To Catch a Thief” at 7:30 p.m. “Diva" at 9 20 p.m. $3 50 SATURDAY, 11-24 Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing) SUNDAY, 11-25 Cinema 7: "To Catch a Thief" at 2 and 7 p.m. "Diva" at 3:50 and 8.50 p.m. $2 50. MONDAY, 11-26 Cinema 7: “To Catch a Thief" at 7 p.m. "Diva" at 8:50 p.m. $3.50. TUESDAY. 11-27 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) WEDNESDAY. 11-28 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) THURSDAY, 11-29 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) MUSIC WEDNESDAY, 11-21 Beer Garden: Prime Numbers. EMU Dining Room. 4-7 p.m. Free. University Percussion Ensemble, conducted by Charles Dowd 198 Music 8 p.m. Free Roskiddus and The Roots Connec tion. from Jamaica, reggae Com munity Center for the Performing Arts. 8th Ave. and Lincoln St. Doors open at 9 p.m. $6 All ages welcome, wheelchair accessible. Adult refreshments available downstairs with I D Call 687-2746 for further Info. FRIDAY, 11-23 Single Mary, pop sounds of the mid-sixties and original music. Com munity Center for the Performing Arts, 8th Ave and Oak St. Doors open at 9 p.m. $3 All ages welcome, wheelchair accessible. Adult refreshments available downstairs with I D Call 687-2746 for further info. SATURDAY, 11-24 Willie Dee and Shukubuku, classic and original soul and rhythm and bules. Community Center for the Per forming Arts, 8th Ave and Oak St Doors open at 9 p.m $2. All ages welcome, wheelchair accsessibie. Adult refreshments available downstairs with I.D. Call 687-2746 for further info. SUNDAY. 11-25 Student Recital: Heidi Boenke, flute Gerlinger Alumni Lounge. 4 p.m. Free. MONDAY, 11-26 Noh Buddies. EMU Ballroom. 8 p.m. Free. Student Recital: Mark Sandberg, bassoon. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Free TUESDAY, 11-27 Chamber Music Series: Quartetto Beethoven Di Roma. Beall Concert Hall 8 p.m. $9, $7, and $4. Call 687-5678 for further Info. WEDNESDAY, 11-28 Jazz Gig: Carl Woideck Trio. EMU Fishbowl. 7-9 p.m. Free. University Symphony Orchestra. .. a a ,*. j, * TRY OUR NEW LUNCH MENU Jt