letters Crazy kid? In the storm of public outcry that will surely be heard over the Autzen stadium shooting, it will be tempting for some peo ple to pass off the whole inci dent as the work of one screwed-up individual involved in a “crazy coincidence.” But it was no “coincidence” that this individual was a member of a fraternity, dressed-up in military fatigues, read Soldier of Fortune magazine, revelled in ROTC-military “science,” and just happened to gun down a black man on the bikepath. And from the perspective of some of the highest officials in the White House, Pentagon, and CIA, this guy wasn’t “crazy” either — just a little “off target.” For they would have preferred to ship him down to Nicaragua, where he could’ve been a counter-revolutionary terrorist on the U.S. govern ment payroll. Then again, he shouldn’t have missed that boat to Grenada where he could’ve participated in the “legal” mass murder of black people. No, in the official eyes of the U.S. government’s terror network, this guy wasn’t crazy at all — in fact, if he had been a little more “on target,” he would have been called a "freedom fighter” in Nicaragua or a "hero” in Grenada. And neither was it just a coin cidence that he glorified war fare, for as long as camouflage clothing is sold in the kid’s department of Sears, Soldier of Fortune magazine is peddled in McKay’s market, the ROTC killing-curriculum is pushed on us in the EMU, and fraternities unswervingly follow the neo fascist line of Reaganism, there will be many more deadly in cidences of crazy kids just like him sowing terror from Autzen stadium to Central America. Tim Ingalsbee Eugene Soapbox talk !n response to Ann Piazza's letter on “gay tendencies” (ODE. Nov. 8): Any first year psychology stu dent could say (using your own logic Ms. Piazza) that your fear of the ku klux klan stems from the possibility that maybe you fear their traits exist in yourself. From reading your attack on the kkk, perhaps (still using your logic) you are reacting to fear that you yourself have the at tributes of the cross-burners who react with hostility to those they disagree with (your state ment about Brigham Young University might imply you have hatred and prejudice aganst Mormons). Get off your idealistic soap box. Ms. Piazza. Anyone with an ‘‘open mind" wouldn't rely on the type of diatribe you directed against Mr. Shepard to make a point. Also, the Idea that one who attacks something (let’s say homosexuality) is do ing so because they fear they have that tendency (closet gays?) is not at all correct. Are those who protest nuclear weapons really trying to hide their feelings that we should nuke the world? Do those who protest rape and pornography secretly hide the desire to com mit rape? Com’on Ms. Piazza, your “logic" and reality seem to be in conflict. Michael Cross History/Political Science Get it right In two recent articles by the Oregon Daily Emerald discuss ing Ballot Measure 51 (passed by Eugene voters by a substan tial margin on Nov. 6), I have been mis-identified as a staff member of the Alliance for Peace in Central America, the coalition responsible for developing and promoting the advisory measure that called for a cut-off of U.S. military aid to Central America. As I told your reporter on several occasions, I am a staff member of the Council for Human Rights in Latin America, which was one of several organizations taking part in the Alliance. I took part in Alliance deliberations as a representative of the Council. At no time did the Alliance itself have a formal staff member, deciding instead to have the work performed by volunteers from the member organizations and from the community. I might also note that in your generally well-written coverage of the visit of Marta Benavides (ODE, Nov. 6), a Salvadoran Baptist minister, you failed to mention that the Council for Human Rights in Latin America sponsored Ms. Benavides and that other campus organizations co-sponsored her. Such infor mation, I believe, is generally considered by journalists to be important detail for inclusion in news articles. The Council for Human Rights in Latin America, which has been working to educate Oregonians on issues such as these for nearly 10 years, ap preciates the continued interest of the Oregon Daily Emerald and the University community in our activities and the critical events now taking place in the region. Glen Gibbons CHRLA Newsletter Editor and Project Coordinator Long enough! This never-ending argument between proponents of homosexuality and Christianity has gone on long enough. Let’s put it to rest. The real crux of the matter really lies in whether or not you believe that the Bible is the word of God. If you believe that the Bible is the word of God, then homosex uality is wrong. It is a sin and condemned by God (Gen. 19:1-29, Lev. 18:22, Rom. 1:26 ff). But God does not hate homosexuals: he hates homosexuality, just as he disap proves of stealing, lying, murder, or any other sin. There is a difference. He is a just God, desiring that everyone should come to repentance. But, if you do not believe that the Bible is the word of God, then do whatever you will. Your opinion regarding anything of a moral nature, homosexuality included, is as good as the next person’s. If we have no standard set by God to live by, then it’s up to each in dividual to live their life as they see fit. Your ideas of right and wrong are as good as anybody else’s. Personally, I feel as Joshua did when he stated, ‘‘but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Jos. 24:15). Scott Bixler Business History In reference to your editorial entitled “Reagan re-election a frightening reality.” I would like to point out the following: Your statement: “Europe dur ing the last five centuries and Egypt. Rome. Phoenicia. Aogea, and China during the previous thirty centuries all followed this philosophy ‘peace through strength,” is not quite accurate. While Egypt. Rome, and Car thage existed in antiquity as unified states and China still does. Phoenicia. “Aegea” and Europe never did. In historical times Phoenician cities had numerous colonies which formed alliances that were predominantly religous. economic and at times political. However, this did not deprive the individual city states and their colonies of independence or autonomy. A good example of this kind of alliance was a union of Phoenician cities form ed in the eighth century B.C. against the Assyrian Empire (a state which did practice the “peace through strength philosophy”). Aegea is a region in the Mediterranean Basin in which colonial powers such as Mycenae. Carthage, Ionia, and Etruria had colonies. No nation by the name “Aegea” ever existed. Since the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 47(> A.13. Europe has been divided into various Germanic, Romance, and Slavic kingdoms and nation-states. In the previous century the idea of a balance of power emerged. Its failure in this century resulted in two world wars. A better understan ding of the past may help Introducing... The Switch Hitter! swintoc Computer Compatible Office Typewriter. T« hasn ->Qf' ' *-* f*. ’’ type*'ter that oouDg t a computer printer IS ••••' as an - ectron •., Best c»t a*1 this niqr quabty Sartor 1146C\-*P • r.: i‘ $599 OC - *■ « ' . ' ‘ swintec Bonus: $32 value typing table FREE with purchase Ask about our rental/purchase plan. Oregon Typewriter & Recorder Co. 30 E. 11th Eugene 342-2463 Open Saturday 9-5 Americans, including President Reagan, avoid repeating it. Sharifah Aiatas Sociology True identity Jesus Christ claimed to be Cod. He didn't claim to be a great prophet or moral teacher. Such a statement leaves one with three logical alternatives: Jesus was a liar, a lunatic, or God. Perhaps Jesus was a liar. This also would make him a hypocrite, since he told others to be honest while living a col ossal lie. This also would make him a demon, because he told others to trust him for their eter nal destiny knowing he couldn’t back up such claims, lastly, he would be a fool because his claims to deity led to his crucifixion. Yet his character and perfect lifestyle couldn’t have been invented by a fraud, it would have taken more than a Jesus to create Jesus’ character. Maybe he was a lunatic. Yet the depth and sanity of his moral teachings is left unex plainable. Neither history, humanity, nor nature offer one anything comparable to Jesus. Calmness and self-possession characterized his every act. and he devoted his life to mankind. His intellect was unmatchable. and he continuously turned men’s minds toward heaven with timeless speech and ac tions. Lunatics simply don’t lead perfectly sane lives. Yet one is faced with Jesus’ claims to deity. Whom one decides Jesus is must not be an idle intellectual exercise; be morally honest with oneself, bogie and intellect destroy the ‘‘great moral preacher” argu ment; Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord Cod. Brandon Shepard Eugene Get together During the last few weeks. 1 have noticed that there; has been much political turbulence and division on campus. Whether a person is a Reagan supporter (and therefore desires to die by the inevitable war the ‘King Reagan' will bring upon us) or a Mondale supporter (and therefore a spineless tax hungry pacifist) is really of little importance. We are all in the same boat, people, and we must make the best of it. Needless san;asm and complaining will do rtltle good. Arguing with our neighbors about how our lives have been worsened by presidential policies, real or forseen, is useless and senseless. What is important is that we pull together and make the best out of what we have and close our self-centered complaining mouths. Perhaps we should recall and apply to our lives the all but forgotten phrase with which this country was found ed: One Nation Under God. Christopher Welborn Science ALL WELL DRINKS *1.25 3 to 6pm • Mon.-Fri. Come in from the cold for Hot Spiced Wine, Warm Fireside Atmosphere and Fine Italian Fooel Pizzas • Pastas • Calzone Seoul withes • Salad Bar Serving Lunch and Dinner 13th & Alder on Campus Orders to Go • 343-0681 t- r.J r 4-HOUR PHOTO FINISHING 1 I GLOSSY PAPER (NO LIMIT) Most films in before 10 a.m. Ready by 2 p.m. REPRINTS 5 For ^ 1 Develop and Print C-41 12 Exp. Prints....Sl.97 24 Exp. Prints.97 36 Exp. Prints.97 COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. Offer Expires 11-26-84 OREGON PHOTO LAB "Photofinishing Is Our Business Not A Sideline L On Campus South Willamette 1231 Alder, 683-2500 * 2805 Willamette, 344-1224 I I I I ll J ODE Graphic Services!) HH.. Typesetting»Camera Work• Design• Paste up