Four touchdowns recalled and probably Avezzano too By Allan Lazo Of the Emerald It was a strange game having four touchdowns called back because of penalties dur ing the Oregon-Oregon State University clash Saturday in Corvallis. Oregon tailback Tony Cherry was “mad” when it happened to him, and Duck flanker Lew Barnes was "hurt” when it happened to him — twice. But more importantly. OSU “lost a lot of their spark” after their only touchdown against Oregon in the last three years was called back because of a penalty. The nullified touchdown left them without a win for the eleventh straight year and quite possibly without a coach. “When they called that (TD) back, I think it was probably the point in the ball game when our team noticeably took a less intense approach,” said OSU coach Joe Avezzano, who many believe has seen his last Civil War. After only 6 wins in the last five years, Avez zano wasn’t saying whether or not he would be back next year, but the prospects looked dim after the Beavers lost to the Ducks, 31-6, at Parker Stadium. Avezzano, who has been in contact with a Florida college about job possibilities, said that a statement would be made after he meets with OSU's incoming president, John Byrne, Tuesday. Between now and then, he would “reflect on various things 1 will have to say to Dr. Byrne.” Avezzano has never beaten the Ducks in the Civil War and the closest he came was last year’s 0-0 deadlock. The thrashing from Oregon will probably end the Avezzano coaching era. The OSU coach has been under constant pressure this season after many felt the Beavers were capable of winning four or five games. OSU beat the University of California and the University of Wyoming, but lost games to the University of Idaho and the University of Stan ford. two teams the Beavers were suppose to beat, but didn't. “I want to thank most of the media for letting this team play football this year,” said a disap pointed Avezzano. “And for that I am grateful.” During the third quarter of the 88th annual Civil War, the Beavers decided to go to a razzle dazzle play on offense, which had been grossly ineffective, bordering on embarassing, for them the entire day. OSU went to the flea-flicker, and quarterback Ladd McKittrick pitched the ball to Reggie Hawkins who threw a 78-yard strike to wide receiver Reggie Bynum. Bynum waltzed into the end zone for the first Beaver touchdown against the Ducks since 1981. But the celebration lasted only a moment as OSU's Reggie Hawkins was called for illegal mo tion on the play. Hawkins adjusted his position while another player was in motion before the snap. ”1 thought we were in the game no matter what. I thought we were in the ball game when we threw the double pass, and it could have been 14-14,” said Avezzano of the lost touchdown. “They called that back, and it seemed that took a lot of spark out of us.” But while the Beavers lost a very costly touchdown , it was justifiable in the eyes of the Ducks who had three touchdowns called back. ‘‘I think they deserved to lose one touchdown, since we lost three,” said Oregon coach Rich Brooks. Barnes had a 41-yard reverse-run and a 43-yard punt return nullified by penalties while Cherry saw an 18-yard TD run wiped out. “I was pleased that 1 was able to score two to day. but it kind of hurt to have them called back because I wasn’t really sure if I was even going to be able to play today,” said Barnes. “It was a lit tle disappointing but l am not going to let it bring me down for the rest of the year, or the offseason, I guess ” — especially since the Ducks have their first winning season since 1980 to think about instead. Netters finish third in NorPac tourney The Oregon volleyball team traveled to San Jose, Calif., this weekend trying to answer some questions about post-season play, and left with more ques tions than they came with, after finishing third in the NorPac Conference playoffs. The Ducks, ranked 11th in the latest NCAA polls, fell to Fresno State University Friday night, 15-9, 15-11 and 15-9, en ding all hopes of a conference championship and an auto matic NCAA bid. Oregon's offense was led by Sue Harbour and Cynthia Shepherd. Harbour had 15 kills, while Shepherd added 10 more in the losing effort. “Unfortunately we picked this match to play our worst match of the season," said Oregon coach Chris Voelz. “We had poor passing, poor blocking and poor defense. Mentally, it was a poor match for us as well.” The Ducks bounced back strongly on Saturday to beat the Oregon State Beavers in the third-place consolation match, 15-4, 8-15, 15-10 and 15-9. Shepherd had 11 kills for the Ducks. Oregon, 25-11. must wait un til Sunday, when the NCAA selection committee awards at large bids to the national cham pionship tournament. Voelz is hopeful about the Ducks’ chances. “We hope we’re still alive in the NCAA tournament pic ture.” Voelz said. “I think our ranking and the toughness of our schedule will come into play." The Ducks had some fine in dividual performances this weekend at the NorPac tourna ment, as Harbour and Lisa Gemoya were named to the all tournament team. Gemoya made the team despite having her right hand heavily wrapped Year Round BUYBACK of Used Course Books UPSTAIRS - UO BOOKSTORE $ IPRECI/ICN EAJIEWCCr/ For the best haircut you can get at any price corner of 29 th l Willametto no appointments e.Aft Mon-Fri 9 30 6 00Saturday 9-30-5 00 6 because of a broken finger suf fered in practice a week ago. “I thought Gemoya played really well, moving around our passes and running our of fense,” said freshman hitter Teri Kramer. “I thought she played really well considering she had all her fingers wrapped.” The Ducks face NCAA Divi sion II powerhouse Portland State University this Tuesday night in McArthur Court at 7:30 p.m. Philip Mitchell Winner of the 1984 Alicia Woods Poetry Award Will Be Reciting Originals Plus Selections From Ginsberg and Amichai on Tuesday, November 20, 1984. 7:00 PM 167 EMU COUPON • COUPON • COUPON • COUPON COUPON •COUPON * COUPON •COUPON •COUPON RESTAURANTS BACON CHEESE BURGER With Curly 0 Fries BUY ONE—GET ONE FREE! 11:30 a.m. to Closing Orders To Co No substitutes please. 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