Face the music * RECORDS «x> TAPES on CAMPUS 886 E» 13th, Across the «rw< tram the (i ot 0 Bookstore 345-1010 ALBUMS CASSETTES 45 s • 12" SINGLES RECORD & TAPE CARE PRODUCTS ) CARDS • PHOTOS • POSTERS / MAXELL & TDK TAPES AND MORE SALE ENDS SUNDAY ' *20% off does not apply to items already sale-priced ODE Graphic Services!! g£S££y Typesetting*Camera Work• Design• Paste-up-:;§i;^^ NOTABLES Peter, Paul and Mary, performers of folk music since the early ’60s, come to the Hult Center tonight for one show on ly at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15.50 and $13. “Three Views,” is the new exhibit of contem porary art from North west artists Frank K. Fox, K. C. Joyce and Richard Pickering at the New Zone Gallery, 411 High Street. “Holiday for Lips,” the sixth annual Oregon Whistling Festival, will take place Saturday, at the Lane County Con ference Center Theater. The public is invited to perform from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. At 8 p.m. there will be a classical music concert by select semi professional whistlers. “Doc” Birdbath will be the special guest. He can mimic 300 birds and 700 animals and insects, made the chimpanzee sounds in Tarzan movies and two “Bonzo” movies starring Ronald Reagan. Admission is free to both segments of the festival. I Raskidus and the Roots Connection will perform at the W.O.W. Hall Wednesday. It’s an eight-piece band with an ex tensive horn section, keyboards and multi-rhythmic qualities, and it features “Raskidus with a voice that’s paradisiacally in toxicating" says the California Voice, adding that the group “gives a uniquely spellbinding performance.” Showtime is at 9 p.m. and admission is $4.50 at the door. A variety of work ex hibiting the range of research and creative in quiry in the architecture and allied arts school will be shown in Gallery 141 in Lawrence Hall from Nov. 19-30. Faculty research will be displayed at the gallery w hich is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Jazz Lab Band 1, directed by Jeff Williams, will perform tonight at 8 p.m. in Beall Concert Hall. Admission is $1 for students. Indiana Jones hacks and slashes his way through 180 PLC — tonight. “Raiders of the Lost Arc” shows at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $2. Woody Allen's “What’s Up Tiger Lily?” shows tonight at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in 150 Geology. Ad mission is $2. The Washington Abbey and the Eugene Guitar Association will present jazz guitarist John Stowell and Vocalist Nancy King in the first concert of this year's Cof fee Concert Series Sun day, Nov. 18. Tickets are $6 the night of the con cert and seating begins at 7:30 p.m. MANAGE YOUR CAREER WITH A rOQubk TER M.B7A t the University of Rochester’s Graduate School of Management you can manage your career with a highly respected M.B.A. With our wide variety of financial aid and loan programs, you can manage your finances, too. So, take charge, and manage your way to a top quality management education. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL TOLL FREE: From anywhere in the U.S. outside N.Y. State call: From within N.Y. State call: 1-800-621-0095 1-800-462-0073 Call toll free during these hours: Monday - Friday. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday. 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday.10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Rochester, NY 14627 Any undergraduate major can qualify you as an M.B.A. candidate. Pane 2R. The, FriHav KdiHnn UNIVERSITY THEATRt PRESENTS HENRIK IBSEN’S Hedda NOVEMBER 15, 16,17,29,30 & DECEMBER 1 ROBINSON THEATRE 8:00 pm FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION CALL 686-4191 ki * * ***«•**# 4 4 * * .