sports_ Move over Smurfs, Oregon has the ‘Supreme Team’ By Allan Lazo Of the Emerald The Supreme Team Show. They are Oregon’s latest football fan club, and without them, the Ducks would be short about half.of their points this season. The Supreme Team Show: four words for four Oregon players who aren’t just whistling Dixie. “The” is for 5-8 flanker Lew Barnes who has become the key big-play man for the Ducks this season. “Supreme” is for 5-9 tailback Kevin McCall whose multiple talents have helped the Ducks to their 5-5 record this season. “Team” is for 5-9 freshman James Harper who has shown great promise in Oregon’s backfield. And, the “Show” is for 5-8 tailback Tony Cherry who has quickly become one of the Ducks’ game-breakers this past season. “We’re all under 5-9 and playing in the Pac-10 conference. We think that is kind of special, so we just made up a lit tle group,’’ said Cherry who was a red shirt last year after transferring from Riverside City Junior College in California. While Oregon has scored a total of 210 points this season, The Supreme Team Show has tallied 15 touchdowns, in cluding Barnes’ team-high seven. Mc Call has added five touchdowns and Cherry another three. “We have proven that you don’t have to be big to play,” says McCall.“Or 6-6, 250-pounds to have fun playing foot ball,” interjects Harper. After an impressive spring workout, Cherry moved to second on the depth chart behind McCall at tailback. The moved has paid off for Oregon coach Rich Brooks. On the season, Cherry has gained 456 yards on 79 carries for a 5.8 yard average, just 24 yards behind McCall who leads the team in rushing with 480. But, Cherry’s real forte lies in his help with the special teams where he has been ranked in the top ten nationally in kickoff returns. Cherry has returned 28 kickoffs for 725 yards, averaging 25.9 yards per return. McCall, a senior, has been Oregon’s bread and butter man. He has started all but one game this year. McCall seems to have been tailor-made for Oregon’s offense. He is tied with Barnes atop the receiving list with 36 receptions going into this Saturday’s season finale with Oregon State Univer sity at Corvallis. While Oregon quarterback Chris Miller has gone to his backs more often, Barnes has continued to be the excite ment of the Duck offense. Last season, Barnes had 30 receptions for 625 yards and five touchdowns. But this year, Barnes has improved on that total with 36 receptions for 623 yards, averaging just over 17 yards per catch, Barnes is only three TD receptions away from Bobby Moore's single-season school record of ten touchdown recep tions. But “sweet” Lew has only the Civil War contest left to catch Moore after he missed the Arizona State Univer sity game last week because of a sprained knee. “We’re a pretty exciting bunch of guys," says Barnes. While the three stars of The Supreme Team Show continue to shine with big plays for Oregon, freshman Harper has taken a different perspective. Harper, a redshirt last season, has gained only 38 yards on nine carries but is test seen as an investment in the future for the Ducks. et al. MEETINGS GALA business meeting today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 318 EMU. EMU BOARD will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 214 or 215 EMU. On the agenda will be the EMU sign issue. This is open to the public. PSYCHOLOGY CLUB meeting today at 5 p.m. in Room 143 Straub Hall. r CIRCLE K service club will meet tonight at 6:30 at 1653 Alder St. All interested are welcome to attend. For more information call'Laura at 485-3692. ASAAHE meeting today at 5 p.m. in Room 105 Esslinger Hall. There will be a summary meeting on Mon. at 12:30 p.m. in the Health Resource Center. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIA TION will meet at 3:30 p.m. Friday in the EMU International Lounge. HAWAII CLUB: Next meeting Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. in the 112 EMU. MISCELLANEOUS LUNCHBAGGER SEMINAR Dana Desonie will speak on "Tectonic develop ment of the Gulf of California,” today at 12:30 p.m. in Room 307 Volcanology. IRENE SANTIAGO will speak on the topic. "Justice: The Philippines in the 80s.” Tonight at 7:00 in the Gerlinger Hall Alum ni Lounge. GUATEMALAN REFUGEE BENEFIT tonight at 7:30 at the Emerald Baptist Church. 631 E. 19th Ave. For more infor mation call 683-1921. THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AD MINISTRATION is accepting applica tions tor peer advisers. Applications should lie turned in to Room 271 Gilbert Hall by Friday. For more information call 686-3302. 1 Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us. For bill ing arrangements, please call 686-4343 or stop by the Emerald offices, 300 EMU. To qualify for a billed account, you must have several valid credit references and leave a $15 deposit. RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change. Minimum charges are $1.50 for the first inser tion and $1.20 for consecutive insertions For Sale 2 FUTONS, 1 DOUBLE, 1 Queen. Best offer. 344-1473 Evenings, Robbie or Royce. 11-16 COMMODORE 64, like new, must sell $150. 343-1189.11-16 Defender Video Game. Excellent condi tion. $250 or offer. Call Phil at 344-9378. 11-17 TYPEWRITER, Sean Smith Corona electric. Works well $125. 343-0697, keep trying. 11-16 FENDER PRINCETON REVERB amp & Les Paul Kopykat. Good cond., must sell, $250 o.b.o. 342-8389. 11-16 WET SUIT, US Divers, medium/small 195 Judy 343-7489 eves.11-19 MAGNAVOX COMPACT STEREO; Turn table, reciever, no speakers; first $100 takes. Evenings 687-2604.11-16 SKIS: FISCHER RC4 Super-Combi 200 with marker M40 Excellent condition Excellent Skis Excellent Price, $230 Firm Doug Meyer 683-3453 11-19 Buy & Sell THE BUY k SELL CENTER Buy«Sell«Trade Musical intruments, stereo, toots. 361 W. 5th. _tfn:8184 Buying - Selling Gold and silver, rings Necklaces, bracelets, CLASSIC GOLD AND SILVER 20A Oakway Mall 484-6135 Mon.-Fri. 10-5 11-19X Instruction STAINED GLASS ORNAMENTS A Special Holidau Workshop Sat. Nov 17 Sign up today! EMU Craft Center 686-4361 3652:11-15 Services MOVING OVERSEAS? Nippon Express can ship your paraonai belongings at a very reasonable rate! Experienced and Reliable International Freight Forwarders 257-7731 6804 NE 79th CT. PORTLAND, OR 97218 3167:X HOLIDAY SPECIAL Sculptured Nails By Trisha Full sets- Reg. *35- Now *20 Fills..*15 SPECIAL THRU: 12-21-84 Manicures*Pedicures*Nail Wraps Ask about Referral Rewards! THE SALON 485-8638 2852 Willamette Plaza, (Next to Radio Shack) 11-16 SAVE * ON PHONE CALLS SAVENET, the Northwest's highest quality, alter native long-distance service is offering prompt connection and lowest rates na tionwide. Questions? Jeffrey Skolnick 683-884811-16 INSTRUCTION IN PIANO and music theory. Classical, pop, or blues (basic jazz). Over 20 years teaching ex perience. David Young 342-3214, 11-15 YARD NEED CLEANING? Reasonable Rates, Call 686-5295 Leave name and number Please! 11-16 HOUSECLEANING AND YAROWORK. Reasonable Rates 484-6664. 11-16 Small Kennel In Big Woods Luxurious accommodations for the dog owner who cares. Reasonable rates, heated indoor sleeping, large runs. Call for rates and reservations. 345-1073. 3665:11-21 Instruments DRUMS 4 pc.- Stewart Kit with Camber ride Cymbal & high hat. Good condition, great beginners set, $385 Includes bass, tom, snare, and floor tom. Call 686-4343, leave message lor TIM, tin YAMAHA PA SYSTEM. EM-150 II fan tastic, $875 complete Two mini moniters $60. Peavy practice amp, $55. WANTED: 4-Trac recorder, small PA speakers. 343-229211-16 MARSHALL AMPLIFIER: 50 WATTS 2-12" CELESTIONS, THE DEFINITIVE ROCK N ROLL AMP $375 PATRICK 6866026 11-20 Typing >ROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Set. Grad, approv ed Near campus 344-0750. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes, & mass mailings, Grad approved. WordStytes It TypeScripts CINDY 464-5454 BRANDY 484-6044 3150:tfn PRO TYPtNG/EDfTING Expert at theses and dissertations. 5 blocks from UO. No (ob too small Jennifer 485-3883 315t:UWH WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services 484-1646 3146:tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-9405 3145:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 465-3914 3143:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Eveings by appointment only 345-2289 3158:tfn Word Processingsyping: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings. Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 888-3983. 3157:tfn Resumes & Typing Composing, Editing, Accurate Sheila 686-8973 _3437:tfn QUICK-TYPE Typing Service, Inexpen sive and professional service near cam pus! CALL 345-9621.3303:tfn TYPING WANTED Term papers, manuscripts, letters FAST-ACCURATE 5.85/page, double space IBM Self Correcting 344-5856 TYPING- Experienced, last, efficient Reasonable rales Editing included. 345-4379 3028:tfn JUNE’S TYPING 689-1724 FAST. ACCURATE, RELIABLE tfn QUALITY GUARANTEED Word Processing at Typing Prices Storage on Disk for Easy Revision Editing We can type anything! Jennifer 485 3883 Hah Har Kaur 344-4886 6 Blocks to UO Grad School Approved. 3381:t«n TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING A EDITING Resumes. Papers, Theses, Disserts lions,Graduate School Approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 485-1473 3410:tfa QUALITY TYPING SERVICE Resumes-Letters-Re ports. Professional-Accurate-Timely! Call Fran. 344-1090 132 E Broadway Suite 505 11-16 jerry's WORD WORKS Editing & Word Processing Fast, Professional Preparation of Theses & Dissertations 484 6593 11-20 TYPING- WORD PROCESSING. Low cost. Papers, resumes, letters. 686-0812. 11-16 Doonesbury wmmHum.sK. feowmrr. m mop of port- i my him W-PRMC5ISAU&W BN0U6H.M6 j HFPST05WBAR YOU THBNAU6URA yes, SIR. LATE lASTNtOHT.A C16ARBTTB BOAT PROPPED HIM OFF AT THEMARJNA. THAT SOUNDS UKE BOOBY, ALL RJ6HT,. V BY GARRY TRUDEAU BsmsiNcam Hi, p ROOMEP T06STHER. iHcou&e.Boews AimtSHATWBeiNG y mc&rmofm&mou. FREE "9010" POSTER Only at... kinko's Unify1 HifOuM* supplier on* limited w*‘ uin uHci Mily ()iu* poster per I USfOmi-f World Premiere Christmas 1984 860 C 13th 344-7894