American Policy in Lebanon Failure or Success Lecture - Discussion Presented by Hilton Obenzinger A Jewish Peace activist, poet and journalist. Author of “This Passover or The Next I Will in Jerusalem’’ A book of poems, stories and essays about Jewish experience in America from an anti-zionist perspective. Date: Nov. 13, 1984 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: 101 EMU Year Round BUYBACK of Used Course Books UPSTAIRS - UO BOOKSTORE University-area voters turned out for Mondale By Dave Berns Of the Emerald A recent Time magazine poll concluded that voters between the ages of 18 and 24 preferred President Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale by a margin of 63 percent to 18 percent. But the results from area precincts in Tuesday’s election suggest that University students felt otherwise. In the University area's 12 precincts, voters favored Mondale over Reagan by a margin of 70 percent to 29 percent. The closest Reagan came to Mondale was in precinct 203 where Mondale won by only 50 votes. The widest margin was in precinct 233 where Mondale won by 472 votes. Residents of University dormitories in University-Neighborhood Precincts precinct 213 gave Mondale 470 votes and Reagan 244 votes. The race for IJ.S. Senate between Mark Hat field and Margie Hendriksen provided the closest contest in the University precincts. Hatfield, who won the state by more than 35 percentage points, beat Hendriksen by only three points in the University neighborhood. The Jim Weaver-Bruce Long race for the U.S. House of Representatives delivered the widest margin between candidates as Weaver walked away with 76 percent of the area’s vote. In the Oregon secretary of state race between Don Clark, Barbara Roberts and Donna Zajonc, Roberts carried the University neighborhood by a margin of 56 percent to (dark's 23 percent and Za jonc’s 20 percent. In the south Eugene race for county commis sioner, Jerry Rust carried the area over challenger Tonie Nathan by 20 points. However, precinct 213, with its polling place in the EMU, went for Nathan by an almost 2-to-l margin. On the ballot measures, the University precincts voted overwhelmingly against Ballot Measure 2. the property tax limitation, while also defeating the death penalty initiatives. Measures 6 and 7. Measure 2 failed by a margin of 83 percent to 17 percent whije. Measure 6 went down 62 per cent to 38 percent and Measure 7 was defeated by a narrower margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. NOW! At Wendy’s you never get a breakfast that’s packaged ahead of time. You get breakfast made-to-order. And made fast. WENDY'S BREAKFAST SANDWICH SOMETHING BETTER FOR WENDY'S KIND OF PEOPLE. . WENDY’S FRENCH TOAST WENDY'S OMELET PLATTERS and more. And where else can you get French Toast with powdered sugar and your choice of syrup, hot blueberry or hot apple toppings? Not to mention our fluffy Scrambled Egg Platter. 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Offer Expires: 11/17/84 I Professor says Democrats need a new image 111111 By Dave Berns Of the Emerald Nothing in Tuesday’s presiden tial election should encourage Democrats, political science Prof. Harmon Zeigler said Sunday. ‘‘Other than blacks and Jews, every traditional member of the Democratic coalition has slowly left the party over the past 20 years,” Zeigler said before an au dience of 25 at the Eugene Unitarian Church. The 18- to 25-year-old vote went overwhelmingly for Reagan, while women, Hispanics, labor and most every other identifiable group w-ent for the president too. Zeigler said. The Democratic Party must ad dress issues of economic expan sion rather than economic re distribution, he said. “Traditional liberalism, where its proponents address the problems of the poor, is finished. It’s obvious, though, by the contents of Mondale’s con cession statement on election night, that Mondale has not learn ed this lesson.” Zeigjer does not believe that the large Reagan victory is an indica tion of a realignment of the political system. ‘‘•Nobody votes these days because of ideology. This election was a personal response to Reagan's leadership qualities. No one should conclude that just because someone votes for a con servative. that voter is a conser vative. In light of this. Reagan is wrong to claim a mandate in favor of his policies.” The campaign itself concen trated almost solely on symbolic messages, he said. “Reagan ran on the right sym bols while Mondale did not. Mon dale concentrated almost ex clusively on domestic issues while reiterating his support for the welfare state.” Reagan's attractiveness to .the voters can be attributed to his abili ty to cut through the nonsense of government, Zeigler. said. “He projects simplicity, but if he ac tually behaved that way. we’d all be ’dead." Zeigler believes image is the key in the current electoral system. “Reiagan’S pollster, Richard Wir t hi in. and his method of image polljng is the natural result of the McGovern reforms in the Democratic Party in 1972,” he said. The 1972 reforms took much of the control of Democratic Party politics out of the hands of party bosses and placed it in the hands of those previously considered outsiders. “These reforms weakened the parties w'hile elevating the status of image makers such as Wir thlin,” Zeigler said. The media are the most impor tant vehicle for relaying image politics to the electorate. Zeigler said. “TV people want to have attrac tive candidates, and the commen Harmon Zeigler tators are attracted to Reagan, and in the past, George Wallace and Richard Nixon because they're newsworthy and they raise the ratings.” he said. You Can Earn $100.00 WITHOUT WORKING! Become a plasma donor and save lives while you earn addi tional income it's easy, it's safe.its medically supervised and we re open Mon day through Saturday for your donating convenience. Now, what excuse have you not to donate7 QUESTIONS? OKAY. Our phone no. is 484-2241 Return donors (who have not donated for two or more mon ths) and new donors too, bring this ad on your first dona tion and receive $5.00 in addition to our regular donor fee! EUGENE PLASMA CORP. 1071 OLIVE ST. • 484-2241 r i i o r; ■o O o on the style of your choice. Stop by to sec the entire ArK Carved collection and custom options. 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