environmental STUDIES CENTER 104 Condon Hall WE OFFER ■an extensive collection ot booh* end jerlodlcals on environmental subtacts -and a quiet place to study 3004:11-9 Help Wanted >VERSEAS JOBS- Summer, year round :u,ope. S. America, Australia. Asia. All fields *900 *2000 month. Sightseeing 'ree Into Write IJC. PO Box 57-OR-3, Corona Del Mar, CA 92025 tin yORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED. Merlcal work In pleasant office surroun llnos Including data entry and soma raining on Wang Main Frame Com ruler Call Karan 080-3006 for appoint sent for Interview _3691:11-0 free Rent * Board In exchange for helfk ng pleasant elderly university graduate *lth some me el preparation, medicine nonlterlng. light housekeeping and aundry Share convenient condo Need ipper-clase or graduate female student rho Is patient and loving References eauired Immediate opening 342-4178 tvenlngs _ • 3606'.11-9 Graduate Student with Argumentation rackground We will pay you to .fudge college debates and Individual events, •hurs- Fri ■ Sat 11/15 11/10 11/17 Call 14180 or X4171 for tmformatlon. 3603:11-12 EADERSHIP POSITION: The ESCAPE :|eld Studies Program has openings for >ubtic Schools and Community Service Assistant Division Heeds These posi 16ns require Inter personal com munication, group process, self motivation and the ability to motivate Others Responsibilities include train Ing and supervising 6-10 coordinators, placing 200-300 University volunteers in the public schools and community ser vices each term, problem solving, tocumentation of division business,’ lurriculum development, and participe ion in several committees Com pens* Ion up to 7 credits, workstudy options nailable Commitment is a minimum of !1 hours per week Application* are available at the ESCAPE Office (327 EMU) and are due Friday November 18 at 12 p m For more Information contact Elyce at 686-4351 Affirmative Ac tion/Equal Opportunity Employer ' _ 361011-9 RETAIL SALES CLERK Personable knowledge ot Interior plants required 2 to 3 days/week Must work weekends Apply at 1915 W. 11th, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed Thurs or Fri, Nov 7-9 only. ,.11-9 FINANCIAL AID NEEDS ANALYST Applications are being -accepted through Wednesday , November 28. 1984 Tor the position ot Financial Aid Needs Analyst In the University , ol Oregon Office ol Student Fianclal Aid This is a 15-20 hour per week, position from mid-January. 1906 to mid-June, 1986 at aproximatefy *5 per hour Dulles include analysis of financial aid applications using prescribed memods me selection of correct budgets, and packaging of aid Candidates must be currently enrolled University of Oregon upper division or graduate students with a strong academic record, be able to work well with numbers, and nave strong communication skills. Preference will be given to persons who have quick learning abilities, fast and accurate work methods, are sell confi dent, decisive, and can work well under pressure Only persons willing to make a serious commitment to the task wilt be selected Applicants should send a I letter of application, resume, and academic transcript to Edmond Vignoul. Director. Office or Student Financial Aid, University ot Oregon, Room 260, Oregon Hell. Eugene, OR 97403. For more information call 886-3221 The University ol Oregon Is an Equal Oppodunity/Aftirmative Action : Employer._ 3808:11 -9 EARN A FREE CPA REVIEW COURSE. Represent Becker CPA Review Course on campus Average working lime 1 hour per week Call Anne collect 1-248-1963. 3624 11-13 Interested In Teaching English as a torlegn language? Contact TESL Clear inghouse 8033 Sunset Blvd . Suite 164. Los Angeles. CA 90046 MWF LOOKING FOR MANAGEMENT EX PERIENCE while going to school? The ESCAPE program has an opening for an Office Manager Respon sibilities include Stall supervision, administrative skills, program procedures, public relations, office management, weekly meetings, policy making Compensa non options include $l80/mo stipend, credit, or workstudy Applications are available in the ESCAPE Office (327 EMU) Completed packets are due Friday November 16th at 5 p m For more information call Roberta at 686-4351. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer 362811-13 OFFICE WORKER NEEDEO Immediate ly Must type 55 wpm with accuracy. Word-procceseing experience given priority. 8-10 hours per week. *5 08 per hour. Musi be work-study eligible. Con tact Folklore & Ethnic Studies. 466 PLC, ext. 3539 between 8-12 weekdays. 3570:11-13 VARIOUS POSITIONS AVAILABLE-^ pizza raataurant. Energetic, hard wortter* only Raataurant experience preferred Daytime prep, night time cook, muat be 21 Drivers must have own car. Reaumea 1-4 p.m. Frl. & Sat onlv. 1809 Franklin Blvd. 3631:11-9 THE RAMONES ARE COMING! AND TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! SATURDAY DEC. 1 EMU BALLROOM 8P.M. $9.50 UO Students $10.50 General Public Ticket s available at EMU Main Desk, Earth River amd Everybody’s Records. Produced by the EMU CULTURAL FORUM _' 3618:11-12 Roommates &OUPLE OtTSiUdLl Large maste bedroom with private bath In Im maculate 3 bedroom houae eaat ol cam put, fireplace decking, garage, lots of storage (190 plus utilities 344-4017. 11^ FEMALE HOUSEMATE WANTED to share new; comfortable, quiet 3 bedroom home with couple (both 30). Garden, laundry, fireplace, complete kitchen, near bus S17Vmonth plus V> utilities 404-1547 11-13 For Rent Adelphe House A Christian coop is now accepting Live in and,Live out applications lor winter and spring terms Call 687-1039. ask for Kristy. 11V WHEELERS BED 0 BREAKFAST Coburg, Oregon 97401 Phone: 503 344 1366 V* mi off I-5. 7 mi N of Eugene. 12 minutes to downtown Eugene._ tt-9 1360 PEARL 1 bedroom unfurnished apartment Hardwood floors. (175 includes waier'garbage No pets For appoint ment call Joy, Lam son Associates 606-1130 362511-16 Quads NEWER OUAtt„dl utilities paid. (139 Near University. 1866 Harris 3430961. or 344-0941 3456:tfn Dorm Contracts LEAVING Must sell contract, case of beer In duded. Alan 4650762)4*5 9605. 1121 GET in ON THE FUN of dorm life) Con tract for sale Natasha 485-9516 at the Health and Fitness dorm. 11-13 Food & Drink COFFEE Freshly Ground SKYLIGHT REFECTORY 3rd Floor EMU Events BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENT Sunday Nov. 11th at the Shilo Inn at 2:30 p.m. Must be 21 and must register by Saturday the 10th. For more Information call 726-1261. 11-9 Doll & Toy Festival Nov. 10th, 11th,- 10 a m. to 5 p.m. Lane County Fairgrounds. Adults: (1, Children ( 50 BENEFIT PEARL BUCK CENTER. 11-9 LOS FALCONS ROCK ’N’ ROLL TONITE COMMOTIONS SAT. NITE TAYLORS 13th & Kincaid University Theatre Presents HEDDA GABLER Henrik Ibsen’s classic story about one woman's struggle to control her own destiny leatures one ot the most fascinating women in theatrical literature! NOVEMBER 15-17, 29, 30 & Dec. 1 ROBINSON THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 p.m. *3 25 tor U ol O Students $4 for Seniors and other students *5 tor the General Public Call 686-4191 for ticket reservations --3BK1118 Lost & Found LOST Engraved locket Extreme sentimental value If found please call Karen 342-4622 or turn in to campus securi ty HEW ARP.118 HELP) On Tuesday, Nov 6tti, my wallet was stolen In Sci I, 3rd floor. Whoever took it or happened to find it, please return itl It contains all my papers, in cluding my German passport. REWARD! E Hoffmann, 1941 University St , Eugene 344-8737. 11-12 Entertainment " EDLSONS BAR, 4740 MAIN in Springfield 747-7900 FRIDAY NITE ONE NIGHT ONLY ROBERT CRAY Opening Band TINO & The CRUISERS Music 9:30 • 2 am ‘5 SAT. NIGHT TINO & The CRUISERS 9:30 - 2 am. '2.00 COVER Don’t Forget Live Comedy every Monday night Showtime 8:30 AUDITION-DANCE 85 Sat. 11-10-64 3 p.m. 354 Gerlinger Annex Ballet Class with guest choreographer Pat Hon Info: 686-3386 3620:11-9 CANTICLE INN Saturday Nov. 10th Featuring Dan Bradbury & Friends 8 to 11 p.m. at the Newman Center Cost: $1 11-9 COMING Wed. Dec. 12 TOOTS and the MAYTALS and special guests STAY TUNED B ROCK N1 THE HULT THE JERRY GARCIA BAND Plus Special Guest JAZZ/BLUES Records-Boofct CAT’S MEOW JAZZ i BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fifthpearf Bldg. 5th & Pearl 3155HF DON’T MISS the ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE CARTOON FESTIVAL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9th 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. 177 Lawrence Admission: '2.00/M.00 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential Call 880-4408.3144:tfr MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 380 E. 11th 1948:WHF PREGNANT ? WE WANT TO HELP. Free Pregnancy testing. Birthright 687-8651.623: F COMPATIBLE SINGLES, meet through Northcoast Connections. Discreet, per sonaiized introductions since 1981 Student specials. Free information. PC Box 11663, Eugene OR 97440. 342-1274. eves3386: WHF BOOMERANGS- as American as Kangaroos. From $6 at KITES ANO OTHER DELIGHTS in 5th Street Public Market. 344-5483. F THE ZOID Good luck tonight, babe! Love, always, Me 11! GAMMA PHI BETA HOUSE DANCE DATES The bam dance is coming, yet it’s tonight. The romp in the hay will be outa sight. We've got the music, the beverage too, we know how to party, we know what to do. We re totally psyched and excited for this, its one social function you just can't miss. Love ya! P S. Here’s to a foot stompin good time! 11-9 My Tonka Happy B-Day On V-Day IT! Going to a BARN DANCE Dress for the Occasion With Clothes From SECOND THOUGHTS We have a large selection of Western Styles. Also taking clothes on con signment. For appt. 343-1312.3590:11-! HELP ME, I need a date (or my House dance. zx Dave Bartels iij HEY DUDE, Your mom called- she's coming for PARENT'S WEEKEND. 3596:11-9 S200 REWARD for Information leading to arrest or person responsible for pain ting on Kaufman’s Building on campus on Nov 6-7 between the hours of 6 p.m and 8 a m. Please contact C. Higson, Tues-S at , 485-1581 X872 9:30-5:30.3626:11-16. ’Lit Sis Kelly Betty, Get psyched for a radical e4ek. Live-in will be too much Fun. Love, your totally cool Bib Bro.11-9 WISE & FOOLISH VIRGINS Find out at the Wesley Center SUNDAY WORSHIP 11 AM NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE 3633:11-9 ELIZABETH YAAA Does your baby take the morning train? Mel Gibson named his favorite pair of black leather pants after you. Oooo you lucky girl! Don't forget your frisbee! Love, the Flale Queen. 11-9 YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN NYET! 11-9 SUSIE’S RESUME & TYPING SERVICE Fast economical. Electric typewriter. 343-8427 11-15 JIM TWO-IT IN THE WOODS. JUST DANDY 11-9 vuus this MOI from tho computer room is interested In John!11-9 DG LiZ LOCK. HAPPY 21’ER. The night on the town was a blast. I'm glad I was there to help you celebrate. Your Big Bro Chris. P.S. Terry our new born San Diegan is growing up. 11-9 THETA CHI COURT GET PHYCHED FOR THE CAPS TOURNAMENT TONIGHT_ 11-9 D. DEVAN EY Waht are you doing to me? The Bookstore Girt 1V9 M.B.Where are you? 11J Jayne and Lynne. Numero Uno's. Thanks for Beating us into submission. We loved the abuse.Rematch? How about tonight? This time we play the masters! P.S. Let's go elevating. 11-9 HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, BEAR. Love you, Me.11-9 OREGON CREW! Row Hard, Row Well at the Frostbite Regatta GOOD LUCK! AD CLUB Members Party this Saturday. 8 p.m. Flyers on Bob Taber's door. Don't miss this opportunity to see subliminais in your own ice cubes! 11-9 OREGON CREW The only way to stay warm at Frostbite Regatta is to be hot! Good luck in Seattle._1V9 STUDENTS Dating is fun and easy through computer-dating. For computer form send: Name, Address, and 15 to "Dating" Box 3218, Eugene OR 97*03LLJZ GET YOUR CHRISTMAS Shopping Done Earty This Year, Come to Lane County's CHRISTMAS MARKET Nov 10th A 11th 11 a-m. to 8 p.m. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DISCOUNTS IN EVERY BOOTH YOU SEE THERE! 11-9 } BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed NO. IPO MOT THINKS mjuuereniMCAT 'ROT WITH m RMNUSmr. I THINK we SNOOP Rescue me urne jusr mAUNe m khht NOW- SITTING ANOUNP IN A FINK TUNIC tMUMtSte? chanting iNcanpftmNSim .WRITINO 0Y GOP areas m we’ve m m’fHMww to Rescue FROM OUR THA T POOR cmmm my. fvnp... i ifrUfliM TELEPHONE HELLO. BHtoWi MJNUSH CULT cettm’ LetWETALK TO BILL THE CAT YOU COSMIC miKAKES. / r \\ fUC Qutl/ l.HtAl nem) stem mm mmiFues AMlHSTm (ms of buss I KNOW H€'S -meK.e-.you Busseo HIM upwrm mo poztn mm LAST mmi) "THF SfMKW whom mes MMtSTM wen sip THt NFCTAR OF THE HOLY MOCAPO.^ 1 NOW "I want him onimphm NOW"