Netters tuneup for playoffs with Washington schools By Robert L.ollias Of the Emerald The Oregon volleyball team finishes the NorPac conference regular season this weekend with matches against Washington State University and the University of Washington at McArthur Court. The WSU match starts at 5 p.m. today because the men’s basketball game is scheduled to begin at 7:35 p.m. The Husky match will start at 7:30 p.m. at Mac Court on Saturday. The Ducks, 7-2 in the NorPac con ference and 22-10 overall, will be look ing to finish the regular season on a strong note as they prepare for the con ference championships at San Jose State University on November 16-17. The top four teams in the NorPac con ference will take part in the playoffs with the winner getting an automatic NCAA berth. The Ducks, ranked 13th in the latest NCAA poll, have clinched third the conference. The matches against the Washington schools will not change the Ducks’ place in the standings, so Oregon coach Chris Voelz sees the games as two oppor tunities to get ready for the upcoming NorPac playoffs. “We are looking at this weekend's matches as preparation for postseason play,” says Voelz. "We need to make sure that our players are ready for high pressure situations.” WSU, 7-19 for the season, is out of the NorPac playoff picture with a 1-8 league record. The last time the Ducks played the Cougars. Oregon came away with an easy victory 15-3, 15-13 and 15-7. “We beat them pretty soundly the first time arouna, ana we nave progressed a lot since then,” says Voelz. Saturday night, the Ducks meet up with Washington at 7:30 p.m. The match is a must-win for the Huskies who are tied with Oregon State University and Santa Clara University for the fourth and the final NorPac playoff spot. “We will be looking for a tough match from them because of their playoff situa tion,” says Voelz of Washington who has a 4-5 NorPac mark. The Ducks took a three-game win from the Huskies earlier in the season, 15-6. et al MEETINGS PEACE NETWORK a broad coalition of peace and social change groups, will meet Sat. at 10-12 p.m. at the Grower’s Market Building, 454 Willamette, upstairs. Major agenda topic, citizen Response to a U.S, in vasion of Central America. MECHA will have its regular schedul ed meeting today at 5 p.m. in Room 16-D EMU. MISCELLANEOUS CYCLING TEAM Mandatory fundraiser Sun. Nov. 11 at 8 a.m. at Autzen Stadium. Imperative that we all arrive by 8 a.m. Bring a friend. For more information phone Diane at 345-6092. “THE GREAT EVANGELICAL DISASTER” a film based on Francis Schaefer’s book, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Sat. at McKenzie Study Center, 1883 University St. Discussion to follow. Admis sion free. "JOHN F. KENNEDY and the Cuban Missile Crisis'* is the title of a talk to be given by Professor Thomas Paterson. Pater son will speak at 3:30 p.m. on Mon. Nov. 12 in Room 101 EMU. UNIVERSITY CHORALE will give a con cert at 8 p.m. tonight in Beall Concert Hall. THE ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION Will tour the Oriental Collection of the University Art Museum at 3:30 p.m. today. Sign up in Room 221 Friendly, and meet in ] front of the museum. Important meeting follows at 4:30 p.m. in second floor Friend ly to discuss budget and upcoming events. EUGENE SPORTS PROGRAM needs basketball coaches. Students can earn credit coaching through ESCAPE program. Look for ESP table in EMU lobby Wed. , Nov. 14 from 8-3 p.m. or call 683-2373. Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us. For bill ing arrangements, please call 686-4343 or stop by the Emerald offices. 300 EMU. To qualify for a billed account, you must have several valid credit references and leave a *15 deposit. RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change Minimum charges are *1.50 for the first inser tion and *1.20 for consecutive insertions. DEADLINES: Contract and open rate line ads: 1 p m. the day before publication. Contract and open rate display classified ads: 1p.m. two days before publication for the first insertion of new art. 1 p.m. the day before publication for each insertion thereafter unless new art is requested. The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday dur ing the academic year (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday dur ing summer session (June-August) For Sale 2 FUTONS, 1 DOUBLE, 1 Queen. Best offer. 344-1473 Evenings, Robbie or Royce. __11-9 Nordica Comp III Ski boots, size 7Vi. Two years old *95. 687-0231 11-13 FOR SALE: 10 SPEED BIKE. Good Condition. *125 Call 345-9314 11-9 For Sale: ARAI Hairnet *25 Call 345-9314 rua 15” WESTERN SADDLE *150. 345-4490, keep trying.11-9 MOVING SALE! Lots of furniture. Starts Friday 3 p.m., all day Sat-Sun. 1037 E. 19th between Potter and Harris. 342-3725. 11-9 SNOWBOARDS 2 Burton Snowboards for sale, *100 each. Call 344-7510: Phil. 11-9 COMMODORE 84, like new, must sell $150 343-1189 11-16 MOVING, MUST SELL: Two writing desks. Excellent condition. Call 345-5073 11-9 I Garage Sales BIG SALE: Many household items. 10-speed, dryer, like new double size Futon, 35mm camera with lenses, sew ing machine...ALL CHEAP! Fri. through Wed. 10-6 p.m. 1941 University or call 344-8737. 11-12 Instruction IS FAT A FEMINIST ISSUE? Join Bar bara Weisnstein's compulsive-eaters support group. Begins Nov. 14 3:30 p.m.- $10 per 2 hour session. 344-7696. _.11-9 Need German Tutor? Native German speaker with tutoring experience would like to improve your speaking ability and grammar. Please call Jutta 344-1925lt-9 DANCE MASTER CLASS WITH PAT HON GUEST ARTIST FROM SEATTLE Mon. 11/12 8:30 am. IntJAdv Graham Technique Wed. 11/14 10:30 a m. Int. Ballet 1:30 p.m, Elero. Graham Technique 353 Geriinger Annex Admission: Free with U of O Photo ID _ 3620:11-9 BALLROOM BEER GARDEN TODAY! with the Miracle Workers Alternative Food and beverages available ID Required $1 Cover 3635:11-9 Buy & Sell THE BUY A SELL CENTEP. Buy*Sell*Trade Musical intruments. stereo, tools. 361 W. 5th. Services NEED FINANCIAL AID? Computerized matching guarantees 5 to 25 sources Free details: Scholarship Matching Service, Dept. E, Box 12, Cor vallis OR 97339 _3589:tfn MOVING OVERSEAS? Nippon Express can ship your personal belongings at a very reasonable rate! Experienced and Reliable International Freight Forwarders 257-7731 6804 NE 79th CT. PORTLAND, OR 97218 U of O Downstairs EMU 484-0314 MON-FRI 9-5 pm. Nexxus Products Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Sel. Grad, approv ed Near campus. 344-0759. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes, & mass mailings, Grad approved WordStyles 8 TypeScripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-8044 3150:tfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Formerly Bite Typing Service. 484-1846 3146:tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-9405 3145:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Pick up and delivery available Kan or Penny 4*53914 __ 3143:t1n Carol's Prolessional Typing Service Monday Friday 8:30-4:30 Eveings by appointment only 345-2289 3158:tln Word ProceeaingSTyping: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 888-3983. 3157:ttn TYPING/EDITING - Call Sara 6864)739 _3154:ttn WORD PROCESSING T&C Professional Typing Service. Manuscripts, dissertations, theses Graduate School approved. 687-9326 3142:tln GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric ill Call Mina between 3 and 10 p.m. at 726-9824.3149:tfn TYPING- Experienced, last, efficient Reasonable rates Editing included. 345-4379._ 3028:1 In TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 6 EDITING Resumes. Papers, Theses, Disserta tions,Graduate School Approved Typist/Editor AuL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 485-1473 _ 3410:tfn Resumes & Typing Composing, Editing, Accurate Sheila 686-8973 3437:ttn WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Do quali ty work. Correcting Selectric II. Various type elements. Graduate School Ap proved. Call Doris 484-1094. 104t:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST, IBM Correc ting Selectric, Reasonable rates. 689-9537 11-7 QUICK-TYPE Typing Service, inexpen sive and professional service near cam pusl CALL 345-9621,3303:tfn TYPING WANTED Term papers, manuscripts, letters FAST-ACCURATE $.85/page, double space IBM Self Correcting 344-5856 __3619:1114 TYPING, Near Campus. PROFES SIONAL EDITING, grammar, usage, sentence structure, 683-2125 or 345-8644. 11-13 JUNE’S TYPING 689-1724 FAST. ACCURATE. RELIABLE ttn QUALITY GUARANTEED Word Procsssing si Typing Pricss Storage on Disk for Easy Revision Editing*We can type anything! Jennifer 485-3883 HanHar Kaur 344 4885 5 Blocks to UO Graduate Approved -__3361 :tln Professional Quality and Experience for typing needs IBM Graduate Specialist Reasonable Carolyn Sherrell, 344-7231 . 3250UWHF Instruments )RUlltS 4 pc.- Stewart kit with Camber ride Cymbal & high hat Good condition, great beginners set. *385 Includes bass, tom, snare, and floor tom Call 686-4343. leave message lor TIM tin Sound Systems JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1627 Peart Street 3437683 Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m - 1 p.m. 3148:11-12 NAKAMICHI HIQH COM II. noise reduc tion. used only 30 hours Best oiler 3465162 11-9 Books 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% oil list prices •Textbooks*Clill Notes •magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 3152:tfn Bicycles UNIVEGA BICYCLE New, excellent condition Features: 23" frame; 21 pounds; 12 speed; Champion tubing, chrome molly dou ble butted Call 4869714 Room 404 11-12 Cars & Cycles FOR SALE: 1982 red Honda Passport with helmet. 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OR 97321. 11-9 Opportunities THE EMU BOARD is accepting ap plications for one EMU-funded Pro gram Representative This position involves work on the EMU House and/or Budget Committee, and keep ing office hours working with EMU programs A stipend is available for this position, as well as Work-Study Contact Mark Nallia EMU Board Chair at ex. 3724 or Suite Four for 091*19.---3613.1 M3 [THE ASUb EXEtutlVE has two openings for ASUO Program Tags. Program Tags will be expected to act as conduits between ASUO Finance and Program Administration Depart ments, and the ASUO Programs In preparation for the Incidental Fee Committee Budget Hearings Ap plicants should possess good com munication skills and basic understanding of how organizations function. The position requires a minimum of 8 hours/week, with a sti pend of 875/mo. Applications & job descriptions are available in Suite 4 EMU Application deadline Is Wed Nov 14th at 5 p.m. The ASUO is an Af firmative Actton/Equal Opportunity Employer._ 3617:11-12 Doonesbury MICHAEL, KX/VB GOT TO TALKTOHIM. J , WONT PUT UPlAJrTH I THIS ANY L0N6ER! JJ.,ZONK JUST N5dP5 A urne MORE VMETOSOfU HISUFEOUT. Page 10A SORT WSUFEOUT? ALL HO POOS IS UB J.J., I AROUNPANPBAT! ITS REALLY THINK UKB LIVING UHTH A '/OtfRBOVER. BY GARRY TRUDEAU I AM NOT OVERRE ACTING! ITS BEGIN NING TO AFFECT EVERYTHING, MIKE - OUR MJORK, OUR. MARRIAGE, EVEN OURSEKUFE! DONTYOU (( CARE? OF COURSE, I CARE! hby, couu? you K5£P !T POUJN IN H5fie?ItoTKYlNG I'LL TALK TO TO LUATCH T. V. HIM IN THE _ > Mnokiiki^ RECORDS, TAPES & IMPORTS Buy - Sell Trade 258 E. 13th • 342-7975 (Between High and Pearl)