Cars & Cycles 83 2-Or Sentra Red, new tires, 35,000 ml, 38 MPG, 5-speed trans, $4850 344-2188 after 4 p.m. or 686-4343 tfn '79 Renault LECAR, Good condition, Strong engine, 35 MPG, sun roof. $1600 or best offer. 342-2124_ 11-8 76 VW RABBIT, good shape. (1850. 484-4311.__11-12 ULTIMATE ECONOCAR 1977 Rabbit Diesel, Immaculate mechanically, 4050 MPG, roomy, $2400 O.B.O. Randy 485-9186 115 Wanted Used Commodore 64 Computer 484-1081 Opportunities ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES CENTER 104 Condon Hall WE OFFER -an extensive collection of books and periodicals on environmental sub|ects '■and a Sulet place to study THE EMU BOARD is accepting ap plications for one EMU-funded Pro gram Representative. This position involves work on the EMU House and/or Budget Committee, and keep ing office hours working with EMU programs A stipend Is available for this position, as well as Work-Study Contact Mark Nallla. EMU Board Chair at ex. 3724 or Suite Four for drtalls36.1111:1?. THE ASUO EXECUTIVE has two openings tor ASUO Program Tags Program Tags will be expected to act as conduits between ASUO Finance and Program Administration Depart ments. and the ASUO Programs in preparation tor the Incidental Fee Committee Budget Hearings Ap plicants should possess good com munication skills and basic understanding of how organizations function. The. position requires a minimum of 6 hours/week, with a sti pend of $7S/mo Applications & job descriptions are available in Suite 4 EMU Application deadline is Wed Nov 14th at 5 p m. 3617:11-12 I | Help Wanted IOVEi5EiiisT55S^Summer-yea^'Ou^d Europe. S America Australia. Asia All Fields *900*2000 month. Sightseeing. Free info Write IJC, PO Bo* 52-QR-3. Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 tin OREGON ELECTRIC STATION, 27 E. I* 5th Applications accepted tor follow ing positions: Host, Busperson, Servers- food and cocktail Apply in per son between 2-4. p.m. Mon • Fit 3538:11-8 MOTHERS HELPER: needed for 2 A 4 year olds Flexible hour, possible ex change for room and board For inter view: Cyndi 687 9326 3584 11 8 THE INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE is accepting applications for three Budget Analyst positions. The positions in volve fiscal and performance analysis for the IFC, which allocates funds to student groups Upper-division students with business or accounting backgrounds are prefer red. At least 10-12 hours/week. Approx imately *l25/mo, stipend or workstudy available Applications and job descrip tion available in Suite 3 EMU Applica tions are due Monday Nov 12 at 5 p.m. 3588:11-8 WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED. Clerical work In pleasant office surroun dings including data entry and some training on Wang Main Frame Com puter Call Karen 686-3006 for appoint ment for interview3591:11-9 Free Rent t Board in exchange for help ing pleasant elderly university graduate with some meal preparation, medicine monitoring, light housekeeping and laundry Share convenient condo Need upper-class or graduate female student who is patient and loving References required Immediate opening. 342-4178 evenings __ 3606:11-9 Graduate Student with Argumentation background. We will pay you to judge college debates and individual events. Thurs- Frl.- Sat 11/15 11/18 11/17 Call X4180 or X4171 for Imformatlon. _ 3603:11-12 I MOTHERS: Separated or divorcing? The Oregon Social Learning Center is studying the effect of divorce on the family. If you have separated within the last 3-12 months and have a son 6-12 years old, you can participate and earn *200 Call Judy 485-2711. 3300 UWH LEADERSHIP POSITION: The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has openings for Public Schools and Community Service Assistant Division Heads These posi tions require inter-personal com munication, group process, self motivation and the ability to motivate others Responsibilities include train ing and supervising 6-10 coordinators, placing 200-300 University volunteers in the public schools and community ser vices each term, problem solving, documentation of division business, curriculum development, and participa tion In several committees. Compensa tion: up to 7 credits, workstudy options available. Commitment Is a minimum of 21 hours per week Applications are available at the ESCAPE Office (327 EMU) and are due Friday November 16 at 12 p.m. For more information contact Elyce at 886-4351. Affirmative Ac tlon/Equal Opportunity Employer. 3610:11-9 RETAIL SALES CLERK Personable, knowledge of interior plants required. 2 to 3 days/week. Must work weekends. Apply at 1915 W. 11th, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed Thurs or Frl, Nov 7-9 only.11-9 Oregon Daily Emerald FINANCIAL AID NEEDS ANALYST Applications are being accepted through Wednesday , November 28, 1984 tor the position of Financial Aid Needs Analyst In the University of Oregon Office of Student Flanclal Aid. This Is a 15-20 hour per week position from mid-January, 1985 to mid-June, 1985 at aproximately $5 per hour. Duties include analysis of financial aid applications using prescribed methods, the selection of correct budgets, and packaging of aid. Can didates must be currently enrolled University of Oregon upper division or graduate students with a strong academic record, be able to work well with numbers, and have strong com munication skills. Preference will be given to persons who have quick lear ning abilities, fast and accurate work methods, are self confident, decisive, and can work well under pressure. On ly persons willing to make a serious commitment to the task will be selected Applicants should send a let ter of application, resume, and academic transcript to Edmond Vignoul. Director, Office or Student Financial Aid, University of Oregon, Room 260, Oregon Hall, Eugene. OR 97403. For more information call 686-3221 The University of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Ac lion Employer _ 3608:11-9 KIT. WORKERS WANTED 2 Hardworking, Reliable Persons to do general Kitchen clean-up at student living Organization 686-3466 Ask for Kitchen Managers _11-8 ARTWORK NEEDED Local business needs some line draw ings done Immediately. 485-3350.11-8 EARN A FREE CPA REVIEW COURSE. Represent Becker CPA Review Course on campus Average working time 1 hour per week. Call Anne collect. 1-248-1983. 3624:11-13 THE RAMON ES ARE COMING! AND TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW! SATURDAY DEC. 1 EMU BALLROOM 8 P.M. $9.50 UO Students $10.50 General Public Ticket s available at EMU Main Desk, Earth River amd Everybody’s Records. Produced by the EMU CULTURAL FORUM 3618:11-12 Roommates i/F To Share 3 bedroom home with two other roommates Nice neighborhood $130 month Ted 344-644611-8 MATURE^ OR GRADUATE STUDENT wanted to share house Close to cam pus, other conveniences. Call Tom. days/ evenings at 342-6351 or X5620. 116 COUPLE OR SINGLE: Large master bedroom with private bath in im maculate 3 bedroom house east of cam pus, fireplace, decking, garage, lots of storage S190 plus utilities. 344-4017 11-9 For Rent Adolphe House A Christian co-op is now accepting Live in and Live out applications for winter and spring terms. Call 687-1639, ask for Kristy. __11-9 WHEELERS BED A BREAKFAST Coburg, Oregon 97401. Phone: 503344-1366 Vi mi. off 1-5, 7 mi. N. of Eugene, 12 minutes to downtown Eugene 11-9 Quads 4EWER QUAD all utilities paid. $139 Near University, 1866 Harris. 343-0981, or 3446941. 3456:tfn Dorm Contracts LEAVING Must sell contract, case of beer In cluded. Alan 485-9762/485-9605. 11-21 Lost & Found -LOST Engraved locket. Extreme sentimental value. If lound please call Karen 342-4622 or turn In to campus securi ty REWARD. 116 25' HOT DOG NIGHT THURSDAY 6-10 p.m. Beer, wine & good sandwiches Enjoy our outdoor patio ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1461 Vi E. 19th (Near 19th & Agate) jooooomHBBtbooo ooonoooooaU JUUTboooooc.oaao J>*VJrQ Mandarin aoQaoaaaaoaaaoaoooaaaaaaaa Dally Spaclal Chines* Lunch jH *19$ by Full Court* Chines* Dinner *395 -m l?th & Hiiyard 11 am -10pm fa 343-5234 ^ I FALL CREEK BAKERY WWWWWWiWWWWWMWV next to UO Bookstore 484-1662 Continental Breakfast *1 FEATURING; Croissant or cream cheese pastry, coffee, tea, or fresh juice. MONDAY FRIDAY 6-10:30 am Events BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENT Sunday Nov. 11th at the Shilo Inn at 2;30 p.m Must be 21 and must register by Saturday the 10th. For more information calf 726-1261. 11-9 U S POLICIES IN LEBANON: Failure or Sucess. By Hilton Obenzinaer. Date: Nov. 13, '84. Time: 1 p.m. Place: 101 EMU 11-8 Doll & Toy Festival Nov. 10th, 11th,- 10 a m. to 5 p.m." Lane County Fairgrounds Adults: S1, children: S 50 BENEFIT PEARL BUCK CENTER. 11-9 University Theatre Presents HEDDA GABLER Henrik Ibsen's classic story about one woman s struggle to control her own destiny features one of the most fascinating women in theatrical literature! NOVEMBER 15-17, 29, 30 & Dec. 1 ROBINSON THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 p.m. S3.25 for U of O Students 14 for Seniors and other students $5 for the General Public Call 606-4191 for ticket reservations __3614:11-181 THE SNOW’S HERE! GRAB YOUR GEAR! Come down to the U of O Outdoor Program and check out our snow trips Basement- EMU. For more in formation call 606-4365. 3613:1.17 TALKING TO THE RUSSIANS A report on Soviet perception of the U.S. and its foriegn policy. Free public lecture by law student Mat thew Mosner, who recently returned from a debating tour of the Soviet Union. 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Nov 8, EMU Forum Room. 3592:11-8 LOS FALCONS ROCK ’N’ ROLL TONITE TAYLOR’S 13th & Kincaid 114 Council for Human Rights in Latin America presents HARD TIMES LUNCH Authentic Latin Food s2.00 THURSDAY 11:30 - 2 pm. 1236 KINCAID (NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE) Entertainment JAZZ/BLUES Records-Book* CAT’S MEOW JAZZ « BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fifthpearl Bldg. 5th & Pearl 3155HF B ROCK N’ THE HULT THE JERRY GARCIA BAND Plus Special Guest Michael Hedges WED. DEC 5 7 p.m. SILVA ON SALE NOW All Hull outlets, EMU Main Desk 687-5000 PORTLAND’S STARRYNIGHT DEC. 6 8:30 p.m. • Tickets: Gl Joe's For Deadhead information Call ♦lfr-457-MW_ DON’T MISS the ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE CARTOON FESTIVAL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9th 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. 177 Lawrence Admission: 52.00P1.00 \ THE BIJOU • 3.MJLM-M-M umiim 492 E 13th SM JtSf Use Your CAMPUS WELCOME Coupons. FRI SAT 7:15 & 9:30 SAT SUN Bargain Matinee 4 pm. ALSO MIDNITE FRI SAT!! SUN THURS 7 t 9 pm. KZEL Welcomes Bijou Late-nite Held over by popular demand ROBERT DENIRO TAXI DRIVER with Jodie Foster The film that drove John Hinckley Jr. to shoot a president 2 Days Only WED-THURS 11 pm. 52 Cultural Forum CINEMA ★★★★★★★★ FRIDAY Nov 9 150 Geo. RUMBLE FISH Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Starring Matt Dillon and Diane Lane. Music by Stewart Copeland. ★ ★★★★★★★ SATURDAY Nov 10 150 Geo. THE RIGHT STUFF An interesting and very entertaining look at the beginnings of America’s space program. Winner of 4 Academy Awards in 1984. ★ ★★★★★★★ SUNDAY Nov 11 180 PLC 8 p.m. ONLY BEACH BLANKET BINGO Starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. This is the 50's bikini classic that swept the Cannes Film Festival (just kidding). Still, a fun movie worth a few laughs. Admis sion is only 1 dollar! ★ ★★★★★★★ ALL SHOWS $1.50 (Except BEACH BLANKET BINGO) -:_3609:11-9 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center U of O telephone hotline. 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488.3144:tfn FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100. 2 p.m. M-F 3162WHF PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an eariy pregnancy test that is 99% accurate. Call for appt. 344-9411.3500:H BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free Pregnancy testing. Confidential Bir thright. 687-8651 _3162:H REAGAN SUPPORTERS GRAB YOUR GUNS. You'll soon die for what you believe in.11-8 MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 1948:WHF COMPATIBLE SINGLES, meet through Northcoast Connections. Discreet, per sonalized introductions since 1981. Student specials. Free information. PO Box 11663, Eugene OR 97440 342-1274, eves3386: WHF Ken Tameishi John Arenz & Chris Wade You guys think you're so neat. But what’s to come will be my treat. For a little whipping cream in one's hair, Is actually nothing to compare. For what I have in mind. Will be revenge of the sweetest kind. TRC 3615:11-8 John Tiesing Hey crashmaster. we've Forgotten what you look like. The lightweights. 3621:11-8 Happy Birthday Mike Leahy Love ya lots, Lisa 11-8 CHRIS HAMILTON UO MENS & WOMENS CROSS COUNTRY TEAM GOOD LUCK AT DISTRICTS!) 1T8 Phi PSi Mike: Better scrap your preppies and your cloves, we need cowboy boots and Western clothes. Loaded with booze we'll romp in the hay until the sun turns the night to day. Love, Gamma Phi Heidi. 11-8 4 More Years. AMERICA BY A LANDSLIDE. it-8 Alpha Delta Pi Welcomes and congratulates Motly Mullen on her pledging Pi. Love, the members.__11-8 Tashia, Thursday's here! looks like you can finally relax. Have a great weekend. Love, little brother. PS. Tots and Shawn, a big thanks from Big Juan!11-8 Steve, Clean your room before we come down this weekend. Love, Mom. 3596:11-8 Kendra L. isn’t SHELLEY pretty! S.T.C. 11-8 REAGANITES: Heard of the mushroom cloud? YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET. « Mr. Z-14, To my blonde Beaverton Boy, who gives me so much joy. Motel 66 was great, But Friday night I'll see how you rate. Love, Ms. LeBon : n-8 tob ROMAN ORGY TW!NS,Hey! Thanks ♦or the pre-func on Saturday night. Lemonade Slurpees are GREAT! Love. Simon A John.11-6 STUDENTS Dating is fun and easy through computer-dating. For computer form send: Name, Address, and $5 to “Dating” Box 3218, Eugene OR 97403.11-12 The Music Man Happy Birthday Love, Flee & Sed 1V€ I ¥ KRISTI Signed, Ct. IN HdL SIMPLY AMAZING BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed vou.'/wv wrto. m m ftfptcuLoud smpm'f mi no im/varies! me polls/ ..M me Deems ' usm'rnm PISTKAUbHT.. *ONPAL£ IS 100 / CAM SM JUST ONE MW? JUSTONE NO' im not USTBM! PHPTFPtif ppm/ Page 7