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No product purchase necessary. Everclear bottled by World Wide Distilled Products Company, St. Louis, MO 63139. Coupons in the Emerald save you money. ^Check every page, every day. It pays. Page 4 , , 3 n i i .j regional Measure 2 falls by wayside PORTLAND (AP) — Orego nians defeated a statewide pro perty tax limit measure by a hair-thin margin in Tuesday’s general election, the fourth loss for the proposed constitutional amendment in six years. With complete or partial returns from 2,418 of the state’s 2,444 precincts, the measure was failing by 20,000 votes out of more than 1.1 million cast. About 40,000 absentee ballots remained to be counted.But an analysis by The Associated Press of tallied results indicated the measure could not win without landslide votes in favor of it among the absentee voters. Early returns irk state voters From Emerald and wire service reports A significant number of registered voters in Oregon were discouraged from voting after hearing television reports of Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory, but the network projec tions did not cause people already at the polls to leave the lines, a researcher said Wednesday. Dr. William Adams, professor of administration at George Washington University, called the impact oil voter turnout “less than trivial. In our survey, we definitely encountered a number of people who said that projections had a decisive in fluence on their decision not to vote.” Adams offered some preliminary observations from 1,250 interviews of Oregon voters conducted between 5 and 7:15 p.m. Tuesday. Half the in terviews were with people who said they hadn’t voted. Adams said more comprehen sive statistical information would be available on Thurs day. Adams said he “couldn’t even speculate” yet on the party-affiliation breakdowns for the non-voters. Adams said the study found "enormous hostility” to the idea of projections. “In many of our interviews, we received a lot of unsolicited complaints about projections,” he said. CBS called the election for Reagan at 5 p.m. Pacific time, ABC at 5:13 and NBC at 5:30, when polls in 26 states remain ed open. Adams’ study was done in the 1st Congressional District, where four-term Democratic Rep. Les AuCoin won a rematch with Republican Bill Moshof sky, taking 54 percent of the vote, about the same as two years ago. Adams said his researchers monitored 80 precincts in the 1st District on Tuesday, and “we did not find any evidence of masses of people leaving the lines in the waning hours — after the networks had made it clear that Ronald Reagan had long since won.” Four years ago, incumbent 2nd District Rep. Al Ullman lost to Republican Denny Smith, and Adams said that the Ullman campaign claimed “that hun dreds of people left the line dur ing a parallel period during the day.” Representatives of Portland’s three network affiliates said many of the callers were under the impression that the net works were going to refrain from such projections due to the controversy that surrounded the same issue four years ago. Oregon television stations were deluged with protest calls Tuesday after all three major networks projected a landslide victory for incumbent Ronald Reagan in the presidential elec tion, nearly three hours before the polls closed in Oregon. “We must have had 500 or 600 calls so far,” said Ross Mason, news director at Portland ABC affiliate KATU. “I’ve never heard anything like this.. . People are really upset.” Eugene ABC-affiliate KEZI began receiving telephoned complaints at about 4:15 p.m. — just after the network began to project a Reagan victory. Receptionist Karen Clarke said she received 15 or 20 calls within a IStminuter period just after ABC’s initial projections. “Many of the callers were very hostile,” she said. Clarke said that KEZI also received complaints just after 8:30 — 32 within seven minutes — when the station broke away from former Vice Pres. Walter Mondale’s concession speech to local election coverage. “They’ve been just rude and obnoxious,” Clarke said of the callers. “One man actually yell ed at me over the phone. . .It’s frustrating, but on a night like this it's par for the course.” KVAL wasn’t keeping a precise tally of complaints, but political analyst Russell Sadler reported that the CBS affiliate received “quite a few.” Sadler added that many callers were upset about network coverage of presidential election returns from the East before polls on the West Coast had closed. KMTR, an NBC affiliate, reported receiving about 15 to 20 calls between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Portland stations KOIN (CBS) and KGW (NBC) also reported numerous protest calls. KOIN claimed 16 in 20 minutes. “Our switchboard has just been swamped and that poor woman is on the verge of tears,” said Elliott Eki, KGW assistant news director. “They're calling up and are being very obscene, and they’re mad about something you or 1 or the swithcboard operator has no control over.” In southern Oregon, ABC af filiate KOBI in Medford receiv ed 25 to 30 calls from “about 4 or 5 o’clock through 8:30,” ac cording to receptionist Danelle Baine. Like the Portland station representatives. Baine said that many callers thought there would be no repeat of the 1980 controversy. “They were really upset.” The switchboard was quiet at KOT1 in Klamath Falls, however. A receptionist, who requested that she not be iden tified. reported that the ABC CBS affiliate received one call of complaint. Solon calls for election reform THE DALLES (AP) — Dif ficulties in running Wasco County elections in the face of fear of the followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh point out the need for a reform of Oregon’s liberal election laws, state Rep. Wayne Fawbush said Wednesday. Though Rajneeshhees largely boycotted the election, their im portation of thousands of homeless street people to their central Oregon commune-city was interpreted by many as an attempt to pack the polls for Raj neeshee candidates. Fawbush, a Hood River Democrat who swamped The Dalles Mayor John Lundell to win a fifth term, said Oregon should move the deadline for registration back at least three days from election day and in crease proof required to establish residency. Fawbush added, however, that he felt the Rajneeshees and the rest of Wasco County could learn to get along someday. “The way they are trying to deliver their message now, with confronts ion and abuse, we are not going to tolerate that," he said. "If they stabilize their population, I think we can get along. I think they may have something to contribute.” Rajneeshee spokeswoman Ma Prem Isabel said the followers of the guru would likely challenge the election, claiming thousands were denied the right to vote. .. A -4 ~C y* f£ try our new lunch menu jt -*r- *P N0W available PSJiiXG MJjrBAVJr SATURDAY & SUNDAY * CHINESE COMBINATION LUNCH * ALL SERVED WITH EGG FLOWER SOUP & CHINESE TEA (CHOICE OF PORK FRIED RICE OR PORK CHOW MEIN) 1. CRISPY SHRIMP EGG ROLL.2.75 2. SWEET & SOUR PORK.3.00 3. DEEP FRIED SESAME SEED CHICKEN FILLETS.3.25 (ADD SWEET & SOUR SAUCE 25C EXTRA) 4. DEEP FRIED SHRIMP’S.3.50 (ADD SWEET & SOUR SAUCE 25