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Millions of West Germans, a wide majority of the voting populace according to all opi nion polls, firmly opposed the stationing of American Per shing and Cruise missiles on German soil. They simply did not want any more nuclear weapons over which an American commander of NATO would have exclusive control. I couldn’t blame them. The coalition in power then, the one shoving those un wanted missiles down their throats, was the same one that a clear majority of the German voters had just elected the previous March. I was confus ed. Had the German people been duped? Was the missile issue one which arose after the election? No. neither was the Ask about our $1.99 Satisfying Lunch Special Mon-Fri 11:00a. m. -3:00p. m. INTRODUCING FRESHLY BAKED SUB ROLLS The Fresh Alternative is even fresher with our oven-fresh sub rolls, baked on the premises. So don't settle for styrofood served on styrobuns Come up to Subway where the sandwiches and salads are always fresh and delicious Oie Sra/t^-libutatu# Open 7 Days a Week til 1 am! 13th & Hiiyard • 484-6955 case. Surprisingly, many people who voted that coalition into power were devoting substan tial time and energy to the pro test movement. They called it the gravest issue of our lifetime. Some close friends of mine join ed the Communist party and openly talked of revolution as it became increasingly clear that deployment of the missiles would procede as scheduled. They were deeply frustrated. I couldn’t blame them. But what had happened in the election of March, 1983? How could democracy have so miserably failed to reflect the people’s collective will? The answer: “That was an election on economic issues.” The blame is their own. It seems that the recent U.S. presidential election was on economic issues too. Who can blame a voter for thinking about his financial well-being? I just wonder how long it will take the irresponsible, elitist and egregiously inhumane policies of a lameduck Reagan administration to once again in still the fire of revolt into the hearts of the American people. Long live democracy! Gil Gott German Dept. Morally wrong A few generations ago, a deci sion was handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States, concerning a man nam ed Dred Scott. This decision reflected current poplular opi nion of much of American society. Stated simply, it declared that because Dred Scott was a black man, he was not to be considered fully human and therefore was not entitled to protection under the law. In our generation, again reflecting the moral consensus of much of America, the Supreme Court has delcared a living, human fetus to be less than a human being and thus not protected by law. Abortion has now become a legally sanc tioned means of birth control. Generally speaking, we now believe that slavery was morally wrong, in spite of what the law of the land declared, although large numbers of slave owners felt themselves to be fully justified in treating black peo ple as non-human property. What do you suppose history (not to mention our Creator) will say about our treating our own offspring as less human, and killing them? William Moore Music Gay tendencies In response to Brandon Shepard and Fred Elledge’s let ters on the “GALA” article, if all you live for is to spit out hate and live to take one more jab at some minority you’re in the wrong organization. Instead of being backed by Christianity, why don't you move to Grants Pass, join the Ku Klux Klan, and live happily ever after with very few minorities around to bother you? Or are the Church and KKK the same thing? Are they interchangeable? Anyone can read what they want into and from the bible — it’s been revised enough so peo ple could do just that. If you can’t stand to have your money wasted, why don’t you change schools to BYU or some other degressive program. Education means also opening up your mind. Any first year psychology student could say that your fear of homosexuality, being so pro minant to your existance, stems from the fact that maybe you fear it exists in yourself. From hearing you froth at the mouth every term on the subject, I’d say you are both reacting to the fear that you yourselves might have gay tendencies. It’s a very common defense mechanism, so be reassured you are not a minority in that respect. Ann Piazza Senior, psychology Good job We of the Eugene Pioneer Cemetery Association and the lot owners’ association, wish to express our thanks for the Nov. 3 efforts of the University’s sorority and fraternity members in the cemetery. They en thusiastically did the finish work (weed-eating around the stones, demossing curbings, trimming shrubs, and raking) that has been financially im possible for the Association to do despite over $3000 and four ten-day maintenance sessions each spent in the cemetery’s 16 acres this year. Their attention to detail makes the part they were physically able to cover look like a well-kept park with plenty of visibility. The University’s Public Rela tions and Greek Public Rela tions Council’s choice to make the cemetery their community service project of the year is recognition that they value it, their neighbor, for its historical significance and its place as quiet, needed “open space” in the midst of busy surroundings. The project was very well organized to make it fun as well as work for the volunteers. Special thanks go to the Coun cil’s members, Jeff Corah, Ran dy Putz, Carey Beneke, who supervised and did leg work ob taining needed tools and return ing them. With future leaders such as the young men and women whom I saw working harmoniously together Satur day as I kept our maintenance building and rest rooms open, our future would seem to be in good hands. Ruth Halmes Eugene Pioneer Cemetery Nature of man Man is but an element in nature, unique and different from other life. Being human, man thinks and acts for himself, unlike other animals that are controlled by nature. Man is in control of himself and uses his knowledge to do what he feels is right. Like a child using his knowledge without parental guidance, man has polluted his thinking by willfully killing his own kind. Man has also polluted his physical environ ment, the air he breathes and the water he drinks. Aren't these self-destructive acts similar to that of a child try ing to run before he can walk? Man seems to be falling on his face, like the child that learns to stand, and is so proud that when he starts to walk he tries to run. All life is equal in the eyes of nature, no one life form is any more important than the next. Nature is balanced for the sur vival and reproduction of all life. Only* man can control himself. It's up to man to get back in touch with nature for his survival. As nature’s in teraction with life shows caring, so should man. If there is a god. I believe God is love. Love is the highest degree of caring. Only through love and understanding can we start caring for each other. Walt Zabel Livermore, CA Letters Policy The Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing fair comment on topics of interest to the University community. Letters to the editor must be limited to 250 words, typed, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is turned in. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length, style or content. Letters to the editor should be turned into the Emerald office. Suite 300, EMU. Oregon daily _ . emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403. The Emerald operates independently of the Universi ty with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press. General Staff Advertising Director Production Manager Classified Advertising Controller Susan Thelen Russell Steele Rose Anne Raymond Jean Ownbey Ad Sales: David Wood, Marcia Leonard, Tim Clevenger, Laura Buckley, Roberta Oliver, Laurie Noble, Jennifer Fox. Production: David Bryant, Kelly Comyn, John Dorsey, Storm! Dykes, Julie Freeman, Kathy Gallagher, Dean Guernsey, Susan Hawkins, Kirk Hirota, Karin McKercher, Lauri Neely, Kelly Neff, Curt Penrod, Tamye Riggs, Michele Ross, Peg Solonika, Timothy Swillinger, Colleen Tremaine, Eileen Tremaine, Hank Trotter. 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