FARM NEWS ALL OF OUR MOUNTAIN GOATS ARE NOW STUFFED WITH DOWN. Pricetag - Continued from Page 1 background in critical reading and writing skills.” she says. The center’s program is based on the same principles as • the ones offered by Evelyn Wood. Lesyk says. It is better, however, because it focuses specifically on textbooks and because it is a distillation of the most helpful elements of other programs, he says. Mike Murrow, the Learning Resources Center’s speed reading instructor, is a graduate of Evelyn Wood’s course. He says that while there is nothing wrong with Evelyn Wood's course, there is also nothing that makes it worth ten times the cost of the University’s course. The techniques used in both courses are similar. Mur row says. Hand-pacing techni ques that force the eye to move more quickly across text are us ed, and students usually can ex pect to increase their.reading rate 20-25 percent in the first lesson. Hubin says he does not want to discredit Evelyn Wood’s program, but he says students should know that there is a comparable speed-reading alternative available to them on campus for a fraction of the cost. Gould Continued from Page 3 French course. All GTFs are ex pected to attend Gould's class to learn what she calls the "rationalist-direct method of teaching,” which concentrates on developing one-on-one French communication bet ween the teacher and the student. "Communicating with peo ple is what teaching is all about,” Gould says. “1 think it’s very important to interact with my students." Learning a foreign language can be difficult, but most of Gould's students say having an entertaining teacher makes it easier. “She is so unique, so bub bly and full of non-stop energy," says Heinka Peterson, a student in Gould’s class. Vote for RENTER Relief Vote YES on 2 RENTERS Stop Rent Increases Vote YES on 2 CAN’T BUY A HOME With Lower Taxes Yes You Can! Vo.. YES on 2 Pd for by Oregon Taxpayers Union Looking for a good deal? Check the Emerald ADS.