The race for U.S. senator A Hatfield-Hendriksen feud By Dave Berns Of Iho hm«*rald The U.S. Senate race between incumbent Republican Mark Hatfield and his Democratic challenger, state Sen. Margie Hendriksen, has never hit full stride. Hatfield has been on the state political scene ever since his election to the Oregon State House in 1950. Following a four-year stint in the House, Hatfield served as a state senator (1954-56), Oregon secretary of state (1956-58). governor (1958-66) and since 1966, IJ.S. senator. Since 1980. when the Republicans gained control of the Senate. Hatfield has served as chair of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, which annually votes on spen ding limits for the federal budget. Hendriksen. on the other hand, has only held elective of fice for four years. Elected to the Oregon House in 1980. she served for one term, then ran for and won the Eugene state Senate seat held by Republican George. Wingard. Hendriksen is chair of the Senate I,abor Committee and a member of both the Senate •Revenue and judiciary committees. Hendriksen has attempted to paint Hatfield as "Ronald Reagan's man." She says Hat field supported the president's a Mark Hatfield nominations of )ames Watt as secretary of interior. Kenneth Adelinan as director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and William Casey as director of the CIA. Hendriksen points to Mat field's opposition to abortion, as well as his support of what she terms the president's “rose garden plan,’’ which calls for the yearly growth of the defense budget by 7 percent over the rate of inflation. Kick Rolf, foreign policy ad viser to Hatfield, says that his boss has been successful over the past four years in cutting the proposed Reagan defense budgets by $50 billion. Rolf also refers to the dif ferences between Hatfield and the president on arms control. ‘‘President Reagan and his ad ministration have held a disgraceful posture in dealing with arms control... some of his views do not mesh with the reality of the survival of the human race.” Hatfield, along with Sen. Ed ward Kennedy, I)-Mass.. has been a prime sponsor of the nuclear freeze initiative in the Senate, Rolf says. Hendriksen is not satisfied, however. Hendriksen says her oppo nent has chaired the committee that has passed the president's defense budgets, creating the largest defense expenditures in IJ.S. history. The two also differ on the Reagan tax cut. Hendriksen criticizes Hatfield for suppor ting the 1981 cut, which reduc ed income tax rates by 25 per cent over three years-, provided business and investment tax in centives! and called for the in dexing of tax brackets starting in 1985. Hendriksen supports the Mondale budget plan, which .Would restore much of. the tax cut. repeal indexing: and• close many of the tax loopholes that benefit businesses. She also supports the Bradley-Gephardt bill, Which would restructure the present system of tax brackets. “These, are the issues that must be debated by our senior senator," she says. Hatfield, however, has refus ed to debate his opponent. Rolf attributes this to the senator’s belief that debates are not a good educational tool in an election. Hendriksen says that Hatfield is running scared. In spite of°a large lead in the polls and a sizable campaign0 budget, Hatfield has had some problems. Although he is honorary co chair of the president’s re election committee in Oregpn. Hatfield has attempted to distance himself from the presi dent. He has also had to face charges of impropriety in his dealings with Greek businessman Basil Tsakos. The Tsakos affair first arose in August following disclosures by political columnist Jack Anderson that Hatfield’s wife Antoinette had received $55,000 in payments from Tsakos while the senator was pushing a Tsakos trans-African pipeline project. Hatfield claims the payments were made to his wife in return for her efforts in helping the Tsakos family find and decorate an apartment in Washington. I).C. Hatfield has since been cleared of any wrong doing by the Senate Kthics Committee, but is still under investigation Margie Hendriksen by the FBI. Hendriksen fears that Reagan, if re-elected, may block any fur ther investigations info the af fair. “If this is so. will Senator Hatfield be. open to blackmail by members of the president's administration?" She further charges that Oregon has lost approximately $690 million in federal aid since Hatfield took over as chair of the appropriations committee. Hendriksen bases this claim on a study done by Fiscal Plann ing Services Inc., a manage ment information service based in Washington. D.C. "This will have meant a loss of $80 million to Lane County between the fiscal years 1982 and 1984,” she says. The study claims Oregon has experienced federal funding reductions of 18 percent in grants-in-aid to state and local governments, 64 percent in job training programs, 12 percent in education block grants, and 7 percent in child nutrition programs. Hatfield aide Lon Fendall says that the study is flawed and is based on false assumptions. He says the inflation rate used in projecting the growth of pro gram budgets is much higher than the actual current rate. The programs' rates of growth were cut, not actual benefits. Danger Signals of Pinched Nerves HEADACHES LOSS OF SLEEP STIFFNESS OF THE NECK FREE SPINAL EXAMINATION PAINFUL — JOINTS NUMBNESS IN THE ARMS OR HANDS Why FREE? 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