regional OSU president raps measure CORVALLIS (AP) — Oregon State University Pres. Robert MacVicar has lent his name to a direct-mail campaign against a I'.... ballot measure to tighten state standards for disposal of low level radioactive waste. MacVicar’s letter says that as a scientist and educator, he’s urging defeat of Measure 9 as unnecessary regulation and harassment of a company the measure’s sponsors “don’t hap pen to like.” Teledyne Wah Chang Albany has said the measure would re quire it to spend up to $25 million to move 60,000 cubic yards of sludge from its Millersburg metals manufactur ing plant site to an out-of-state site. Jim Denham, a spokesman for the company, said Wah Chang approached Mac Vicar to ask for his help in the campaign against the measure, “and he was happy to do that.” 1 WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIALS ARE BACK!!! at TRACK TOWN PIZZA \S^ Sl^ * “TRICK OR TREAT” ^ 00 Any Medium * I OFF Pizza Any Large or Giant Pizza (Remember the Magic Card?) FREE DELIVER 484-2799 1809 FRANKLIN BLVD. (Right Across From Campus) About 800.000 copies of the letter have been mailed to households around the state. Denham said. In his letter, MacVicar said people are constantly exposed to natural radiation and that the Wah Chang sludge is no more radioactive than common building materials and a table salt substitute. The Wah Chang sludge has been thoroughly tested and. in a state Health Division study, was found to pose no significant health risk, MacVicar’s letter said. He said Oregon already has ‘‘very tough" standards for the disposal of low-level radioac tive waste. Anti-nuclear activist Lloyd Marbet, principal supporter of the measure, has acknowledged that the measure woujd force Wah Chang to- move the waste away . from . the Willamette River.' But Marbet says .the restric tions also are aimed at any'new., uranium milling operations that. might locate in‘Oregon.. Forest Service guarding trees Krom the ******* P"** In an effort dubbed Operation FSKE-ira spikes into -Dongle* '« •», marked for logging; The Rotbr Sale parcel, so named tmeuse it eventually wiU be harvested by Aurora r^n'^“t ir The Hardesty Avengers, ap patently taking their name run the mountain where ,he trees urow. reacted to the sales > spiking a number of trees. M informed forest officials o spikes in a letter.. • Mearlv .10 Forest Service employees spent the weekend employe e With metal searching for spumes detectors and extracting ‘hejj wi,h crowbars. Humphrey .» d several hundred were diTli now continuing » monitor the aituation tobe sure it doesn't happen again, don, expect that any more nails placed "itomphrey said that a reward of $5,000 has been posted formation leading to the arres and conviction of those respom sible for spiking the trees, he said. t-shirts CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING Wholesale Quantities • CAPS . VISORS - JACKETS . SPORT SHIRTS . LONG SLEEVE T-shirts SWEAT SHIRTS SpMiftftij 1865 W. 6th Eugene] 686-8104