Peak performance starts in the mind Photo by Michael Clapp fudy Foster (1.) and Kay Porter help accentuate the psychological as well as physical factors impor tant in peak athletic performance. Good news front Trailways: We’ve just increased our schedule. Now there are more buses daily between Eugene and Seattle and all points in between. Schedule 5 TIMES DAILY TO: Portland Albany Salem 4 TIMES DAILY TO: Seattle Tacoma Vancouver 2 TIMES DAILY TO Ft Lewis Olympia Chehalis Kelso Longview Roseburg Grants Pass Medford LESS MONEY We’re lowering fares like you’ve never seen. The fact is, you can’t help but save money on Trail ways. Two for One* Beginning October 4 through November 10, pay one fare to anywhere Trailways Lines, Inc. goes, take a companion with you free. (Both passengers must travel together.) And the deal gets better. Save 25%* Purchase any Trailways Lines, Inc. ticket from October 4 until November 10, at Eugene, Seattle, or any point in between and you’ll get a coupon good for 25% off. Discount must be used at any of those same places from November 11 through December 15. Save on Shipping, Too Plus there are great deals from the same places on Redibox * ($2 off October 1 through November 10) and Package Express (50% off October 1 through November 10). And of course, low fares everywhere to Sacramento and 12,000 other destinations. So with more buses and less money, there’s only one way to go. Go Trailways. 957 PEARL ST. (503) 342-5331 GotaMimays "These special discounts can be purchased from selected cities only Call Trailways for details Discounts good on Trailways Unes, Inc. Not good with other discounts Sub|ect to I C.C approval By Marilyn Osgood-Knight Of the Emerald The room was familiar, the sounds quietly melodic. She felt her breathing deepen as her body sank back into the chair. After reaching an alpha state of consciousness, the University varsity track athlete began call ing up her private video screen ing. What she saw and ex perienced would have impor tant psychological and physiological ramifications in future competition. Welcome to the world of men tal training for peak perfor mance. also known as creative visualization, mental rehearsal, pregame meditation or instant preplay. This technique is being used increasingly at the Univer sity, both by varsity athletes and recreational sports buffs. For 15 or 20 minutes several times a week, an athlete relaxes his or her body and “practices” a specific sport .mentally, im agining success and perfect form. In addition to improving performance, advocates say mental training can improve concentration and increase awareness of body position. It can also quicken the speed of learning new skills, restore energy, remove psychological blocks, improve relations bet ween teammates and coaches, expedite the healing process, and heighten enjoyment of a favorite sport. And expensive equipment or long-term training aren't necessary to learn the process, accord ing to University graduates. Kay Porter and Judy Foster, who have joined forces to work in the field of sports and organizational psychology under the business name Porter Foster. “You don’t have to be sick to get better,” notes Porter. “The days of ‘head cases’ are over. Sports psychology works to im prove performance from a positive viewpoint. It’s positive self-talk replacing negative imagery.” Porter, who was a professor at the University’s Center for Gerontology for eight years, holds a Ph.D. in human developmental psychology. A marathon runner herself, she has conducted five studies on the psychological aspects of older female runners, and has been published nationally. Judy Foster is a writer/artist with a degree in creative writing. She has used creative visualization techniques in her work since 1969. The women work as equal partners, and again this year donated in-kind contributions of their services to the Duck Athletic Fund, to be used by varsity sports such as women’s track and tennis teams. Porter Foster also is presenting a group clinic to the women's gym nastics team, both men’s and women’s swim teams, and has made contact with ‘‘about 14 University sports this year." They also provide individual mental training sessions for a fee (two or three appointments are needed). ‘‘Mental training includes goal setting, positive self statements, plans for altering negative self-talk during com petition, relaxation techniques, creative visualization and men tal rehearsal skills.says Foster. "We train athletes to analyze their, individual perfor-, mances. W'e show them how to look for ways to better their natural abilities from the psychological perspective.” . There is a physical reason why such mental practice. works, says Porter. As an athlete imagines herself practic- • ing a sport, her neurons fire in exactly the same patterns as if ' she were performing physical- ' ly. Small contractions also take place in the associated, muscle. . groups, she explains.- These movements of nerves and musclesare thought,to improve neuromuscular coordination.1 which in turn improves perfor mance. The first step in mental train ing for peak performance, says Foster, “is figuring out what you want, what your short and long-term goals will he." If an athlete wants to lower his or her golf handicap, or increase “winnability” in age-division road races, Foster says to “put it down on paper as specifically as possible. Committing yourself to a target date is vital, too.” One University student prepared for the' September Nike/OTC Marathon with Porter Foster’s help. Mentally, the stu dent practiced the 26.2-mile run repeatedly for three weeks before the race in addition to her physical workouts. Continued on Page 7B Staff Sidelines is the Emerald's weekly sports supplement publish ed each Wednesday except during exam weeks and vacation. Editor.Sheila Landry Copy Editor..Mike Sims Cover Photo.Brian Ballou Production.Lauri Neely Photo Technicians.Hank Trotter. Ross Martin Glenwood Foreign Auto Parts Quality Used Foreign Auto Parts ts 90 Day Guarantee Student Discounts is Close to Campus 4530 Franklin Blvd. • 747-7492 We accept VISA, Mastercard