Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1984, Page 2, Image 2

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Kerans, and Linde
Election day is just a week away and in Oregon the races
for Attorney General, Treasurer, and Supreme Court are
heating up. All around the state the candidates for these
positions are busy on the campaign trail, trading criticisms
with one another and speaking out on important issues.
In the race for Attorney General, we endorse Republican
candidate Dave Frohnmayer over Democratic challenger and
former State Sen. Vern Cook. While Frohnmayer has done a
poor job in certain respects (for example, a number of the
ballot titles he prepared were poorly written), we still
believe that he is the right choice in the race for Attorney
Cook lacks the experience that Frohnmayer has gained
while carrying out the responsiblities of Attorney General
over the past four years. Furthermore, Frohnmayer has made
issues, such as fighting organized crime in Oregon, the
substance of his campaign. Cook has spent most of his time
launching verbal attacks against his opponent. Frohnmayer
is energetic, articulate and well-tested in his legal ability to
represent the state.
In the race for State Treasurer the choice is clear: put
your vote behind Grattan Kerans. Running for re-election
against Kerans is Republican Bill Rutherford, who was ap
pointed to the Treasurer’s office earlier this year to fill the
vacancy created by the resignation of Clay Meyers.
It was shocking to learn during a debate at the Universi
ty on Oct. 16 that as a member of the State Land Board,
Rutherford was not aware of a permit that had been granted
by the Land Board director, Ed Zajonc, to Arco Oil Com
apany. The permit was to enable Arco to begin oil explora
tion along Oregon’s coast and in the Colombia river. Arco
cancelled their permit contract when Kerans began in
vestigating it. Had they gone through with their oil explora
tion plans, Oregon’s fishing industry would have suffered
serious consequences.
Another important point about Kerans is his support of
state divestment from companies that do business with
South Africa. Kerans considers investment in a country as
politically unstable as South Africa to be poor financial
judgement. He also condemns the South African govern
ment because of its policies of racial segregation. Ruther
ford, however, is against complete divestment. Kerans is a
man whose ideas and skills would serve Oregonians well.
We encourage voters to make him the next State Treasurer.
In the race for Supreme Court Judge, we believe that
Hans Linde is the right choice. A vote for Linde is a vote for
an experienced Supreme Court Judge. Although challenger
Albin Norblad claims that his background makes him better
suited for the job of Supreme Court, we disagree.
Linde’s law. background certainly equals that of
Norblad. Furthermore, Linde’s nearly eight years on the
bench have given him a national reputation for good work.
This is an honor to both Linde and Oregon.
While Norblad does have a good background in law, in
cluding his work as Circuit Court Judge in Marion County
during the past 7 years, we believe that he does not at this
time offer a viable alternative to the long experience and
good record of Linde in the Supreme Court.
Editor’s Note: In Monday’s editorial on the 4th
District congressional race we stated that Republican can
didate Bruce Long made a passing reference to Argentina as
a country turning communist. It was not Long’s intent to
support this belief; rather, he made the statement to explain
how some people think. Long is very concerned about Cen
tral American events and supports a political rather than
military solution to the problems there. We regret any
misunderstanding the editorial may have caused.
'IUb mS&)buNM.'
Jesus and gays
The Emerald’s article on
GALA last Thursday raises
some interesting points. A
direct quote from GALA direc
tor Storm Fawcett stated the
following: “We still have a long
way to go before gays will be ac
cepted as equals. ... there still
exists blatant discrimination.”
It is challenging to see what the
Bible has to say about gay
In the Holy Scriptures,
Romans 1:27 has a direct
reference to homosexuality as
being unnatural: “In the same
way the men also abandoned
natural relations with women
and were inflamed with lust for
one another. Men committed in
decent acts with other men, and
received in themselves the due
penalty for their perversion.”
Seeing as this is indicative of
Christian doctrine, would it not
be a violation of any Christian’s
faith on campus to pay money,
voluntarily or under coercion,
to support GALA? It would be
like a Christian saying that
homosexuality is okay. Yet in
reality, every student at the
University gives the equivalent
of 20 cents per year from their
tuition to GALA, whether or not
he or she approves. Storm — do
you truly believe that it is a
threat to gay rights for a Chris
tian to challenge the Univer
sity’s policy of forcing Chris
tians to support GALA
Practicing Christians do not
hate homosexuals; they hate
homosexuality, the sin, and
rightly so, for Jesus said, “If you
love me, you will obey what I
command.” Christians don’t
believe that the traditional fami
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday
through Friday except during exam week and vacations
by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., at the
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403.
The Emerald operates independently of the Universi
ty with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial
Union and is a member of the Associated Press.
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ly is obsolete, but that remain
ing Christian values, including
the traditional family and nor
mal sexual relations within the
bounds of a legitimate marriage
are the only things holding
society together. In Christ we
are “born again”, no longer
slaves to sin, which would
otherwise destroy us. Storm,
what you and your people need
are not “rights” or governmen
tal recognition, but Jesus Christ!
Only then can you be truly free
from the sin which enslaves all
people without Christ.
Brandon Shepard
Legal murder
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a
On Friday, Nov. 2, 51-year
old grandmother Velma Bar
field is scheduled to be ex
ecuted in North Carolina.
Why is this event important
to people in Oregon?
Velma Barfield’s life has been
a series of miserable ex
periences. She was beaten and
raped by her father. She married
to escape this home. Her hus
band drank heavily and
threatened to do her violence.
She became addicted to tran
quilizers prescribed to her when
she collapsed under this threat.
While still addicted to the
drugs, she poisoned four
Barfield’s crimes are terrible.
But nothing can bring back the
lives of the victims. Since Bar
field has been in prison and
overcome her drug addiction,
she has become a counselor,
friend and “grandmother” to
the other inmates. All accounts
show that she is a reformed per
son, a model prisoner. She is
helping to restore the lives of
other prisoners.
What is the purpose of the
judicial system, if it does not
reward rehabilitation? Many
believe that Velma Barfield is
the victim of a bitter political
contest for congress in North
Because North Carolina
allows capital punishment, this
reformed criminal will be killed.,
on Nov. 2. Vengeance is the on-,
ly motive for this murder. Don’t
let vengeance take this form in
Oregon. Vote NO on measures 6
and 7.
Diane Hollister
Graduate, Economics
I was sickened to read your
expose on GALA. It read like a
front page ad for perversion. I
was also unimpressed that the
Emerald used the space, to
knock the Reagan Administra
tion and Republicans.; Those
awful conservatives just don't
court the homosexual vote the
way Mondale does,, so: they
definitely deserve the blame for
many of the woes of the
homosexual. .
“Discrimination”, you say.
In fact. Storm Fawcett claims
blatant discrimination- still ex
ists. Well, is it discrimination or
is it people sickened by
homosexuality who don't want
any part of it? .
Ms. Pinckney seems to be
against the word sodomy, and
the laws of certain states against
sodomy. Well, let’s put it like it
is Ms. Pinckney. In fact, maybe
the Emerald could grace its
readers with a sampling of the
sex acts of homosexuals; and let
the reader decide if these acts fit
the definition of sodomy.
Recently, the Emerald ran
coverage of the plight of the gay
in the Greek system. How unfair
for the Greeks not to recruit and
support gays to be in their
fraternities and sororities. Per
sonally I couldn’t think of
anything better than to have the
closeness and brother
hood/sisterhood of the Greek
system jeopardized by gays.
But, let’s not be negative. I
have a great idea to increase the
University’s attendance. Let’s
schedule high school visitation
day during Spring Term to coin
cide with Gay Pride Week.
There’s nothing like putting our
best foot forward.
Fred Elledge
letters policy
The Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing fair com
ment on topics of interest to the University community.
Letters to the editor must be limited to 250 words, typed and
signed, and the identification of the writer must be verified when the
letter is turned in. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for
length, style or content.
Letters to the editor should be turned into the Emerald office,
Suite 300, EMU.