In the mid '50s when the Dex ter Dam was being built, con struction workers flooded to the Dexter Theater after work for dances, films and shows. When the dam was completed the workers moved on and the theater, along with the town of Dexter itself, fell on hard times. Since then, this 350-person capacity hall has been a roller skating rink, a warehouse, a video arcade, a dance hall and three pizza parlors. Remnants of these failed attractions linger in pizza ovens and a projection room. But eight weeks ago Lea Jones and Shannon Atkinson ac quired the lease to the theater in “beautiful downtown Dexter,” 20 minutes from Eugene on Highway 58. They dream of, once again, making the Dexter Theater the area “hotspot” for entertainment and community events. They also hope to buy the hall from its present owner within two years. Jones says. Both theater managers know the difficulty of such a venture in the small, economically depressed community, but they forsee success by attracting the Eugene-Springfield market, as well as the Dexter-area people, with a wide variety of programs and a philosophy shown in a slogan borrowed from the Ap ple Computer Company: “The hall for the rest of us.” Atkinson and Jones have also begun restoring and renovating tne old building. “It did look like an empty warehouse,” Atkinson says."It was a pit with big holes in the wall, real bleak and bare.” )ones also says the acoustics needed work. “It was maddening trying to communicate in there because of the echo.” he says. Help was provided for the old hall with carpeting, wood paneling, paint, a bar (complete with a beer and wine license) and an expanded and acoustically improved stage. In the future Atkinson and Jones say they hope to expand the theatrical capacities of the hall and make the lobby a replica of an old movie theater with velvet ropes and classic movie posters. Atkinson, whose entertain ment background includes a degree in theater arts from the University, movie script writing and professional comedy, says the hall will be employed for a variety of functions, many us ing his talents. “This,building is not just a dance hall and a concert hall, but is also a community center." he says. Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Jam & BIues, RtqqAi & Gospel Records Books, Tapes & CoUector's Accessories In rkt Fihhp