Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 25, 1984, Page 2, Image 2

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Throw him out
In 1980, Ronald Reagan
declared the country was in the
midst of a depression due to a
7.5 percent unemployment rate.
It is still 7.5 percent, but now
we are told that we are ex
periencing an impressive
economic recovery. Likewise,
four years ago the mortgage rate
was 13 percent, termed
disastrous by Mr. Reagan. After
a roller coaster ride, it is back to
where it started. This too, is no
improvement. Yet, no one is
When Jimmy Carter left of
fice, we faced the spectre of a
$60 billion federal deficit.
Reagan is the proud owner of a
deficit more than three times
that, which he claims will “go
away.” We are not that stupid,
are we? With a trillion dollar
defense budget, the deficit can
only grow. According to the
Congressional Budget Office
projections accepted even by
Reagan’s closest economic ad
visors, if the present policies
continue, the federal deficit will
reach $263 billion by 1989. That
is frightening.
Concomitantly, the last four
years have seen a dramatic rise
in bankruptcies and farm
foreclosures (small farmers)
rivaling the Great Depression
Era. These are not just statistics,
they are people like you and me
who must struggle to make ends
It is cold and insensitive to
forget or ignore what Mr.
Reagan has done to these peo
ple. We live in one of the most
economically devastated coun
.ties in the nation. Eugene is just
a pale shadow of the vibrant
town it was in 1979. Those who
have lived here for more than
five years need not look far for
tangible results of the Reagan
administration’s distorted
priorities. Let’s throw the bum
M.P. Schapiro
Right to vote
Some issues warrant a bit of
research prior to discussion. I
think that Jeb Bianco should
have spent some time looking
into the facts before he climbed
onto his soapbox.
Some “rights” are forfeited
immediately upon conviction
and incarceration for certain
crimes. Prisoners don’t
necessarily have the rights pro
vided for the general citizen
ship in the constitution. Today
an attack on prisoners' right to
vote, tomorrow.. . who knows?
Someone might question their
constitutional right to bear
Alex Gardner
Pre Med
Re-elect Rust
1 believe Jerry Rust has a vi
sion of I,ane County as a place
where people can live har-. „
moniously with each other and
with the land in our steward
ship. I did some research on his
Jerry's opponent , was a
Democrat until 1968, when she
registered as a Republican. In "
1972 she again changed parties!
to Libertarian, and ran .for Vice
President. In 1976 she once
more sought the Libertarian VP'
slot-, this time unsuccessfully.
She then ran.(pant pant) for
Congress in '76 on a platform
favoring-' maximum harvest of
■ all old growth timber. She op- •
posed any ban on Clear cutting.
’ She. said, “People who -feel
there is a value (in wilderness)
should-finance it themselves." .
, 1 n . 1‘ 9 80 she s o u.g h t
- Packwoods's Senate seat, again
as a Libertarian. She .said she
would like to see timber lands
eventually go into private
ownership. “Everyone in
Eugene knows Weyerhauser
does a better job managing its
forest land than the Forest Ser
vice does."
She called the minumum
wage a “vicious law”. She op
, posed restrictions on'the sale of
all drugs and pornography. Her
philosophy is apparently based
on Ayn Rand’s “Objectivism"
or the oxymoron,, “The Virtue
of Selfishness.” In my opinion
such blind contradictions are
bankrupt of vision.
Her platform isn’t clear yet,
but her past record is. Her no
tions are outside of my vision of
what Lane County should be,
and 1 hope Jerry Rust is re
Lee Barckmann
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Oregon daily
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday
through Friday except during exam week and vacations
by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., at the
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403.
The Emerald operates independently of the Universi
ty with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial
Union and is a member of the Associated Press.
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