At the ‘Places’ out movies of step with reality “Places in the Heart,” a film by writer-director and two-time Academy Award winner Robert Benton, is a journey into the town of Waxahachie, Texas, during the 1930s. Recalled from Benton’s own childhood, the film is the story of Edna Spalding’s (Sally Field) strug gle to keep her family together in spite of enormous hardships. Spalding’s husband, the town sheriff, is killed in an accidental shooting by an intoxicated black youth, sending her into a hostile, unfamiliar world. A simple woman, she has only been concerned with her home and family. With the loss of her husband, she is now in danger of losing both. informed by black-clad local banker Albert Denby that there . is no way she can pay her mortgage and that she may have ’ . to split up her family. Spalding ■ takes comfort in her belief that, somehow, providence will pro . vide through faith. • And’ providence does pro . vide. She takes in an itinerant ' black worker, an expert cotton ' •grower, who farms as a means . of paying off the mortgage. The ' banker soon returns and offers .. to postpone the foreclosure for a . favor: letting his blind brother-.' ’in-law in the Spaldings' -. home.’ Spalding accepts and ' •• ..‘everything begins to look rosy.. • Spalding’s experiences serve • as' the central plot, tb which . several other narratives en • twine.-' Her sister", hairdresser Lindsay Crouse, is married to mechanic Ed Harris, who is having an affair with schoolteacher Amy Madigan, his best friend’s wife. The affair leads to jealousy and broken promises, as one couple moves out of town and Crouse later learns of Ed’s infidelity. The film is not just the story of a plucky mother encounter ing a mean, cruel world but is a sort of film sampler of various lifestyles in the 1930s, when any sort of personal or physical hardship could be overcome through good, hard work. In one scene we see Spalding crawling on hands and knees, battered and bloodied from picking cotton, to make a rapid ly approaching deadline. In the case of Edna’s sister we see a marriage saved by forgiveness. And later the whole town faces a tornado that seems to be yet another test of spiritual • strength This spiritual strength Js the main theme of the film; for solace Spalding and everyone in Waxahachie have religion'. Ajthough • religion is never .discussed outright, it usually is ' in the background', in paintings • .depicting biblical scenes, or in bibles .lying around.. The- film literally begins and.ends;with a. •prayer'.' The message•' is. • that’ religion-is part of.everyday life. ' . Throughout .the, film the viewer ends up awarding points' for racial tolerance, marital fidelity, charity.and-hard work. , W&sBKmWtmB ''*• Sally Field The mossy, predictable plot begins with the accidental shooting by the black youth and climaxes with the rescue of the black hired hand by the blind lodger, who takes wild but pur poseful shots at members of the Ku Klux Klan. It all adds up to too neat a sum of moral balance. The presentation of divine justice by the .end of the film is absurd; things just don’t work out that well: The glorified, idealized plot is not what Ben ton recalls from his childhood but \yhat he would like to recall. “Places in the 1 Heart” is showing-at'Cinema World near. Valley River Center.-' ” . By. Mike Duncan —cqup55T 2 § 1 BACON CHEESE BURGER with Curly 0 Fries BUY ONE — GET ONE FREE! 11:30 a.m. — Closing No substitutes, please. Orders to go. 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OUR OWN SPECIAL SPAGHETTI 100% semtina or spinach pasta topped with our freshly prepared meat or vegetarian sauce. LASAGNA Three kinefs of cheese and a spicy meat sauce make this popular en tree a favorite. Made fresh daily. Each entree served with salad or a la carte ■MMMMamCLIP COUPONimmi I Skylight Refectory Coupon (Fresh, Hand-made Italian Cuisine 1/2 OFF any Italian entree witlt the purchase of an Italian entree of equal or greater value Mama Mia! I Good thru Fndav Oct' 26. 1984 • One coupon per visit Still a great place for crisp salad bar fixin’s with an array of condiments, scrumptious gyros sandwiches, French roasf coffees, and other gourmet delights Located a cloud or two above the EMU Main Desk Dining only: 10:30am to 2pm Celebrate Homecoming at _ , idJ>y Fine Italian Food Daily Cocktail Specials Warm Fireside Atmosphere Your Homecoming Headquaters Pizzas Pastas Calzone Sandwiches Salad Bar Serving Lunch and Dinner 13th & Alder on Campus • Orders to Go 343-0681