Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 23, 1984, Section B, Page 5, Image 17

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    New ambassadors picked
Six new student ambassadors
will represent the University
student body to alumni and the
community this year, says Sara
Wong, one of the four 1983 stu
dent ambassadors.
Other ambassadors are Scott
Austin, Anne Drips, Colleen
Pang, Frank Reasoner and Grant
The new ambassadors will be
announced officially at the
Homecoming kick-off luncheon
Monday at the Eugene Hilton.
Twelve students applied and
the four newest ambassadors
were selected by seven judges
representing both the Universi
ty and the community.
“1 couldn’t believe how
tough it was deciding this
year,” Wong says.
The ambassadors will par
ticipate in the Town and Gown
Light Parade on Friday, as well
as other University and alumni
events throughout the year.
f vm.
Photo by julir Bigg*
The new 1984-85 student ambassadors are (left to right) Frank
Reasoner, Colleen Pang, Grant Robinson, Sara Wong, Anne
Drips, Colleen Pang and Scott Austin (not pictured).
Besides helping with alumni
gatherings, ambassadors will be
a student branch of the alumni
association. Wong says, making
speeches at local civic organiza
tions, attending athletic ac
tivities-and in general represen
ting the student body in Univer
sity activities.
“We have a great new group
of ambassadors. It’s going to be
fun to work with them, and we
plan to accomplish a lot,”
Wong says.
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Contest’s incentives upped
This.year dorm residents will
have an extra incentive to create,
a winning poster for the annual
Homecoming sign contest. . •.
In addition to prize money of
fered by the Student University.
Relations Council', residents
also will contend for a $100
prize awarded by the Residence -
Governing Committee.
The extra prize money is: an
attempt to. spur enthusiasm in
Homecoming -activities; says
Heidi Voet. a resident assistant
at Moore Hall and organizer of
dorm Homecoming activies.
”1 think it (the prize)' will,
make the sign contest better.
than it has been in previous
years,” says Jeff Barron, a Car
son Hall resident assistant.
The annual sign-making con
test is open to dorms, sororities,
fraternities and community
groups. Participants must make
a sign with this year’s
“Welcome Home” theme, and
must use no more than $50
worth of materials.
Despite the promise of a $100
award to the winning sign’s ..
dorm, Voet admits that there
still doesn’t seem to be,much
„ *‘l think a lot of K.At.s*just
aren't motivating their residents '
to get into it,” Voet says. '
“Maybe if we would- have
started organizing the activities,
sooner we could have got more .
students involved.”
.. Because the event's planning •
started just one month ago and
‘.Voet is essentially the only R.A.
working .on the project, the
dorms never really got off the
ground, she says.
Not all of the dorm residents
are apathetic about the
Homecoming festivities,
however,’ Voet adds. The age of
residents has a lot to do with
“My dorm is older residents,
so they aren't really into it,”
Barron says.
But Voet, who has all but two
freshman in her co-ed dorm,
says hef residents are really ex
cited about the competition.
“One reason the freshmen are
more into it is because they
remember Homecoming in high
school when it was a big deal,”
she says.
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Leave Eugene Mall, Special Section: 11:35,
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Leave South Eugene High School: 11:35,
11:50, 12:05, 12:20, 12:35, 12:50
Leave River Road Transit Station: 11:35,
11:50, 1200, 12:10, 12:25, 12:35, 12:45
Leave Valley River Inn: 11:40, 11:55, 12:05,
12:15, 12:30, 12:40, 12:50
Leave Springfield City Center Station: 11:40,
11:55, 12:10, 12:40
Leave Red Lion: 11:30, 11:45, 12.00, 12:15,
12:30, 12:45
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For information call 687-5555.