inter/national/regional Tutu returns to South Africa SOWETO, South Africa — Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu, preaching in a parish uo BOOKSTORE A® «1 PACK § i-.ti.tit-. ■ S0E& S7.29 * v*M"<*\* *»-..» «oc raw phototoupon Photo 12 PACK 1 Fro«n you* tavortto pnnl •one 8x10 •one 5x7 •two 3v»x5 •eight wallet Coupon expires 10/27/84 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 1000-300 Supplies 686-4331 church for the first time since winning the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, declared Sunday that blacks are “on our way to vic tory, on our way to freedom” in the struggle for equal rights in South Africa. HAPPY HOUR kinko's copies 5pm—Closing i Day si 860 E. 13th 344-7894 Tutu said he wanted to tell the ruling white minority, “If you think you can stop us, you are going to be stampeded, you are going to be overrun. We don’t want you to be overrun. We say: come join us, join the ' MCAT iCOURSE BEGINS IN EUGENE Saturday, July 21 8:30 a.m. Science Bldg. 11 Room 21 StomOeu-H KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since i93fl For information Flease Call winning side.” Arms outstretched, eyes clos ed. Tutu faced 350 parishioners — a few of them whites — in the hillside church overlooking rows of shabby bungalows in this huge, sprawling, black township near Johannesburg and said of his Nobel award: “I received this distinction on behalf of our children who are lost, our heroes in jail, those who are banned and in ex ile... God, we know you will lead us out of oppression and injustice to your promised land.” As he spoke, thunder rattled St. Augustine's, Tutu’s home church. Many in the congrega tion, taking it as a good omen, laughed and applauded. Cancer claims Truffaut at 52 PARIS — Francois Truffaut, the French film director who spearheaded New Wave cinema and won awards from Cannes to Ehing in the store S ON SALEM! WTB swum. 009 EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS ON SALEM! INCLUDING THE BEST OF THE BUDGET CLASSICS BOLERO • MIDNIGHT IN MOSCOW • ESPANA • ODE TO JOY • MUSIC FOR A SUNNY SUNDAY AND MANY MORE!! Tchaikovsky • Rachmaninoff • Vivaldi • Beethoven • Bach • Copland AND MANY MORE JUST RAVEL BOLERO London Philharmonic ■K. 9*. 1100’s OF TITLES I TO CHOOSE FROM JUST S2" (CASSETTES ONLY) I TondonViva INTRODUCING DG’s UUfiLKmfin'OASSICS PactwttMl: Canon; Albinoni Adagio; Vivaldi: Four Seasons, mere 413 142-4 GW SPECIAL PRICE Bach: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 2.3. 5; Suites Nos. 2 3 413 143-4 GW Rimsky-Korsafcov: Scheherazade; Stravinsky: Firebird Suite more 413 155-4 GW Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 6; “Egmont" Overture 413 144-4 GW Handel: Water Music. Fireworks Music; “Messiah’ Sinfonia. more 413 148-4 GW Ravel: Bolero, Rapsodie espagnoie; Debussy: Faun, La Mer, more WALKMAN* is a trademark of SONY CORPORATION and is uMd by POLYGRAM under the license of SONY CORPORATION CASSETTES ONLY Hollywood for his portrayals of ordinary people, died Sunday of cancer at the age of 52. Truffaut was hailed as the torchbearer of the New Wave cinema that revolutionized French filmmaking in the 1950s. He changed the face of modern cinema by transforming dialogue into spontaneous ex changes, sometimes improvised by the actors while the cameras rolled. His best-known movies in clude “Fahrenheit 451“ (1966), “The Last Metro” (1981) and “The Story of Adele H” (1975). Decision near in election suit PORTLAND — Closing arguments will be heard Mon day in a legal showdown over voter registrations by followers of an Indian gum and their Oregon foes. U.S. District Judge Edward Leavy said he hopes to rule shortly after the arguments in the case. Followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh are demanding that Wasco County, be forced to rescind its blanket rejection of ■ all new voter registration applications. Officials testifying Saturday, the second and final day of testimony in the case, said an availanche of new voter registra tions — some fraudulent- — threaten to overwhelm Wasco • Counl.y’.s elections preparations. Oregon law allows residents to register to vote through Elec tion Day. U of O Foundation Annual Fund TELEFUND STATISTICS 100.000 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 On 10/16/84 Delta Gamma Sorority received 232 pledges for a total of$4445. First, second and third places for most pledges received are held by: 1st Lambda Chi Alpha - 404 2nd Kappa Sigma - 297 3rd Delta Gamma - 232 That brings the total for the telefund to $24,725. Tonight Alpha Phi Omega, Circle K, SURC and Mortar Board will attempt to set a new record for total pledges received.