CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Mein Desk PAYMENT: All ads must be paid lor In' advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us For billing ar rangements, please call 68643-43 or stop by the Emerald offices. 300 EMU To qualify for a billed account, you must have several valid credit references, and leave a 315 deposit RATES: Rates are tS cents per word lor the first day and 12 cents per word lor subsequent consecutive days the ad Is run without change Minimum charges are 31.50 lor the first insertion and 31.20 lor consecutive insertions DEADLINES: Contract and open rate line ads: 1 pm the day before publication Contract and open rate display classified ads: 1 p m two days before publication for the first Insertion of new art 1 pm the day before publication lor each insertion thereafter unless new an is requested. The Oregon Dally Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year {September-June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August) ERRORS: The Oregon Dally Emerald cannot be responsible lor more than one day's Incorrect advertising inser tion The ODE'S liability lor typographical errors, incorrect inser tions or omissions In advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges lor such por tion of space occupied by the error Er rors not the fault ol the advertiser which lessen the value ol the advertise ment will be ad|usted II your ad ap pears incorrectly, caii 6*6-4343 before 1 p.m. lor correction in the next day's issue. It is the advertiser s responsible . ty to check an ad lor errors on the day it is scheduled to appear Tear sheets will he mailed on request. For Sale BASF 5V4” DISKS SSOD 10- *17, SSODID *23, generic SSOO 10 *14. 100 *130 Learning Services. 6*3 3827 10-23 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TI-S9 pro gram able calculator With sottwarebest oiler Sherry 687 2588 3367 10 24 MUST BE SOLO, new computer. . printer, modem Cell 484-5784 ' 10-22 OUALITY FIREWOOD. SPLIT AND DELIVERED Hardwood *85 cord 342-1096. 344-6374 eve 10 23 SKIS- Elan RCOY 208cm *126 Ski boots- top ol the line Caber Squadra *100 Size 10 344-8773 _1024 MOVING Must sell sola *10 table *5, desk *35. twin bed *40 or best ol-' lers. 343-6694 10-24 Buy & Sell tHE SUV A SELL CENTER Buy'Sell-Trade .Musical intruments, stereo, tools 361 W. 5th. ___ tlnBI 84 CLASSIC: Gold and Silver. 20A Oakway Mall 484-6135 Buying and selling Karat gold, new and line pre-owned (ewelry : • i. 10-23 Services SAVE *** ON PHONE CALLS ' SAVENET. the Northwest's highest quality alternative long-distance ser vice is ottering prompt connection and lowest rates nationwide Questions* Jettrey Skolnlck. 683-8848 1JI-26 Cartographic Work, Maps. Graphs, etc Professional work Call Michael 3*3-6967 MH FISHERMEN Professionally tied flies, quality guaranteed Sleelhead *1 10; Standard Trout- 80 Custom orders available, tied to your specs Send card with name, phone, and time to call to: M B. Roth 1860 Alder no. 5. Eugene OR 97401 _ M DISCOUNT MOVIE TICKETS EMU Main Desk Moyer Theatres $3.20. Luxury Theatre $2 95 10*22 U of O Downstairs EMU 484-0314 MON-FRI 9-5 pm. THURS 9-8 pm. Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr Sel. Grad approv ggJMg*r campus 344-0759. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes. & mass mailings. Grad approved. WordStyies 8 TypeScripIs CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484 6044 _ 3150:lfn PRO typing/eoiting Expart at theses and dissertations 5 blocks from UO No job too small Jennifer 485 3883 ___3151:tln WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Formerly Elite Typing Service. 484-1648 _ 3146:lln RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-9405 _3145:lln DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 3143:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8 30-4:30 Evelngs by appointment only 345-2289 __ 3158:lln Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 888-3983. 3157 tin TYPING/E OITING Call Sara 6860739 _ 3154:ttn WORD PROCESSING T4C Professional Typing Service Manuscripts, dissertations, theses Graduate School approved 887-9328 • 3142:lln GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 3 and 10 p m d 726-9824 3149tfn WORD WORKS Editing ft Word Processing Thesis ft Dissertation help Call Jerry lor appointment 4*44593 ____3266 10 26 TYPING- Experienced, fast, efficient Reasonable rales Editing included 345-4379 _. 3028 tin TYPING, $1 PAGE SAVE THIS ADI 'Satisfaction guaraenteed 20 years ex . pertence IBM Correcting Selectric Call Carol at. 68S0134 '_M JUNE’S TYPING 689-1724 FAST, ACCURATE RELIABLE tin OUALITY GUARANTEED Word Processing al Typing Prices Storage On Disk for Easy Revision. Edit mg •Graphics* We can type anything! Jennifer 485 3883 HariHar Kaur 344 4885 - 5 Blocks to UOGrad Approved • :_ . 3361 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Class papers, resumes, fetters, etc. IBM Correcting Selectric Fast . Ac curate 85« double space . page 344 5856 ' '_ 3366 10-24 TYPE-RIGHT Typing Service, inexpen sive and professional service near cam pus1 CALL 345-9621_- ' MWF Professional Quality and Experience tor typing needs IBM Graduate Specialist.. Reasonable Ca'Olyn Sherrell, 344-7231. 3250 UWHF Instruments DRUMS 4 pc.- Stewart kit with Camber Cymbal ft hat $375 Guitars Crown- • acoustic steel string $40. Westminister acoustic nylon string classical $95 Will negotiate Call 686-4343. leave message tor TIM__Ifn Las Paul Jr. Good condition $250 or best 683 1384, Bob 10-22 STEPHENS Stringed Musical Instruments Final Clearance Sale on all handmade Guitars! We're moving to Seattle at the END OF OCTOBER 1417V5 Olive no 2 4840615 10-31 Sound Systems JVC Rs 77 receiver, 60 walls, digital tuner, equalizer, mint Ted 726-6895, 726-6336 3377:10-23 Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR 1627 Peart Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 3148:10-26 Books 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% off Usl prices •Textbooks»Cliff Notes«magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 3152:tfn Bicycles Man s 27" 3-SpeedSchwlnn Attractive older bike; $85 Jackie. 343 4972 or 345 2735 10-23 Rides & Riders From Salem to Eugene, ride wanted M T-W-F Evenings 363-6240 10-23 Cars & Cycles 1968 RAMBLER, AMERICAN engine ir fine shape 18 MPG $500 485-2400 N»ncy. __10-25 ’•4 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, Runs great. V-8 automatic $275 offer 344-2109 10-23 Auto Repair Car tune-ups, Volkswagen $10 and up Priority for students. 683-8372 nights MWF10-19 Opportunities SUMMER JOBS. NATIONAL PARK CD's. 21 Parks, 5000 Openings. Com plete Information *5 Park Report Mis sion Mtn. Co.. 651 2nd Ave W.N., Kalispell, MT 59901. _MF Relax and Relieve stress in the Isolation Tank a revitalizing experience Call 342-TANK, S10 a float __10-22 HAVE A VOICE Represent Student Concerns in Education The Oregon Educational Coordinating Committee is accepting applications for one student representative posi tion. Qualified applicants are en couraged to apply at Suite 4, EMU. ASUO is an EOE.10-23 The EMU Board • is accepting applications for three Program Representatives: two from EMU programs.'and one for ASUO funded programs These, positions are appended.'and require attending board meetings and keeping office hours Contact Mark Nallie. EMU Board Chair in Suite 4, EMU for in formation. and application forms Deadline is Wednesday Oct 24 at 10 . am ' .___3384 10-24 REMEMBER TO REGISTEIWOTE! The ASUO. Suite 4. EMU has registra tion and absentee ballot forms You ' MUST REGISTER if:your address or' name changes, or you change party af filiation IF WE DON'T VOTE. THEY DON'T LISTEN!!_ 3388.10-22 HELP SAVE OREGON! Volunteer to Help ' NO ON 2 The effect of. Ballot Measure 2 could cripple Oregon's educational system, essential city serivces and much more. GET INVOLVED DEFEAT MEASURE 2 Contact Rebecca Roby. ASUO Suite 4. EMU, 686-3724. There's plenty to do. 3388 10-22 Help Wanted OVERSEAS JOBS- Summer year round Europe. S America, Australia. Asia All Fields S900-S2000 month Sightseeing Free into. Write UC, PO Box 52-OR-3, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625tfn' CNA Part-time, homecare with severty physically limited adults Heavy lifting, meal preparation and light household responsibilities Must be caring, motivated and able to work indepen dently Call 688-917910-22 Commission Sales to commercial ac , counts Good income for person or group Initiative business background and flexible hours. Must have reliable transportation Extensive support from suppliers. 746-4484. Robert EEO Employer.3376:10-22 Assessment Team Member on Smoking Prevention Projects. Data collection, scheduling, and assessment ad ministration. Need BS in Psycology or education or 2 years of resear ch/teaching experience. $4/hour to start Deadline for application: October 24, 1984 Applications available at Oregon Research Institute, 195 W 12th. Eugene, 464-2123. ORI is an EOS 10-25 EUGENE FAMILY YMCA has childcare positions open for trade for a family membership. Apply at 2055 Patterson. 3383:10-24 Are you a college students that is active on campus and would be interested in a part-time position working for a travel agency? 60 WPM required Salaried position. Send resume to: PO Box 10085. Eugene OR 97440 3385:10-26 NEEDED SUBJECTS, of college age or older, for decision experiment in Political Science and Psycology. Spon sored by the Political Science Depart ment of the University of Oregon The experiment will be held on the Universi ty Campus Subiects' payment can vary from $0 to $18 for about one hour's par ticipation. The payment depends on your own decision and on the decisions of the other participants in the experi ment Apart from this variable pay. everybody who is confirmed for par ticipation and shows up at the ap propriate time is paid $4 at (he end of the experiment, so the minimum pay is $4 and the maximum can be $22. For participation and/or information call 686 5062 workdays between 9 a m. and 4 p.m.10-23 METALSMITH DESIGNER. Fashion ear ring manufacturer seeks artist with pro duction and technical background. Part-time and full-time options. Com pensation commesurate with ex perience. Send resume to: Designer. PO Box 2021, Eugene OR 97402 10-24 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM is seeking a creative, energetic individual to (ill the posi tion of Publicity and Recruitment Coordinator. This person will be responsible (or integrating recruit ment strategies at all program levels. Application packets are available in the ESCAPE ollice, 327 EMU and completed packets are due Friday October 26th, at 3 p.m. Compensation of Workstudy, credit, or stipend available For more information call 686 4351, the ESCAPE office ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunity/ Af firmative Action Employer.3379: tO-23 NEEDED: Representatives for the policy boards of both Westmoreland and Amazon Family Housing Projects Interested applicants please contact Regina Brock at 686-3725 by 5 p m Oct 26 or drop by Suite 4 EMU 3389:10-26 For Rent Big One Bedroom Apartment right Next to campus! Call 344-7075 _10-23 LARGE 5 BEDROOM, 2 bath house. 3470 Donald $595/mo or lease Call John 683-8643 10 26 Food & Drink Different Lunch MAKE YOUR SANDWICH AS YOU LIKE IT IN THE SANDWICH SHOP ANO EAT IT IN THE HIDEAWAY WHILE WATCHING THE BASEBALL GAMES OR SOAPS or just enjoying the most charming place in town. ARNOLD’S’ __ 14W E. HW. st_ Dorm Contracts Contract For Sate UNIVERSITY INN Call 484-6683 • '_ 10-23 DESPERATELY NEED TO SELL DORM CONTRACT Call Mark Matsushima at 485-9454 or 686 5276 10-23 DORM CONTRACTS ° . FOR SALE CONTACT RAY VEILLET AT 686-5293 10-20 Lost & Found LOST: WALLET Wednesday (10-17) mor ning in Gilbert courtyard. ’15 reward Please call Dirk 343-0089 10-25 Events HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Novelty, Fantasy, Period, Exotic, etc Or your own custom design. Thousands o! items at TIMEWARP COSTUME RENTALS Phone 344-5556. Please call for an appoint ment before coming by. Groups welcome 1006 Taylor Eugene1Q-24 INTERSECTION Music of Ancient India and 20th Century America PANDIT PRAN NATH Indian Ragas Fri 10/26 8 p.m. Beall Hall Riley Workshop Sun 10/28 3 p.m. 198 Music Tickets: Each concert: $6 general. $5 students. Workshop: $2 general. $1 student. All three events: $10 General. $8 student. More information: 686-3761 Sponsored by the Committee for Musical Arts __3347:10-26 SEN. MARK HATFIELD SPEAKING ON EDUCATION ISSUES AT LANE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS at 12:00 Today All Students En couraged to Attend! 10-22 EMU Cultural Forum and Face The Music present Sunday night Jazz with THE TOM GRANT BAND Sun. Oct 28 7 p.m. EMU Ballroom $4,50 Students. $5.50 General Tickets available at Face The Music EMU Main Desk Earth River Records Cat's Meow ---3359:10-25 Entertainment KZEL Presents Eugene’s 8th Annual Halloween Ball Starring Robert Cray Band AND Curtis Salgado AND In Yo Face plus Party Kings Oct. 31, 1984 Eugene Hilton Ballroom Party 8 p.m. Show 9 p.m. Advance tickets s5.96 Availabe only at Everybody's Records At the Door s6.96 Spooky Specials For Best Costume'' Contests 21 and over please Produced by Double Tee THE BIJOU * «92 E 13th 686^45* Use Your CAMPUS WELCOME Coupons. MUST END THURSDAY “This film is like no other, an ex perience of constant astonishment. GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZN ERENDIRA stamjng IRENE PAPAS SUN-THURS 7 * 9 pm. Matin—s A Miser Monday ADM. 2.50 Personals * PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential Call 666-4468.3144:tfn FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-8651. 623.M. Is it true you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U S. government? Get the facts today! Call 1-312742 1142 Ext. 6534 M TRIVIA CONTEST TEAMS OF 4 WIN PRIZES Every Monday at 7 p.m. EMU REC CTR. X3711 (We use “Trivial Pursuits 3309M WANTED Quality clothing for consignment Make extra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHS.720>/2 E. 13th For appoint ment: 343-1312.11-6 Mon-Sat. _ 3530:10-22 V RAY VEILLET We want to have pizza with you! Rhoda A Jenny _10-22 Linn. Goldsby Happy 18th B-Day! You're finally an adult. Congratulations! Muffy , _' 10-22 OAVIQ Happy 20th birthday! Did you like my present? Let's do it again soon! “ Bubbles"•_ 10-22' Gamma Phi Beta Pledges Have a great time this week!! All the members are psyched having you live in!___10-22 Happy 74th Birthday. Theta Delta of Delta Delta Delta! Sarah Ida Shaw would be proud: .10-22 PHI PSI Lil Sis Leslie V. Hope you're looking forward to little sister live-in and initiation. Love, Big Brother __ 10-22 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN V Here s to a great year at 1911. We love you! Patty Jessica, and Cassandra 10-22 ! HALLOWE’EN! Cards & Stickers • Flourescent make-up • Tattoos • Fangs • Masks • Witch hats • Noses • Wigs • Bugs • Skeletons • Snakes • Ghosts • Bats • Streamers • Balloons iJftBBERWOCKY ■ CARDS • GIFTS i MON.-FRI. 10-5:30 1308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 4844)530 (Across from Dairy Queen) BLOOM COUNT t by Berke Breathed Yes.trmTmfORMmrrs extern mmc* Awtsexs TO ~f\m TUNTTHBR CANPim. m the owe area that has Beam so cam. m this yew's mstp&tvAi cmma... imm it hakes A BOW STATEMENT. HOPE. HOW MM OH, pom urn -mite-r rrswei euje.irs me here JUST WO.. tentative \ WHICH mm, NATURALLY, a state of me at the mwow mm heacwarteks. mu only m m tenserm^ atamwf, Appfmmcif