national Reagan orders CIA inquiry WASHINGTON — Pres. Ronald Reagan on Thursday ordered the CIA and his In telligence Oversight Board to investigate “the possibility of improper conduct” in the spy agency’s production of a psychological warfare manual m for Nicaraguan rebels. Acting four days after the ex istence of the manual was reported by The Associated Press, the White House issued a statement saying the ad ministration “has not ad vocated or condoned political assassination.” Until Thursday, administra tion officials had refused any comment on the manual. Reagan’s order came as the manual, which suggests “selec tive violence” to “neutralize" some officials of Nicaragua’s leftist government, emerged as a Democratic campaign issue, and House Speaker Tip O’Neill demanded the ouster of CIA Director William J. Casey. Denouncing the manual as “nothing short of outrageous,” O’Neill, D-Mass., said Casey “owes the Congress and the American people an immediate explanation,” and added: “I want him to get out of there.” The speaker furthur sug gested that any in-house in vestigation by the CIA would be a “whitewash,” and he said the matter should be investigated by the congressional General Accounting Office instead. Casey, Keagan’s close friend and a leading figure in the ad ministration’s Central America policies, has been under fire before over his personal finan cial dealings and congressional complaints that he withheld in formation about the CIA’s min ing of Nicaragua's harbors earlier this year. During a stopover in Seattle. Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro cited the manual as an example of the administration’s “moral blindness” on foreign policy. In one horn; you can try to break“Tmy” Terwilliger’s record*of eating six extra large pizzas with anchovies or learn And thaf s no fish story. As you’ll discover by coming to one of our free One Hour Seminars. Where you’ll also discover how to enjoy more free time in college. For whatever you want to do. Eating pizzas. Attending rock concerts. Partying. Or engaged in trivial pursuit At our free seminar, we’ll also show you how you can triple your reading effectiveness, raise your grade point average, and end your cramming forever. Bring a friend and join us at our seminar. Its only an hour. It’s free. And it’s a smart move on your part No matter how you slice it ♦Unofficial record reported in 1983 by a fellow fraternity brother who then fled the “Atsamaboy" Pizza Palace in Los Angeles in total disgust. Restaurant is no longer in operation. Free Seminar Schedule LOCATION: BEST WESTERN GREENTREE MOTEL 1759 FRANKLIN BLOB. FRIBAy 10/19 10:00AM, 12:00PM AND 2:00PM SATURDAY 10/20 11:00AM AND 1:00PM Choose the day and time most convenient for you. Reservations not necessary. For more information call 1 (800) 447- READ. EveiynWood College Programs