Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1984, Page 4, Image 4

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    na tional/regional
President plans
visit to Oregon
MEDFORD — Pres. Ronald
Reagan will make campaign
stops in Medford and Portland
on Monday, a campaign official
said today.
“We feel very fortunate that
he was kind enough to give it to
us,’’ said Hugh Jennings, chair
man of the Reagan campaign
committee in Jackson County.
“We’re real Reagan country,”
he added of the Southern
Oregon city of 40,000. “I think
the real point here is he really
does care about Oregon.”
The day after his second
debate with Democratic
presidential candidate Walter
Mondale, Reagan will fly from
California and spend 45
minutes to an hour at a rally at
the Medford-Jackson County
Airport, Jennings said.
He is scheduled to arrive at
2:30 p.m. Monday, then fly on
to Portland, Jennings said.
No details were immediately
available on the Portland visit.
The Democrats have targeted
Oregon as one possible weak
link in Reagan's Western
But the latest poll commis
sioned by the Oregonian
newspaper in Portland in
dicated Reagan continues to
lead Mondale, even after the
debate. The poll listed 44 per
cent of the people contacted
saying they would vote for
Reagan and 36 percent saying
they would vote for Mondale.
Reagan last visited Southern
Oregon in March 1983, when he
stopped in Klamath Falls to tour
a lumber mill to discuss the
state of the timber industry.
Committee chief
rips CIA guide
Intelligence Committee chair
Wednesday night denounced a
CIA manual produced for
Nicaraguan rebels as “repug
nant” and a “disaster for U.S.
foreign policy.”
In a scathing statement. Rep.
Edward Boland, D-Mass., con
demned the 90-page
psychological warfare manual
as a “document (that) should
never have been produced by
any element of the United States
The manual advises
U.S.-backed Nicaraguan rebels
that some officials of the na
tion’s leftist government can be
“neutralized” with the “selec
tive use of violence” and
recommends the hiring of pro
fessional criminals to carry out
“selective jobs.”
A copy of the manual was ob
tained by The Associated Press
and Boland said the House In
telligence Committee had been
unaware of its existence prior to
the AP’s supplying a copy to the
panel on Oct. 1.
In a report Monday, the AP,
citing intelligence sources, said
the manual was produced by
the CIA.
CIA spokeswoman Patti Volz
said Wednesday the agency still
had no comment on the report
and the State Department refus
ed to answer questions about it.
On Wednesday, administra
tion officials continued to
refuse comment on reports
about the manual, and Sen.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
D-N.Y., vice chairman of the
Senate Intelligence Committee,
told the CIA to explain the
manual to that panel by the end
of the week.
In a letter to Rep. Thomas
I3owney, D-N.Y.. who had call
ed for a congressional probe.
Boland confirmed that the
manual was prepared by the
CIA and was given to the
Nicaraguan rebels, known as
contras, last year.
“The committee was unaware
of the document until it was ob
tained by The Associated
Press," Boland said. "Since
that time, the committee staff
has been exploring with the CIA
the reasons for its production
and distribution. That in
vestigation is not yet
Boland, using his toughest
language to date in attacking
CIA covert support for the
rebels, said "the document
should never have been produc
ed by any element of the United
States government. It espouses
the doctrine of Lenin, not
"It embraces the communist
revolutionary tactics the United
States has pledged to defeat
throughout the world. Its em
phasis on deceiving the
populace makes a mockery of
American championship of
democratic values.”
The manual suggests arrang
ing a violent demonstration that
will lead to the death of one or
more rebel supporters and the
creation of a '‘martyr.” It also
instructs the rebels in how to
coerce Nicaraguans into carry
ing out assignments against
their will.
In his letter, Boland said the
manual "offers proof (that) the
secret war in Nicaragua is not
directed against Sandinista
arms shipments (to) Salvadoran
guerrillas. The war is an effort
to overthrow the Sandinistas."
Nicaragua’s leftist ruling group.
"Administration officials
have always denied this, but the
manual clearly adopts the con
tras avowed aim of deposing the
government in Managua. Fur
ther. the manual reveals both
the conscious targeting of in
dividuals for ‘neutralization’
and a disregard for the safety of
innocent citizens in demonstra
tions that is repugnant to a na
tion that condemns such acts in
Boland also compared the
manual to CIA-directed mining
of Nicaragua’s harbors early this
“Like the mining of
Nicaragua's harbors, the
manual was not revealed to the '
committee until after the fact..'
and then only after the commit
tee asked about it.Like the
mining, the manual is.a disaster -
for U.S. foreign policy.”
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U of O Foundation
Annual Fund
On 10/11/84 Lambda Chi
Alpha Fraternity received
315 pledges for a total of
First, second and third
places for most pledges
received are held by:
1st Lambda Chi Alpha
2nd Kappa Sigma
3rd Chi Omega
That brings the total for
the telefund to $15,297.
Tonight Delta Delta Delta
Sorority will attempt to set
a new record for total
pledges received.