GO FORA QUARTO Give the folks a ring from a convenient public phone. Call on one today. Pacific Northwest Beil CNM Pacific Nonhwcii Bell r—-—--—-—-—i Coupons in the Emerald save you money. I Check every page, every day. It pays. University Karate instructor Bob Graves (foreground) has been teaching the Eastern art of self-defense for 27 years. Beginning students learn the fundamentals of blocking an aggressor’s blow which is a primary karate skill. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Continued from Page IB tenants tram ah n ann tram inn acquired knowledge of the early masters who literally us ed it for survival. These spiritual elements, however, have been subjected to misinterpreta tion and overemphasis by some modern Western writers. Graves feels. “IS XVarate is not mysticism, and though there are some unexplained things in our psychic makeup, they’re not unique to karate." "The individual has a mental makeup that contains two facilities. One facility seems to be an accumulation of facts, figures, things, times, that from birth, as we gain consciousness, we begin to fill up... in the world of martial art, all the knowledge that belongs to the intellect can not in any way help, and so Zen becomes the ability to free yourself from all the intellectual influence, so that you can remain as just an empty human being, and allow the natural facility to come through. That would be your more intuitive side, the ability of your body to react spontaneously." Training then becomes the application of in tellectual discipline to the body's ability to move without thought. Through endless repeti tion, techniques are embedded in the mind. "Then one must test one's self to see if they are well embedded," he says. The definition of karate in our society as an of fensive or defensive art differs greatly from that of Eastern cultures. Graves explains that in the philosophy of Budo arts, defense means to sur prise your opponent and render him incapable of attack. It has been said many times, he adds, that the Undo arts “have nothing to do with morality, but rather just getting the joh done,” and awareness and control of timing provide the greatest advantage over an opponent. "Whether it’s a block or a punch or a kick or an escaping movement, taught or learned individually, they have neither offensive or defensive nature. For teaching purposes, you may designate them as that to satisfy the mind of the student." "\/\Jhere he finds the most personal satisfaction, Graves says, is through his involve ment in the "leading edge" of karate and in working toward its acceptance as a legitimate international sport. One of his ambitions is to of ficiate at the international level and be able to watch his own students compete. He says, "1 have one student who has made the U.S. team for the first time this year, and he’ll play in Yugoslavia at the World Cup. . .I’m trying to figure out how 1 can go.” When asked what he would like to ac complish through a life-long study of karate, (iraves says. "Say 1 was at the end of my life and I was looking back... it would be when you Iwive enough of a trained staff that knows everything that you can possibly hold in teresting for them and they have gone past you and now have arrived at new knowledge from the base you gave them, and have become more important in the world than you are.” “Then you’ve accomplished your mission." Story by Lori Stephens Photo by Julie Biggs aoansc \ Graves also teaches “bo” fighting — a martial art us ing long bamboo quarterstaffs. Chinese Restaurant BMBdd PMltdri 1275 Alder St. 683-8886 Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs Hours M-Th 10:00-7:00 F-Sa 11:00-4:30 Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours Su-Th 4:30-10:00 F-Sa 5:00-10:30 The size and/or gender of the student does not matter — a skilled practitioner can hold his or her own with anyone. You can make a BIG DIFFERENCE. Volunteer to be a BIG BROTHER OR SISTER Participate in a real life learn ing experience and grow while helping a youngster grow. Give some time to a young boy or girl 'who would' benefit from your friend ship. The Big Brother-Sister Program needs volunteers. For more informa tion, EMU Suite 5. The Pad Tavern's Annual Celebration of the Opening of // Moosehead Season" Wednesday, Oct. 17 th All night ... Mooseheads are. {fa Co44e The Paddock Tavern 3355 E. 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Student Health Center University of Oregon ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE PROTECTED AGAINST RUBELLA AND MEASLES? FACT: University students are at the highest risk of developing measles of any group in the United States. Complications can be serious—including encephalitis (brain in flammation), deafness, pneumonia, and ear infections. SOLUTION: If you are unsure about your immune status regarding measles, check at the Student Health Center. We are offering free measles immunizations. FACT: Pregnant women who have rubella have a high risk of having a child with mental retardation, cataracts, deafness, or heart defects. SOLUTION: Protect yourself and your future children by obtaining a free rubella immunization at the Student Health Center. If you are unsure of your immune status for rubella, please check at the Student Health Center. FREE MEASLES and/or RUBELLA IMMUNIZATION MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:00 a m. to 3:30 p.m. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER • 686-4441 r MadzPal EUGENE • Located iust north of the Ferry St Bridge Across the River from Campus • No Need to Mark Prices . We Have Scanners • Open 9 10 Daily 10 9 Sunday SPRINGFIELD • 303 South 5th St to the Historic Big M Center • Friendliest Crew in Town • Open 9-8 Daily 10-7 Sunday % COMPARE & SAVE! Shop Mark & Pak Grocery-Meat-Produce-Bulk-Health Food Ritz 16 oz. CRACKERS $1 39 A ‘Sante’ 28 oz. MINERAL WATER 6 flavors 79 $ plus dep. OLYMPIA BEER 6-16 oz. cans 18 $2 plus dep. reg. $2.69 plus dep. T. Vi-12 oz. ENGLISH MUFFINS 39