Telephone calls lure students By Jolayne Houtz Of the Emerald University students are help ing to increase enrollment by reaching out and touching so meone — newly admitted students. The New Student Telephone Project is geared toward calling all admitted high-school seniors to give the University a more personal feeling, says Craig Peterson, project coordinator. “There’s so much misinfor mation out about the University in the community, and this is really positive PR (public rela tions) for Oregon. I think it’s definitely part of the reason that enrollment is up," Peterson says. Peterson will select a student coordinator for the project, as well as eight to 10 students to make the calls. “it's the students who are calling the students, and that’s the big difference. It’s so much easier to ask fellow students questions,” Peterson says. Last year, students contacted more than 2.000 high-school seniors, or about 40 percent of those admitted. "it seems like new students get sent everything but the kit chen sink. We follow up on other information to see if peo ple even acknowledge if or understand it," Peterson says. The program, in its sixth year, operates from mid February to late May. One of its major functions is to determine if students have sent in their housing forms, and if they have signed up for the Early Orienta tion and Registration Program, Peterson says. “We have found that those who attend EORP have a more successful time here," Peterson says. From there, the questions are open-ended. Typical questions concern athletics, financial aid, housing, the Creek system and. in general, how the caller feels about being a student at the University, Peterson says. “Callers are not expected to know everything, but we are looking for people who have a good working knowledge of the University,” Peterson says. The program also has a refer ral system, in case the caller cannot answer a question, where information is sent out the next day to the student. Student callers work about 11 hours each week, from about 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and receive $3.73 an hour. Peterson says. Applications can be picked up in the Office of Student Development in Room 364 Oregon Hall after Oct. 22. and are due Nov. 16. Interviews will be the week of Nov. 26-30. The student coordinator receives approximately $150 a month. Applications for that position are due Nov. 2, with interviews from Nov. 12-16. Students also have the chance to get internship credit. Peier son says. Callers go through an exten sive training program that teaches them how to answer questions and how to be a good resource person, Peterson says. Graduate students9 artwork exhibited at University gallery This year's graduate-student fine arts exhibition will open today in the University’s Gallery 141. The exhibit by 30 new and returning graduate student ar tists will run through October 26. A wide variety of artworks are featured including paintings, ceramics, prints, photography, sculpture, jewelry, fibers and drawings. Gallery director and graduate teaching fellow Denise (Mark notes that the University’s graduate art progra.m is the second largest in the Northwest, after the University of Washington. The opening reception will be held from 7 to 9 tonight in the gallery located in Lawrence Hall. The reception and the gallery are open to the public free of charge. The telephone project is a new trend that is developing at many campuses as the competi tion for the limited number of high-school graduates in creases. Peterson says. Check the ODE _Classifieds U of O Foundation Annual Fund TELEFUND STATISTICS 100.000 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 On 10/9 Kappa Sigma Fraternity received 297 pledges for a total of $4901. The most pledges for one night was achieved by Kappa Sigma with 297 pledges. That brings the total for the Telefund to $4901. Tonight Army ROTC will attempt to establish a new record for the most pledges received. Food Service discover the •Skylight /Refectory and experience the flavor of Italy. Fine Italian Cuisine at a reasonable price House Specialities: LASAGNE FRESH HOME-MADE CALZONE Stuffed with seasoned Italian beef, cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Baked until golden brown and served with a zesty meat sauce. Vegetarian Calzone Too! OUR OWN SPECIAL SPAGHETTI Your choice of 100% semlina or spinach pasta topped with our freshly prepared meat or vegetarian sauce. Each entree served with salad or a la carte. Three kinds of cheese and a spicy meat sauce make this popular entree an Italian American favorite. 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