Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1984, THE Friday EDITION, Page 10B, Image 21

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    Come Sign Up
Records *
Earth River
Records & Tapes
is Celebrating
it's 3rd
every reg. price new
record & tape in store!
'Come in to Earth River for con
test details and album selections
Campus Location
770 W. 11th.
62 W. Broadway
^_You should be__
Saturday Oct. 13th
3-6 p.m.
per person
10th and Oak,
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Styling for the
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IBy t MrUu it(fpriturfieut
7*7-1900 ^
■Vi4 -**,£«$ /’.ivttiflT
For the week of October 12-18
FRIDAY, 10-12
“Where the Buffalo Roam" 180 PLC.
7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $1.50 and $1.
“Flashdance" 150 Geology. 7 and 9 p.m.
$1.50 and $1
Cinema 7: "Last Night at the Alamo" at 8
and 9:40 p.m. $3.50
Bijou: “Erendira" at 7:15 and 9:30 p.m.
$3.50. "Rumble Fish" at midnight. $2.50
Saturday; 10-13
"My Dinner With Andre" 180 PLC. 7 and
9:15 p.m. $1.50 and $1.
Cinema 7: (See Friday’s listing)
Bijou: “Erendira” 4 p.m. $2.50 7:15 and
9:30 p.m. $3.50. "Rumble Fish" at mid
night. $2.50.
SUNDAY, 10-14
"Clambake" 150 Geology. 8 p.m. $1.50
and $1.
Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing) $2.50.
Bijou: “Erendira” 4 p.m. $2,50. 7 and 9
p m, $3.50
MONDAY, 10-15
Cinema 7: “Last Night at the Alamo" at
7:30 p m. $3.50
Bijou: "Erendira" at 7 and 9 p.m. $3.50.
TUESDAY, 10-16
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Bijou: (See Monday's listing)
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Bijou: (See Monday's listing)
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Bijou: (See Monday's listing)
FRIDAY, 10-12
Green on Red, with The Hoodlums. EMU
Dining Room. 8 p.m. $4 general Tickets
available al EMU Main Desk. Call 686-4373
for further info.
Sheila and the Boogiemen, rhythm and
blues. Community Center for the Perform
ing Arts. 8th Ave. and Lincoln St. Doors
open at 9 p.m. $3. All ages welcome,
wheelchair accessible. Adult
refreshments available downstairs with
i.d. Call 687-2746 for further info.
Saturday Market, 8th Ave. and Oak St.:
Mukh, rhythm and bliss at 11 a.m. Soldiers
of Fortune, reggae at 12:45 p.m. Fiddlin'
Sue and Uncle T at 2:46 p.m. Free.
Oktoberfest: An evening of song, with
the Eugene Concert Choir directed by
Peter Jermihov, and the University
Children's Choir directed by Randal
Moore. Dance, poetry, an assortment of
edible treats and local wines. Unitarian
Church, 477 E. 10th Ave 7:30 p.m Call
345-6197 for further info.
SUNDAY, 10-14
Don Latarski Group, jazz. EMU Ballroom.
7 p.m. $4.50 students, $5.50 general Ad
vance tickets available at EMU Main Desk,
Face the Music Records, Earth River
Records, and The Cat's Meow Call
686-4373 for further info.
Pedro Beltran y su Combo Ritmo
Tropical, a 13-piece Latin dance band play
ing cumbia, salsa, and merengae music.
Community Center for the Performing
Arts, 8th Ave. and Lincoln St Doors open
at 9 p.m. $4. All ages welcome, wheelchair
accessible. Adult refreshments available
downstairs with i.d. Call 687-2746 for fur
ther info.
TUESDAY, 10-16
Bill Stains, singer, songwriter, and
champion yodeler. Community Center for
the Performing Arts, 8th Ave. and Oak St.
Doors open at 8 p.m. $4 advance, $5 day of
show. Advance tickets available at EMU
Main Desk, House of Records, Balladeer
Music, Earth River Records, and the
Literary Lion. All ages welcome,
wheelchair accessible. Adult
refreshments available downstairs with
i.d. Call 687-2746 for further info.
John Hammond, with Curtis Salgado
and In Yo Face. Edison’s Bar at The Fac
tory, 47th Aye. and Main St., Springfield
9:30 p.m.-2 a m. $7 advance, $8 at the door
Advance tickets available at Earth River
Records and The Factory.
Chamber Music Series: Composers Str
ing Quartet. Beall Concert Hall 8 p m
$4.50, $3 50. and $2. Call 686-5678 for fur
ther info.
University School of Music Faculty Ar
tist Series: Musical Smorgasbord Beall
Concert Hall 8 p.m. Free
Eugene Symphony Guild Concert
Preview, with conductor Bill McGlaughlin
and pianist Victor Steinhardt Studio I,
Huft Center Noon. Call 687-9487 for fur
ther info.
Eugene Symphony Orchestra with Vic
tor Steinhardt, piano. Silva Hall, Hull
Center 8 p.m $21 25$7. Call 687 5000 for
reservations and further info.
"Excursion Fare" written by University
graduate student Dennis Smith. Robinson
Theatre. Viilard Hall Oct 18-20 and 25-27
8 p.m. The play concerns a group of unlike
ly travelers who are stranded in an unusual
railway station. During the course of the
play, the nature of the station, the iden
tities of the travelers, and the ultimate
destinaion of the train are revealed Call
686-4191 for reservations and further Info.
"The Effect ol Gamma Rays on Man-in
the-Moon Marigolds" by Paul Zindel, per
formed by Stage Two Productions. South
Eugene High School's Lab Theatre. Oct.
12, 13, and 18-20 8 p m $3 general, $2 50
students and seniors Call 342-2616 for
reservations and further info.
Live Comedy: Kevin Poliak from Los
Angeles, plus Dave Anderson, and the
Newcomer Brothers. Edison's Bar at The
Factory. 47th Ave and Main St.. Spr
ingfield. Monday 8:30 p.m. $3.
KWAX-FM, 91.1: Friday: University
Street at 11:45 a.m. Lord of the Rings,
Episode 1:“The Long Awaited Party" at
7:30 p.m. Saturday: "Lady Macbeth of
Mtsensk" by Shostakovitch, performed by
the San Francisco Opera at 11 am. The
Bob and Ray Public Radio Show at 4:30
p.m. Playhouse 91: "By His Bootstraps" by
Robert A. Heinlein, featuring Richard
Dreyfuss at 6 p.m. Carnigie Hall Tonight:
Mozart’s "Symphony No 41 in C” at 7 p.m.
Sunday: University Children's Choir
directed by Dr Randall Moore at 10:15 a.m.
Backstage at the Oregon Shakespeare
Festival at noon Monday: Ex Libris: "The
Grasshopper" by Chekhov at 7:30 p m.
Oregon Mozart Players at 8 p.m. Tuesday:
The Political Thicket at 11:45 a.m Wednes
day: A Night at the Opera: Verdi’s
"Othello" at 10 p.m.
KLCC-FM. 89.7: Weekdays: Morning Edi
tion (news) from 5-9 a.m The Wireless
(jazz) at 9 a.m and 12:30 p.m. All Things
Considered at 6 p.m Mondays: Women's
Music at 9:30 p.m. New Dreamers (elec
tronic music) at 11 p.m Wednesday: Focus
on Jazz: "The Rarest Dizzy Gillespie Big
Band" at 7:30 p.m Thursday: Faces, Mir
rors, Masks: 20th Century Latin American
Fiction, Alejo Carmpentier's "The Marvel
of the Real at 7:30 p.m. Jazz Album
Preview at 10 p.m Friday: Black Is at 9 p.m.
Air Jamaica at 11 p.m. Saturday: Saturday
Cafe at 9 a.m. Blackberry Jam: Crest Drive
Grade Shchool Choir at 6 p.m. A Prairie
Home Companion at 7 p.m. Sunday: Mist
Covered Mountain at 9 a.m. Sunday After
noon Jazz at 3 p.m. Ahora Si (Latin music)
at 7:30 p.m
KRVM-FM, 91.9: Weekdays: Highlander
Sounds (new music) at 10:15 a.m Radio
Classics (old-time radio theatre) at 10 p.m
Radio 80’s (new music) at 10:30 p.m Satur
days: Radio Classics al 11 a m. and 10 p.m.
Doc Holiday (country and western) at
noon. Radio 80 s at 10:30 p m Sundays:
Crulsin (classic soul and rhythm ' blues) at
noon. Modern Mono (independent label
and import rock and roll) at 2 pm Radio
80 s at 4 p.m.
"200 Years o( Fine Chinese Cloisonne
and Porcelain" a Benefit Sale by Pamela
Martin for and at the University Museum of
Art Noon-5 p m Call 484 4686 for further
Saturday Market. 8th Ave and Oak St.:
All day Food, crafts, and entertainment
Willamette Science and Technology
Center "Autumn Skies” planetarium
show. 3 p.m.
"200 Years of Fine Chinese Cloisonne
and Porcelain" (See Saturday's listing)
Willamette Science and Technology
Center: (See Saturday's listing)
Saturday Market Fashion Show, featur
ing handcrafted clothing and accessories,
and a community sponsored auction
Sousa Room. Hilton Community Con
ference Center. 2 p.m. No host bar
Art After Hours Event 871 Willamette
St. 5:30-7:30 p.m. $2 donation. A wine and
hors d oeuvres gathering sponsored by the
Lane Regional Arts Council to foster Infor
mal communication among visual, perfor
ming. and literary artists, arls supporters
and community organizations Call
485-2278 tor furthrer info.
Aperlure Gallery, EMU Main Lobby:
Photographs by Gerry Kosanovic. Through
Oct 15
Gallery 141, Lawrence Hall: "Annual
Graduate Student Exhibiton" Oct. 15-26.
Opening reception Monday, 7-9 p.m.
Photography at Oregon Gallery. Univer
sity Art Museum: “New Angular”
photographs by J. Michael Lesko Through
Oct. 28
Univeristy Art Museum: "New American
Paperworks" an international traveling ex
hibition of recent works in paper by 20
American artists. Through Nov 4.
University Museum of Natural History
"Raven's Cousins: Traditional Arts ol the
Native Northwest,” "Village and Tribal
Weavings of the Near East" and "Fossil
History of Oregon." Through December
New Zone Gallery, 411 High St.: "Gallery
Artist Exhibit - Season Opener" Through
Oct 18
Eugene Public Library "Nuclear Art — A
Collection” by Eugene Weavers Guild
Through Oct. 31.
Keystone Gallery. 395 W 5th Ave
"Shades of Grey" black and white acrylic
portraits by David Greenfield Through
Oct 31
Allan Brothers Coffeeshop. 24th Ave
and Hilyard St.: "Night Walks" prints by
Patricia Genack Through Oct. 31
Opus 5.23 E 28th Ave : "Jewelry in Gold
and Silver" by Nancy Piccioni. Through
Oct. 31
McDonald Gallery. 417 High St Recent
works by Tom Browning Through Oct 31.
Book and Tea, 1646 E 19th Ave :
"Florals in Transparent Watercolors" by
Ellen Gabehart. Through Nov 2
Taylor Gallery, EMU "A Century of the
Lively Arts" Oct. 14-Jan 4. Opening recep
tion Sunday, 1-4 p.m.
Compiled by Bob Webb
Tape 651
The Calendar deadline for The Friday Edi
tion is Monday at noon
Come Celebrate the Grand Opening of
Second Thoughts
eaturing high quality ne\
& used women’s clothing
and accessories. The latest
styles and designer labels
all reasonably priced!
C’mon down for FREE refreshments
Saturday, Oct. 13
★ Accepting consignments by appointments
720l/z E. 13th Oust behind Logos Bookstore)
_ ' Open Mon-Sat 10am-6pm_