et al. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST is having a meeting tonight at 8:30 in Room 246 Gerlinger. Everyone welcome. ALL SINGAPOREAN STUDENTS: AGM meeting is tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU Forum. HENDRIKSEN HEADQUARTERS OPENING U.S. Senate candidate Margie Hendriksen to speak at 5 p.m. tonight at 37 W. 10th. EPISCOPAL WORSHIP Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St. Service will be followed by dinner. TONIE NATHAN FOR COUNTY COM MISSIONER campaign meeting on Satur day at 11 a.m. to canvass in south Eugene. Meet at Nathan headquarters at 1555 Oak St. or call Eric at 345-3186. Free pizza afterwards. STUDENTS TO RE-ELECT JERRY RUST, Lane County commissioner, will hold a volunteer meeting from noon to 1 p.m. to day in Room 104 Condon Hall. NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT UNION will hold their yearly election today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the NASU office, Room 15 EMU. THE EMERALD EMPIRE CHAPTER, In ternational Reading Assoc, is holding its fall conference today at Springfield High Registration is $10 and is held from 8-9 8-9 a.m. POSTER PAINTING PARTY: Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kin caid St. Come help us get ready to welcome Walter Mondale to the campus soon. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS are invited to an open-house-dessert reception with members of the Board of Presbyterian Cam pus Ministry at Tom Heger’s home from 7-10 p.m. this evening. PHILIP MORRIS OFFERS STUDENTS practical marketing experience. Morris in vites students to research any of its non tobacco products/operations and submit a marketing/communications proposal that could succeed in today’s competitive business world. Students should write to Competition Coordinator: Deirdre Waitt, Philip Morris Inc., 120 Park Ave., New York, N Y., 10017 or call 212-880-4121. THE ASIAN STUDIES SOCIETY will hold an organizational meeting today in Room 217 Friendly Hall at 4:30 p.m. Anyone with an interest in any facet of Asia is encouraged to attend. SABBATH EVE, the Presbyterian Stu dent Community, will have its Sunday meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Tom and Sharon Heger’s home. Call Tom at 484-1707 for carpool arrangements or more information. FOCUS YOUR EDUCATION workshops for undeclared majors starting this week. To sign up, call Career Planning and Place ment at 686-3235 STUDENTS URGED TO APPLY NOW FOR NEW SCHOLARSHIPS The Scholar ship Bank has announced 10 new scholar ship programs that are currently accepting applications from college students. Students interested should send stamped self-addressed envelope to Scholarship Bank. 10100 Santa Monica 2600, Los Angeles. CA 90067 TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP AWARD covers expenses up to $5,000 per year for the junior and senior year and two years of graduate study. Must be a sophomore and have a “B” average to apply. For more in formation. stop by International Studies. Room 837 PLC. Classifieds I For Sale NEED TO SELL Dorm Contract CaJI Ka ty 683-2249. 10-12 1979 YAMAHA TC-511S STEREO CASSETTE dock recently overhauled. $100 or B.O. 344-7068, Sieve. 10-15 ••CYCLE. One speed Schwinn Cruiser, $80. Good condition. 3456169. 10-19 FIREWOOD: FlrfCedar $70 Cord, split, delivered Starving students, 683-1544. __ 10-12 For Personal Fun or Profit, Arcade video games. Tron $396, Tempest $299. Space Dual $249. Call Tom after 3:00, 345-0243. 10-12 BASF 5y«” DISKS SSOD 10- $17; SSDD10- $23; generic SSDD 10- $14,100- $130 Learning Services, 993-3927. CLASSICAL QUITAR- One year old Yamaha $140. 344-2582, will bargain. __10-12 Dorm Size Refrigerator. Walnut, $85. Witt deliver to campus. 998-1385.10-12 Moving Sale Sal. Oct 13 10-4 p.m. Small appliances, foam, chain saw, canning supplies, misc. 2410 Jackson GUITARS: Takamine Steel String * Acoustic $200. Ibanez Electric with hard case $250. Bob 342-5129. 10-15 NAUAGAHYDE CHAIR, ottoman and 1 overseat Good condition. Make offer. 688-2404 after 5.10-15 CHEAP WHEELS- Honda XL-250, 60 MPG, 11K, asking $450; Beer sign $25; Dorm Refrigerator $60; Panasonic recorder $35; Desks, much more. 687-9265.3335:1012 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, 1978 Oakbrook Mobile Home. $6995 72S6830. 1012 Luxurious Bar and Chairs, Typewriter, __?26-7§84 LAST DAY FINE ARTS PRINT SALE in EMU Lobby- Prices start at $3. Don’t miss this once a year event! 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1012 SONY WATCHMAN 2" T V. Texas In struments MBA calculator. Priced to | sell. 343-8264. _10-15 Buy & Sell -thTbuy 8