Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1984, Page 4, Image 4

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    Board target of
second bias suit
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PORTLAND (AP) — Another
sex-discrimination lawsuit was
filed Tuesday against the State
Board of Higher Education —
this one to cover about 1,000
women excluded by a judge
from a similar lawsuit now be
ing tried in Portland, a
spokeswoman for the plaintiffs
The lawsuit, filed in U.S.
District Court, is “intrinsically
related” to the existing case,
Penk vs. the Oregon State Board
of Higher Education, said Dian
na Kale, case manager with
Faculty Women for Equity.
The Penk lawsuit alleges that
Oregon’s eight public colleges
and universities have
discriminated against women
faculty members. In August,
U.S. District Judge Helen Frye
excluded “non-teaching”
women with faculty rank from
the 2,200 Jacuity women in the
$33 million case.
The new case covers the ex
cluded women, who include
librarians, research assistants,
research associates, extension
agents, counselors, emergency
part-time faculty, and ad
ministrators below the rank of
dean, Kale said.
“We hope to move to con
solidate this trial back with the
Penk case,” she said. “It’s also
important in terms of
negotiating a settlement that we
be able to negotiate for the en
tire group, rather than just a
The lead plaintiff in the new
case is Betty Wallace, an exten
sion agent at Oregon State
Testimony in the Penk lawsuit
continues before Frye. On Tues
day, attorneys for the state were
cross-examining witnesses,
Kale said.
Kerans debate
BEND (AP) — The two can
didates for Oregon state
treasurer criticized each others’
legislative records, economic
forecasts and plans for Oregon’s
future in their latest debate.
House Speaker Grattan
Kerans, D-Eugene, told the au
dience of about 50 on Monday
that the state is ready for a
change. He proposed a coalition
that “seeks to draw together all
those in the business and in
dustrial world, in the profes
sions. in academics and in local
Kerans saia inai as treasurer,
he would reorganize the local
government investment pool,
the fund in which local agen
cies deposit their funds.
Incumbent Republican Bill
Rutherford said that upon being
appointed to the office last spr
ing, he set economic growth as
his first goal.
He also said he has worked to
invest public employee retire
ment system funds wisely; to
improve the state’s bond rate; to
improve communication bet
ween his office and Oregonians;
and to improve the operations
and investments of the common
school fund administered by the
State Land Board.
Rutherford said one of his
jobs is to convince investors
that Oregon bonds ‘‘are indeed
a good investment.’*
“I grew up on Main Street (in
McMinnville) and I’ve ex
perienced Wall Street, and I
believe I can bring the two
together for the benefit of
Oregon,” he said.
Both men opposed passage of
Ballot Measure 2, the 1.5 per
cent property tax limitation.
No benefit cuts,
Reagan asserts
dent Reagan, responding to a
challenge by Walter Mondale,
ruled out on Tuesday any cuts
or changes in Social Security
benefits for current recipients or
future retirees.
In an abrupt policy shift pro
mpted by Mondale’s suggestion
at a Cincinnati campaign stop
that Reagan might revamp the
Social Security system, White
House spokesman Larry
Speakes said the president had
authorized him to announce
that he ‘‘will never stand for
reduction' in Social Security
benefits for anybody.”
Wednesday, October 10, 1984
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