Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1984, Page 3, Image 11

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    Decker’s coach pursuing Ph.D.
By Tim Davis
Of the Emerald
Mary Decker's coach, Dick
Brown, has ended his active
association as the director of
Eugene’s Nike-sponsored
Athletics West track club.
Brown has given up the direc
torship in order to attend the
University as a full-time doc
toral student with concentrated
studies in biology, chemistry
and physical education.
Brown, who many credit with
developing Athletics West into
a major track and field power,
has long contemplated a return
to school.
‘Tve always wanted to learn
as much as 1 could about the
body and the body’s
chemistry,” explains Brown,
who received his master's
degree in physical education
from the University of Maryland
in 1973.
"1 plan on concentrating as
much as I can on the
coursework and coaching
Mary,” Brown says. “It’s a nice
change of pace. There are no
phones that ring in the
classroom,” he adds.
With the Olympic effort over
and the track world assuming a
pause of sorts, Brown felt it was
an opportune time tor his return
to academics. Nike, who is
footing the bill for his school
ing, concurred.
“Nike was considerate
enough and hopefully
foresighted enough to provide
me the opportunity to go to
school,” Brown says. “Their in
vestment will have dividends
for them, if I’m able to complete
this program successfully.”
The "dividend” Brown is
speaking of is an information
research center he hopes to
establish upon completion of
his doctoral program.
Up to this point, Brown says,
research relevant to running has
been scattered and poorly fund
ed. He hopes to coordinate
these efforts somewhat by
gathering the resultant informa
tion under one roof.
“I’d like to have the expertise
to read a wide range of research ,
understand it, translate it, and
then disseminate it to high
school and collegiate coaches,”
Brown explains. "It might be
beneficial for a lot of runners
and then ultimately for Nike.”
Brown is quick to point out
that any plan for such an infor
mation center is far from com
plete. At present, it is only in
Dick Brown
the formulative stage with both
Nike and Brown taking a “wait
and see’1 attitude.
Brown first came to Athletics
West in 1978 as an excercise
physiologist. In 1980, he took
over the club’s administrative
duties and in 1983 became club
Since its inception in 1978,
Continued on Page 7
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The University of Oregon Foundation’s Annual
Fund is launching its annual telefund on Monday,
October 8, in order to meet this year’s telefund goal
of $125,000. Joe Farmer, Annual Fund Director, is
inviting student organizations to provide the ma
jority of the volunteers required to make the calls
to alumni across the United States and ask for sup
port of the Annual Fund.
The calling will take place for thirty nights on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday even
ings from October 8 through December 3. Student
organizations are being asked to provide thirty
volunteers for each evening.
Each evening the callers will meet in the Bean
Complex Telefund Center for refreshments and a
brief orientation by the Foundation staff at 6:00
p.m. The calling will begin at 6:30 p.m. and con
tinue until 9:15 p.m.
Student organizations providing volunteers will
compete for three cash prizes. There will be first,
second and third place cash gifts of $300, $200 and
$100, respectively. The prizes will be awarded to
the student organizations that acquire the largest
number of pledges in one night. Each student
organization participating will be eligible for one
prize only. The prizes will be awarded during the
first part of the second term after the results are in.
In addition to the cash prizes, Joe Farmer is going
to pay each student organization for the volunteers
they provide. With a maximum of 30 callers a
night, the student organization will receive $3.00
for each volunteer they have reporting at 6:00 p.m.
and calling until 9:00 p.m. If an organization pro
vides thirty callers and wins first place, they will
receive $390 for the evening’s work.
Telefunds not only provide gifts to the University,
they also establish an important line of com
munication for alumni. Many of the alumni have
not heard from the University, except through the
mail, for many years. The personalized call from
campus can bring back fond memories, update
alumni on University programs and allow them to
ask questions on other areas of interest.
If your organization is willing to help with this wor
thwhile event, please call Joe Farmer at the Univer
sity of Oregon Foundation, Extension 3016.