HAPPY HOUR kinko's copies 5pm—Closing 7 Day si 860 E. 13th 344-7894 You'll get there faster with a Resume from ODE Graphic Services! MJO BOOKSTORE NEXT DAY FILM DEVELOPING offered on all C-41 process, 110, 126, or 135 color print film 0 MUG PERSONALIZED plaotfo coupon i REPRINTS H or 1; I neg V; REPRINTS 37% larger reprints from 110. DISC. 126. or 135 color negatives. c-ci 9Q< _ C-w expires 10/20/84 -v*** Kio-w, cm3*' C*at> Vatu» i 3C< photo coupon* OEMENTS 5x7 ENLARGEMENT From color noQalivo or slid* 5*5 mod* from Is m. exj «f. ■ 99* expires 10/20/84 photo coupon* .*>« * 4^1 NEW. much larger 4R color prints from W 110,126.135 and I 241 ■ 36 E V •=" A •4*# 17% DISC film 12 Exposure 15 Esp. Disc 24 Exposure 36 Exposure C-dprocoucmiy expires 10/; photo coupon / « S pa l •Write-On” album page with each C-41 develop and print order photo special V expires 10/20/84 Kcompsn) »*wC«6 Vatu* ittQcam UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 STORE Supplies 686-4331 sports Arizona wins, 28-14 Ducks ’ comeback falls short By Alan Lazo Of the Emerald " When it rains, it pours — just ask Oregon’s sophomore quarterback Chris Miller. Miller, after throwing 96 passes without an interception this season, tossed three errant passes Saturday including one late in the fourth quarter that ended an Oregon comeback as the Ducks dropped from the ranks of the undefeated with a 28-14 loss to the University of Arizona in Tucson. Oregon fell to 1-1 in Pac-10 conference play, 4-1 overall, as Arizona jumped into the Pac-10 lead with a 3-0 record and 4-2 overall. The “big play” of Satur day’s contest in Arizona Stadium came with 4:51 left in the game, and the Ducks behind 21-14. Oregon was threatening to tie when they had the ball at the Wildcats’ 17-yard line. On first down. Miller saw flanker Scott Holman get behind his defender by a few steps, and he threw the ball. After that, all he saw was Arizona linebacker Byron Evans come across the field to in tercept and squelch the Ducks’ comeback hopes. “He should not have thrown the ball. It was a first down play on the 17-yard line, he (Holman) was covered,” said Oregon coach Rich Brooks Oregon’s running game was ineffective against the na tion’s No. 3 ranked rushing defense. The Ducks gained only 37 yards on the ground which left the burden of Oregon's of fense rest on Miller’s passing. “They have a good defense. They stopped our running game, and when we couldn’t run, they started keying on the pass,” said Miller who had 11 completions out of 32 attempts for 205 yards. The Ducks opened the scor ing when Miller hooked up with flanker Lew Barnes for a 80-yard touchdown bomb, but Arizona came back under the the foot of kicker Max Zendejas and the running of Arizona quarterback Alfred Jenkins to take a 10-7 lead at half. Arizona used a ball control offense in the third quarter to add 11 more points for a com fortable 21-7 lead. Oregon had the ball for only two minutes in the entire third period. In the fourth period, Oregon appeared to be reborn after tailback Kevin McCall passed to Miller for a 11-yard touchdown. The trick play started with a pitch from Miller to McCall who hit the uncovered quarterback to bring the Ducks back into the game, 21-14, with 10:37 remaining. Oregon’s new life ended with Evans’ interception at the Arizona 5. Arizona’s David Adams scored an insurance touchdown after the interception to give the Wildcats a 28-14 win. The game was costly for the Ducks because safety Jeff Williams and tight end Rich Gaiser were lost for the season because of injuries. The FG-20. Get into the Nikon system It’s the smartest way to start your Nikon system. The new FG-20 has a manual mode, and automatic mode and an automatic “beep” mode that audibly prevents you from making exposure mistakes. And considering the price of the FG-20, it’s a mistake not to start your system with one. There’s more: • Automatic flash metering with optional Nikon SB-19 Speedlight. • Optional MD-14 motor drive • Nikon Inc. USA limited war ranty application included along with free Nikon USA Club membership. Nikon Wct.ikcltvworklV yrencsi puiurw® NIKON f(, Al with 5U mn fl HE or with 36-72 ZOOM with 50mm 1.8E 36-72 Zoom Shown Optional High tech autofocus. Confusion-free operation with top quality results. Freedom from film speed settings/focusing/looding ond winding/exposure settinas/flash errors. • Freedom to use any 35 mm color print film, including new ISO 1000. Complete with Minolta's one-year USA limited warranty OLYMPUS TRIP The ideal camera tor the picure taker wh- wants simple operation, automatic focus automatic programmed exposures and the convenience of built-in flash • Powerful automatic flash built-in • Brilliant framed viewfinder • Shutter release lock prevents underexposures • Battery check LED in dicator in viewfinder WE promise you that if you have your color film in by 4:00 p.m. we will have it back to you by 11:00 the next morning, Or it’s on us!! (valid M-Th - 3 R Print size) *ask for details COUPON Coupon must accompany order ..... 12 ex. D & P 36 ex. 0 & P 15 ex. D & P 24 ex. D & P Portfolio Print add $1 FUOs— BOOKSTORE CASIO THE WATCH FOR YOU! nuucj oiken ftfyEeo and vahm ic dwm fruMtt! 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplies 686-4331