People’s law lectures continue The People’s Law School will continue its series of informal lectures and discussions on various topics on law. Organiz ed by a group of University law students, the classes are free, registration is not required, and everyone is welcome to attend MJO BOOKSTORE BUY 5 QUALITY TDK TAPES AND GET FREE* HEADPHONES * In specially marked SA X 90 or AD X 90packages s35 Value o(i% &pmal piece $ 1 750 Here’s a special offer from TDK tapes to make it even easier for you to hear the difference. Jazz, rock, classical-all come alive an TDK tapes. Record your favorites and then hear for yourself-with the free headphones (a $14.95 value) -the clear, unmistakable quality sound reproduction! Don’t miss out! Come in today and take advantage of this special TDK headphone offer. ■ 13th & Kincaid IE 1 M F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 BOOKSTORE Supplies 686-4331 the series in whole or in part. “The goal is to educate members of the public about various areas of the law,” said coordinator Martin W. Jaqua. “We try to help people be less frightened and have less anxiety about it.” Teams of three to five law students give a brief, informal lecture and then usually open up the classes to questions. Although it is not permissible to give individual legal advice, the students can clairify an issue in the law through a hypothetical situation. “Those who have attended the sessions in the past left feel ing that it was time well spent,” continued Jaqua. “Even if you don’t have an immediate situa tion where you need informa tion, it’s a good idea to be familiar with the law, if only to communicate better with a lawyer.” All classes are taught at the Ida Patterson Community School, 1510 W. 15th Ave., from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday evenings under the following schedule: •Understanding the Legal System. Oct. 9. Describing the various court systems, how laws are made, basic legal pro cedure, legal research and how and when to find an attorney. •Landlord/Tenant Law. Oct. 16. Describing what your rights and obligations are as a landlord or tenant and Oregon’s Residential Landlord and Te nant Act and model leases. •Wills. Oct. 23. Discussing when you need a will, how to write your own will, how to avoid probate, and when you need to hire a lawyer. •Small Claims Court. Oct. 30. Describing how to file a claim, what to do if you are sued, and how to increase your chance to win your case. •Labor Law. Nov. 6. Describ ing your basic rights and obliga tions as an employee or employer, how to handle disputes, and where to go when you need help. •Child Custody and Support. Nov. 13. Describing the pro cedures involved, the laws which apply, how to get a decree, and how to get a prior decree changed. •Consumer Law. Nov. 20. Describing your rights and obligations as a buyer, how to protect and assert your rights, and how to become an informed consumer. WHEN YOURVOIA/O NEEDS SERVICE... ...bring it to a Specialist! Aipjnekirkort / /Service^ The volvo Specialist Located at 12th & Main in Springfield Call 726-1808 for an appointment or just drop by. All Work Guaranteed Photo couilMjr of Columbia Artist* Illusion comes to Hult Just when it seems that life in American theater must be very real, and the earnestness of it is very important — along comes the Black Light Theatre of Prague to remind us that theater can be something else entirely. It can be magic, illusion, foolishment.. .the world turned upside down. In its 22 years of existence, the 20-member troupe has made more than 125 international tours and has performed in nearly 40 countries. Dressed in black from head to toe, "invisible” actors per form in front of a black “horizon,” They hold and manipulate various props that appear to move about the stage under their own power. As each object is coated with a phosphorescent substance in various colors, it seems to radiate from within when illumiated by the black light. The props are not used merely as tricks, but as an integral part of the story with which the “visible” performers express meaning without words. The Black Light Theatre of Prague performs tonight at the Hult Center for the Performing Arts. Curtain time is 8 p.m. in the Silva Concert Hall. Tickets are $13.50. $9.50 and $7. Student rush tickets are available one half hour before the show for $7, $5 and $3.75 although seating may not be available in all areas. Students must bring I.D. cards. IT'S HENRY'S WEEK AT BARNEY CABLES Large Pitchers of Henry Weinhard only $2.25 Classes of Henry Weinhard only 50C C'mon down to enter our Thursday Nite drawing for an array of prizes brought to you by Barney Cables. • Every pitcher gets you 2 FREE chances • Every glass gets you 1 FREE chance Don't forget our other weekly Specials: • MON - Monday Nite Football, Big Screen T.V. • TUES - Movie Nite, featuring CADDY SHACK! • WED - Pool Tournament, FREE pool • THURS - DRAWING FOR THE GRAND PRIZE • Bring in this ad for another free shot at those fabulous prizes from BARNEY CABLES CABLES 484-7085 375 E. 7th (Under the Ferry St. Bridge) Student Health Center University of Oregon 0plei 'l/accituXtioK Influenza vaccinations will be given at the student health center every WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY FROM 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. beginning October 10th and continuing until the end of the fall term. Only one injection is needed. Students $2.50 Faculty and Staff $3.50 Annual flu immunizations ARE RECOMMENDED for the following: 1. Persons with increased risk of complication from lower respiratory infections 2. Persons 65 years or older 3. Persons with any of the following: heart disease, compromised lung functions, chronic kidney disease, diabetes,chronic severe anemia, and • conditions which compromise immune mechanisms. For more information, call the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER at (686) 4441.