inter/national Labor says no to British nukes BLACKPOOL, England (AP) — The opposition Labor Party voted overwhelmingly today to unilaterally scrap Britain’s nuclear weapons, expel U.S. Cruise missiles and close U.S. nuclear bases if the party wins power. The vote came on the third day of the socialists’ annual IBM WORD PROCESSOR RENTAL 860 E. 13th OPEN 7 DAYS 344-7894 conference in this northwest England resort and marked the party’s most radical commit ment yet to unilateral nuclear disarmament. The conference rejected a resolution that would have lr committed Labor to closing all U.S. bases in Britain, where 25,000 U.S. troops and scores of planes, ships and submarines are based. Former Prime Minister James Callaghan and other moderates .—H T.V. Rentals Student Special! *30.00 Color. . ($50.00 deposit) Big Selection of Used T. V. Sets for Sale Deka Electronics 390 W. 12th • 342-2488 If you're in Science or Engineering, chances are your classes include Calculus, Physics, or Chemistry. Engineering Statics, or Dynamics. You're running up against some tough calcula tions, with statistics problems, hyperbolics, and logs. The HP-11C calculator helps you breeze through those problems with a few simple keystrokes. Need to simplify problems that are even more complex? The HP-41 CV gives you 128 built-in functions—and the HP-41CX over 200—to sim plify your long homework assignments. Use up to 6,437 bytes of memory to save the programs and formulas you use often. And there are thou sands of software programs, so you don't have to start from scratch next term. If you're in Business or Finance, you're proba bly taking Accounting, Statistical Methods, Finance, and Investment Analysis. Classes loaded with tedious calculations. End the pencil and-paper drudgery with the HP-12C. The most powerful decision-maker on the market! Dedi cated keys make time value of money calculations, amortization, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and statis tics solutions as simple as a single keystroke. And it's easy to change values or correct mistakes without reentering your entire problem. Hewlett-Packard calculators. They help you work smart this term. And next term. And even later on the job. Get your HP today from your local HP dealer. * For the location of the dealer nearest you, call TOLL FREE 1-800-FOR-HPPC. HEWLETT PACKARD 3902401 658A Students! Work Smart. Work Simply...With Hewlett-Packard. Take a good look at your class schedule. had called for rejection of a policy plank they said would rupture the North Atlantic Trea ty Organization. Callaghan’s 1976-79 administration lost power to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Conservatives. Labor suffered its worst defeat in 50 years in June 1983, when it ran on a platform of scrapping Britain's Polaris nuclear missiles, canceling Mrs. That cher's order to update them with the U.S. Trident system, and banning U.S. nuclear weapons. Among the U.S. nuclear weapons in Britain are the first 16 Cruise missiles, which arriv ed in Britain last November at the Green ham Common Air Force Base. 50 miles west of London. They are among 572 Cruise and Pershing II missiles to be deployed in Five Western Euro pean countries by 1988. NATO says the weapons are being deployed in response to the build-up of Soviet mid-range missiles aimed at Western Europe. Spending bill faces late action WASHINGTON (AP) — Con gress, eager to adjourn by week’s end, lurched toward a midnight Wednesday deadline for approving emergency spen ding legislation that is necessary to keep the govern ment from shutting down for lack of money. “We aren’t going to be able to midnight. We just cannot do it,” declared Majority Leader Howard Baker. R-Tenn., before the Senate began its se cond marathon session in two days in the hope of completing work on the money bill. Reagan administration of ficials raised the possibility that if Congress did not meet the deadline, government workers might be sent home on Thursday. The bulk of the federal government already was operating under a three-day financing measure that Presi dent Reagan signed Wednes day, just hours before it was to expire at midnight. The long term bill before the Senate would provide about $467 billion to federal agencies for the entire fiscal year, which began Monday. Baker said Congress might have to pass a second stopgap measure to give the Senate more time to complete work on the long-term spending bill, which House-Senate negotiators must then fashion into a final compromise. Before completing action, the Senate still faced disputes over foreign aid, military spending and water projects. Nonetheless, Baker said he still expected Congress to meet its adjournment target of late Friday afternoon. The White House Office of Management and Budget told federal departments that their employees should report for Continued on Page 5 #4# E 13TM AVE WE OFFER SPEED, QUALI TY AND ECONOMY IN PHOTO PROCESSING* *«« ANV TWO ,