Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1984, Page 12, Image 12

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while supplies lasts / one with this coupon
(18 years or older please)
164 W. Broadway
Eugene Downtown Mall
Lane women to back Ferraro
The Lane Women s Political
Caucus will hold a Ferraro
Celebration today to celebrate
the nomination of Con
gresswoman Geraldine Ferraro
as the Democratic candidate for
vice president.
** *:.
Other political events include
a brown bag forum on Ballot
Measure 2 in the EMU Ballroom
and a speech by Carl DiPaolo,
Republican candidate for state
representative, at the Colonial
Inn, 1626 Willamette St. Both
Emerald file photo
Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, who
motivated a downtown Eugene crowd early in September, will
receive support at a celebration today.
a new
Independent Study Course
3 Credits
PPPM 41 OG TLN 74 71
• Open to all students
• No fees (for full time students)
• IBM and Apple personal computers will be used
• Each student will contract with the instructor
as to the work they will complete for the term
• Initial meeting will be Thursday, October 4 at
4:00 pm in the gymnasium of Condon School
• Register NOW for FALL term at 333 Oregon Hall
events will be held at noon and
are free and open to the public.
DiPaolo is opposing
Democrat Ron Eachus in
District 39, which includes the
River Road/Santa Clara area.
His talk is sponsored by the
Rubicon Society.
The Ferraro Celebration will
be held from 5 to 8 p.m. at the
Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St.
The celebration will include
an auction of Ferraro
memorabilia. State Sen. Margie
Hendriksen, D-Eugene, will be
the special guest speaker, and
Janet McIntyre and Jane Van
Boskirk will perform feminist
The event is a fundraiser for
caucus-endorsed candidates
Hendriksen, Rep. Barbara
Roberts, D-Portland, Larry Ann
Willis and Sen. Ruth
McFarland, D-Wood bum.
Sliding-scale admission fees
are $3 to $5 for students and $5
to $10 for the general public.
Refreshments will be served.
Museum of Art
displays photos
An exhibition of color
photography entitled “New
Angular” by Washington, D.C.,
photographer J. Michael Lesko
is on display at the University's
Museum of Art.
(vainer man wonting wnnin
the confines of a traditional rec
tangular format, Lesko carefully
cuts, rips and otherwise
modifies the framework of the
photographs in order to offer
visual alternatives.
“Through experimentation, I
recognized the potential of
altering the image area," notes
Lesko. “It is the intent of my
photographs, by altering the
rectangular framework of
photography, to aesthetically
enhance the relationship bet
ween the subject matter and the
image area itself.”
Sea scapes, fences and
geological formations comprise
Lesko's subject matter. His
alterations add to the perspec
tive and graphic elements as ex
pressed within the photographs
themselves. The exhibit runs
through Oct. 28. The Oregon
Gallery is located on the
museum's main floor.
One year term to fill
vacancy due to the early
graduation of Henry
Jacobson. Must be enroll*
ed graduate student with
minimum 0 oredit hours.
Term ends May 198S. Ap
plcatlons taken in
Bookstore Administrative
Offices until Oct. 10,
1084, 8:30 p.m. Questions
should be directed to Jim
13th & Kincaid
M-F 7:30-5:30
_ SAT 10:00-3:00
BOOKSTORE Supplies 686-4331