MOTOBECANE Womw'i 22 inch. 11 months old, has rack.generator Ex csllsnt condition. $130 47S E. 12th no.D._*0** 19" Man's Blanchl, excellent condition. Ideal for student. $150 or best offer. Cell evenings before 10 p.m. 345-9239 10-9 10 speed men's Puegot. Excellent con dition, new tires. Call after 5 p m or on Saturday and Sunday. 746-3319. 10-6 Cars & Cycles 74 Chev. Van, 350 Air, runs well, stereo, camper. $2000 344-7139.1P5_ 1967 PORCME 912 Black, alloys, new tires, bilsteins. suspen., rubber, more Good runner. $6750_ 10-5 *81 Honda Express Efficfent/Dellghtful. J" at 683 3222.104 1974 Audi Fox Runs and drives great. Must sell. $1400 343-6704 105 1975 VW Rabbit. Good tires, new tune $995 x3473 or 683-4677109 '61 Escort, Sharp! Dark brown 4-door wagon. 4-speed $3450 345-3301 or 689 7763. 3526.1012 74~HMtda Trad BO 660 miles, $425. *79 Honda Express 600 miles, $325. Both excellent condition. 344-4291. 106 IMS PONTIAC Good shape, new tires and shocks, needs battery to run. Ask ing $400. 683-1756 105 ’67 MUSTANG Good conditon. 361 engine, *1500 343-5931 105 Rides & Riders ■rom Corvallis to Eugene udes/nders leafpoolj wanted 752 3962 nights. 1P10 Commuting from Portland to Eugene. To share ride call (17264-8287 eves. 1P10 Wanted 40DELS for advanced education classes in the art of hair design Par ticipation will be in exchange for free service Creative Id, 342-1751 1Q10 VESPA 195069, Reasonably good condition. Please call 4856489 Evenings after 8:00 105 S Opportunities the bfreu'gN- bAILV emeRalT) [ Publishing Co Board of Directors is | seeking to re pi see the student at-large | representative on the board At monthly meetings the Board of [ Directors oversees the business, finacial and corporate aspects of publishing the Oregon Daily Emerald The board also selects the editor for the coming year The Board of Directors has absolutely no control over editorial content of the I Oregon Daily Emerald Currently serving on the board are four raprasentatives from the newspaper, two faculty represen tatives, two student government representatives, and a member of the Eugene community. Board members recieve no salary for II their positions It requires Approx imately 4 to 10 hours of work per month. To apply, please send a resume or vita and a typed statement about your [ abilities and how they would benefit the I board to Karen McLain, c/o the Oregon f Daily Emerald Board of Directors, Erb I Memorial Union, Suite 300 by Oct. 5, j 1964.105 i Associated Student President's Ad vtsory Council (ASPAC) is seeking 2 I representatives from ASUO funded pro grams Applications are available in Suite 4, EMU Due no later than Oct 5,5 p.m3243 10-5 Plan Aheed-.Slay fit this winter with flexible nutrition program Safe, Natural!! 687-1386 evenings, keep try ing_______ _ 10-4 Gain effective leadership experience by becoming involved in one of 24 Stu denl/Facutty Committees that help set University policies and procedures. I Academic Requirements. Campus Plan j ning, Intercollegiate Athletics. Museum of Art Advisory, and Scholarship are some committees you can be Involved in. Pick up applications SUAB, Suite 3, EMU or the ASUO Office, Suite 4, EMU Applications deadline, Oct. 5, S p.m. 688-3720 3548:10-5 JEWELRY WORKSHOP Wednesday Nights Get ready for the holidays! EMU Craft Center. Ground Floor. EMU 698-4361 32*1:10-8 The American English institute has possible workstudy openings in the following areas: Lab Monitors <1-5 positions) monitor lab while open and assist E.S.L. Students with lab use. Receptionist (Clerk, 1 position) assist administrative assistant In reception, clerical, and typing. Transcriber (1 position) transcribe and type English from audio tapes. Interested persons should submit a brief resume (including a phone number) to Sharr) Galick, Admin Asst., AEI. 241 PLC, UO. 10*4 Help Wanted NIGHT MANAGER- Residential tramT^g home for severely retarded adults. Sat and Sun, 11 p.m.-7 am. Security, clean ing chores, breakfast preparation, staff teaching skills and carryout behavioral programs. Apply 1893 Alder St„ weekdays 9*3 SUPPORT WORKER- Residential train ing home lor severely retarded adults, training mart in hygiene, showering routines, carryout behavioral program. Mon. - Frl. 7-10 a.m. 33.40-S3.85 per hour. Apply 1893 Alder St., weekday 9-3 . _3284:10-5 FAMILY NEEDS help cartng lor 2 and 4 year-old boys, our southwest Eugene home. Monday 8:15 -1:30, Tuesday 8:15 - 6:30 686 0381 104 WORK STUDY TUTORS wanted. If you •re interested In one-to-one tutoring 3 WILD.) EXPIRES SOON. DISCOUNT TICKET BOOKLETS WILL BE AVAILABLE. ★ ★★★★★★★★★ Adm.s2.50 Tonite Only FROM THE CREATOR OF THE ACADEMY AWARD-WINNING “FANNY AND ALEXANDER” An intimate, revealing, and personal at the heart, mind and soul of the director. hvrrvr > _ After The Rehearsal ENDS TONIGHT MON-THURS 6:15. 6, 9:35pm (Miser Monday admission *2.50) Personals BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free Pregnancy testing. Confidential. Bir thright. 687-86513162:H PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488.3144:tin VISA and/or MASTERCARD credit cards for students, 18 years or older. Low tees, small savings account required. Write for details. National Credit Assistance Corp., Suite 300-AC, 325 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 2000310-5 STUDENT LEADERS Interested in working with Oregon Achievers? Come to our first meeting on October 11 at 7 p.m. in 360 Oregon Hall. Any questions please contact Ann Berner at 686-3212 3260:10-5 Gain effective leadership experience by becoming involved in one of 24 Stu dent/Faculty Committees that help set University policies and procedures. Academic Requirements, Campus Plan ning, Intercollegiate Athletics, Museum of Art Advisory, and Scholarship are some committees you can be involved in. Pick up applications: SUAB, Suite 3, EMU or the ASUO Office, Suite 4, EMU Applications deadline, Oct. 5, 5 p.m. 686-3720. 3546:10-5 FOR ANSWERS TO YOU questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100. 2 p.m. M-F 3162:WHF PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early pregnancy test that is 99% accurate. Call for appt. 344-9411.3500:H ELECT FERRARO 10-4 MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 194&WHF Alpha O Bonnie Nichols, What can I say? I'm just a dead giveaway.Love, your Big Sis.10-4 Delts- Better late than never, we ll love you forever. Thanks for the Tailgater! It was a lot of fun. Alpha Pelts.10-4 Alpha Delta Pi Pledges, We're a mystery to you but not for long. Love, your Big Sis’s.10-4 ChiPsi's- Thanks for the seranade, we sure enjoyed hearing your golden tones! Love, the A D Pi**. 10-4 AOP Chrissy, I'm known to be dizzy And I'm your big sissy Can you guess who I am? .10-4 Alpha O Sara B, Get psyched for tomor row when all secrets will be revealed! Love, you Big Sis.10-4 DEBBIE WILSON Looking forward to seeing you tonight. 12:30? Your place? If you don't show we’ll be just sick about it! Love, Dave and Paul (Babotto)10-4 Jaime; Mighty Muff For you don't know how to pimp the system. Secrecy is a must in your case. P S. How were they?10-4 Carrie Y., I know you can’t make it this weekend but never fear, for your Big Sis is near. 104 Chi Omega SUSAN COOK Have a great week! See you Saturday. Love, you Big Sis.10-4 We’d like to remind a certain Phi Psi of this quote: "Some waitress poured wastepase on my Paste!” Thanks for the roses- the girls. 10-4 ADELPHE! Roses are red Violets are blue -ij.t . The flapjacks were great And so are you too! We thinkyou're all the greatest!! Your Brothers at PHILO __10-4 Congradulations Sharie and Sig Chi Ron on your pinning Love, D.G's 104 Have Kappa Kappa Gamma composite. Will swap for one of equal or greater value. 683-5575 104 ATTENTION: ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER AND ASIAN (MIGRANT STUDENTS INTEREST MEETING Oct. 4 6 p.m. 12 EMU X43S2 _3285:10-5 Congratulations Dot and Unfield Sig Chi Steve on your pinning! Love, O.G.'s 104 Grand Opening Second Thoughts Fri.and Sat. 10-8 Fim Refreshment 720% E. 13th (just behind Logos) Quality new and used women's clothing consignments by appt. 343-1312 3287:10-5 25* HOT DOG NIGHT THURSDAY 8-10 p.m. Beer, wine & good sandwiches Enjoy our outdoor patio ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1481 Vi E. 19th (Near 19th & Agate) ML»QQft€ COUNTY .(ave/emtb. max mur-if YWH/mn Atxm-tw mtery cioxr. -tm tfciosm ofcuunsH masks mt&soeiep BOOU06.AU Of mane urn Aboumw-m em. mm emmiY. \ by Berke Breathed Paoa 11