et al. MEChA (THE HISPANIC STUDENT UNION) will be holding its first organiza tional meeting and officer elections today at 5:00 p.m. in Room 16D. All Latinos, Hispano, Chicanos, etc. are urged to attend. WIQ MEMBERS — please attend our first meeting, today at 4:30 in the Eric Allen Seminar Room, Room 307 Allen Hall AN IMPORTANT FIRST MEETING is being held for students interested in Model United Nations today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 627, PLC THE FOLLOWING WORKSHOPS are available to interested students: “Preparing for Law School” being held today at 3:30, 164 Oregon Hall, and “Where in the World,” held Thursday at 3:30 in 164 Oregon Hall STUDENTS FOR MARGIE HEN DRIKSEN will be holding its first organiza tional and information meeting today in the EMU Forum Room at 5:30. All students interested in supporting the Democratic candidate for U S. Senate are encouraged to attend. CHANGE IN *84 will meet today at 12:00 in the Koinonia Center lounge. Planned ac tivities will be reviewed and updated, as well as taking volunterrs for remaining SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY in Room 244 Hendricks Hall for the following recruiters: Oct. 10-11 — U.S. Marine Corps (for of ficer training) (date tentative) Oct. 11-12 — Arthur Young & Company (for staff accountant; also Tax Schedule) Oct. 11 — Idaho First National Bank (for staff accountant; also Tax Schedule) Oct. 11 — Minihan, Kemutt, Stokes & Co. (For Entry-level Accountants) INTERESTED IN BECOMING a member of a business organization? Alpha Kappa Psi is open to all pre-business, business, and economics majors. To find out more about it and how to join, please come to our informational meeting today at 5 p.m. in 201 Gilbert Hall. THE SAILING TEAM is having a meeting today in Room 110 at 8:30 p.m. Anyone that is interested is welcome. THE FOLLOWING GROUPS are available at the Counseling Center: Asser tiveness Training and Social Skills Group, Wednesdays, 2:30 - 4:00; Eating Disorders Group, Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:45; Here-and Now Therapy Group, Wednesdays, 3:00 - 5:00; Older-than-Average Group, Tuesdays, 3:00 - 4:30. For more informa tion, contact the Counseling Center at 686-3227. THE FENCING CLUB is having an organizational meeting today at 4:00 in Room 108, EMU. Both men and women are encouraged to attend. No experience necessary. THE CAMPUS LIBERTARIANS are holding a general meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Century Room E. EMU. IN LOVING MEMORY of a good friend and wonderful human being, Jim Fortier, Eugene memorial services are being held at 2 p.m. Sunday on Spencer’s Butte by all those who knew and loved Jim. For more information call 485-6175. Ask for Tod or Don. METAPHYSICAL WISDOM, a free SEARCH non-credit workshop, will meet Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. in 243 Gilbert Hall. Call SEARCH, 686-4305, for more information. SYNERGETICS, a free SEARCH non credit workshop in the ideas of Buckminster Fuller, will begin today at 4:50 in Room 111 Gilbert Hall. Call SEARCH, 686-4305, for more information. THE ON-CAMPUS INTERNSHIP PRO GRAM has a variety of fall-term intern ships available. For more information con tact the office at Room 364 Oregon Hall or call 686-3216 by Oct. 12. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help out with the Lane Memorial Blood Drive on campus Oct. 9 and 10. For information con tact SURC office at 686-5555. OSPIRG is offering class credit for work ing on the Citizens Utility Board campaign. Contact OSPIRG for more information, Suite 1 EMU, 686-4377. STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD is accepting applications for the following board positions: No. 2 Educa tion, No. 3 Humanities, No. 5 An thro/Psych/Soc, No. 7 Telecomm/Speech. CONSUMER HOTLINE COORDINATOR NEEDED. Receive up to nine hours of class credit. Contact OSPIRG, Suite 1 EMU, 686-4377. THE GELHAN GALLERY IS LOOKING FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS to show black and white photographs on “Politics: the 80’s, A Social Documentary." For informa tion, send a S.A.S.E. to the gelhan gallery, 795 Willamette St. Room 208, Eugene 97401, or call 683-1497. Deadline for sub missions is Oct. 14 for students. AN ARCHITECTURAL SEMINAR AND LECTURE will be given Thursday by John Fidler. The seminar, entitled “Nondestruc tive Building Pathology and Diagnosis,’' will be held at 9:30 a.m. in Lawrence Hall Room 283. "Preservation of the City of London” will be the topic of his lecture to be held in Room 177 Lawrence Hall Room 177 at 7:30 p.m. ADULT READING WORKSHOPS FOR NON-READERS will be held Saturdays, Oct. 6 and 13, 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., at the Lincoln Community School, 650 W. 12th. For further information, call 344-4061. THE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR POSITIVE THOUGHT is seeking the use of a good-sounding tape player for its free motivational lecture series. The lectures are open to the public and begin Oct. 27 at 7 p.m in the Far West Federal Bank, 96 E. Broadway. Anyone who can lend or donate a tape player can bring it to the agency at 267 Van Buren St. or call Mike Stevens at 688-7407. NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION is accepting applications for the Environmen tal Conservation Fellowship and Publica tion Award programs, 1985-86 academic year. Write: National Wildlife Federation, 1412 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER applica tion materials are available for the employ ment examination at Room 244, Hendricks Hall. Positions are in administration, con sular offices, economic and political analysis. Applicants must be U.S. citizens at least 20 years old, available for world wide assignment. An informal group meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 15 at 9 a.m., EMU Room 101. THE 1984 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO COM PETITION, sponsored by the JVC Company of America, is accepting entries from students, as well as professionals, in four categories: communications, training, promotion/merchandising and local cable production. The competition closes Nov. 30, and there is no entry charge. Prizes will be awarded. For official rules and entry forms, write to 1984 Professional Video Competition, c/o Shaw & Todd, Inc., 6101 Empire State Building. New York, N.Y. 10118, or caU*(212) 244-5225. Classifieds Buy & Sell THE BUY 6 SELL CENTER Buy-Selt-Trade Musical intruments, stereo, toots. 446 E. 13th. tfn:0184 For Sale 1974 PLYMOUTH SCAMPSIant six 2 door, P.S. Auto., air shocks. *395 or best Otter 726-8083.10-5 Guitar Fender Tetecaster w/ schector rosewood neck. Excellent condition. 9275. 344-2188 or 686-4343. ttn Sansui Stereo, S components, wood and glass cabinet, 2 speakers. $700 obo. Evenings 747-3185.10-5 RAINCOATS Factory seconds $10. PACKTRAILS 5th Street Public Market; 5th and High, Eugene., 10-4 Soundesign Stereo, tloor speakers $150; Foamplywood bed $20. 688-2107 evenings. _10-3 10 Speed 23" LeMans Centurion. Good condition. $125 683-0682.106 1976 Yamaha- Enduro 175. XLN condi tion. Street Legal. $675.6830682. 10-5 FOR SALE: SPACE Photography, ceramics, woodworking, sewing, jewelry, bike repair, fibers, stained glass. Check it out- EMU Craft Center, ground floor, EMU. 686-4361. 3184:in RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 464-9405 3145:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 3143:tfn Carol’* Professional Typing Service Monday Friday 8:304 30 Eveings by appointment only 345-2289 3158:tfn Typing: 15 years experience Papers, dissertations, editing. Graduate School approved. IBM Selectrtc. Pickup and delivery Call Carole at MS-3983. 3157:tfn TY PING/E DITING Call Sara 686-0739 3lS4:tln WORD PROCESSING T&C Professional Typing Service. Manuscripts, dissertations, theses. Graduate School approved M7-9326 3142:tfn GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 3 and 10 p m at 726-9824 3149:tfn PROFESSIONAL QUALITY and ex perience for typing needs. IBM. Graduate specialists. Reasonable Carolyn Sherrell, 344-7231 3250:105 TYPING - WORD PROCESSING. Ouality papers, super resumes. Near campus. Phone 686-0812105 Resumes / Typing Resumes, letters, composed and typed. Papers typed and edited. Law papers. Foreign student tutor ex perience. Sheila Cauthorn. 688-TYPE. 3269: WHF WORD WORKS Editing & Word Processing Thesis & Dissertation help Call Gerry for appointment 484 6593 3266:1012 Photography >ENTAX K1000 body, lens, and case Used twice *110 689-0537. 104 Instruments DRUMS 4 pc Stewart Kit with Camber Cymbal 6 hat $350 GUITARS Crown acoustic steel string $40. Westminister acoustic nyton string classical $95. Will negotiate Call 666 4343, leave message tor TIM tin Sound Systems -t6k &Aii Yamaha A-560 amp, $140; Yamaha P300 turntable, $180; Bang & Olulsen speakers Beovox C-75,$225. Polk Audio Sub-Wooler LF 14, $180; Vector Research VCX 200 deck, $115, Call 344-9635 or 343-2519. 10-9 Books -ioOOOOBSoks IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% oH list prices •Textbooka»CIHf Notes •magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 3152:tfn | Outdoor Gear Backpacks, &oft Briefcases, Bags, Lug' gage. Vests & Raincoats Factory direct to you. PACKTRAILS 5th Street Market 5th 6 High. Eugene 104 r Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU TH/5 YEAR, FORTHP F/RST TIME IN YOUR HISTORY, YOU HAVE A CHANCB TD YOB fORTHE ONLY PARTY -JHATS ACTUALLY P01N6 MY WORK—AMBRJCAtS PARTY. / FORMERS KNOWN AS THE 'GO.P.* AMERICAS PART/STANDS FOR EVERYTHING JHATS SACRED TOME. OLD GLORY. MARY LOU RRTTON. NUCLEAR SUPERtORJTY. SO TAKE TT FROM ME, GOP, A VOTE FOR AMERICA'S PARTY IS A VOTE HAPPY HOUR 5pm-Cl08ing 7 Day si 860 E. 13th 344-7894