—UOftookstore= Townspeople termed ‘bigots’ RAJNEESHPURAM (AP) — The personal secretary to Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh said Sunday that residents of a nearby town “deserve to be scared” that homeless people may be dumped there with too little money to return home. “They deserve to be scared because they are bigoted,” Ma Anand Sheela said of Madras residents. “When we have bigoted people from Madras come (here) with guns and other things, we deal with them. It happens often.” The mayor of Madras, 45 miles southeast of Ra jneeshpuram, has said he is ad vising people to lock their doors to protect themselves against the homeless who may be left there after being bused to Ra jneeshpuram. A city of 2,300, Madras is the nearest sizable town to the religious sect’s 2-year-old commune-city. About 2,000 homeless people — enough to outnumber the Howtokeepyourbody limberwithout straining your budget. 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Many institutions also require a co-signer, but at Far West no co-signature is necessary. There’s no worry, even if you don't have a credit rating. And, Far West does not require a previous or current account relationship. Come See How We Can Help Don’t let the assignment get tougher by putting it off. Stop by any Far West office now and apply for a student loan. You’ll get quick, expert service so you can get on with your education. tt* the FAR WEST way EUGENE MAIN OFFICE 96 East Broadway, Phone 686-0131 * If you already have an outstanding Guaranteed Student Loan at 7% or 9%, any future loans wM be at that interest rate. national/regional Rajneeshee population of 1,700 — now are housed in the central Oregon city-commune, Ma Ar nand Sheela said. Hundreds more have left the commune via buses from Madras. OSU professor shot and killed CORVALLIS (AP) — Thomas C. Hogg, a professor of an thropology and assistant dean of research at Oregon State University, was shot and killed while deer hunting on the southeast slope of Mary’s Peak. Hogg, 48, was hunting with three companions in an area of low brush and few trees when he was shot Saturday, the first day of the deer-hunting season. Peter F. Sandrock Jr., Benton County district attorney, said Hogg was one of three hunters driving a deer toward another hunter at the bottom of a hill. “Hogg was in the middle of a line of three,” he said. “I don't know which member of the par ty shot him. Several shots were fired at one time, and he was hit in the chest.” Sandrock said he did not know the names of the other three hunters in the party. Sgt. Ben Miller of the Oregon State Police would not disclose the names, saying the information was not pertinent. Hogg received his bachelor’s degree in history and an thropology from the University of Oregon in 1958. In 1963, he earned a master's degree in an thropology and sociology, and in 1965, he received his doc torate from the University. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Hogg, and two daughters. ATT office to close in Salem SALEM (AP) — The American Telephone & Telegraph Co. is closing its Oregon consumer sales and ser vice headquarters in Salem, eliminating a $1.7 million payroll. The move, part of a nation wide reorganization, will not af fect Oregon AT&T service, com pany officials said. However, a union official termed the an nouncement “devastating” to local workers. Sue Pisha, a Portland-based representative of the Com munications Workers of America, said some workers had moved as many as three times in recent months and had been assured the office would remain in Salem. The closure will take effect Nov. 30. It does not affect 80 employees at AT&T's long distance telephone office in downtown Salem. The 73 workers, some wear ing mourning black, learned of the closure at a Friday meeting in their Oak Hills Shopping Center office. They had heard rumors of the closure earlier in the week, and got official word from Tom Haslam, the Seattle based regional manager for the consumer sales and services division. Shultz calls talks positive WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State George Shultz said Sunday that the opportuni ty for holding productive negotiations with Moscow has been improved, but he declined to characterize last week's talks between Pres. Ronald Reagan and Soviet Foreign Minister An drei Gromyko as "very positive.” In an appearance on ABC TV’s “This Week with David Brinkley.” Shultz said that as a result of the nearly nine hours of talks, “the chances of a more constructive dialogue with the Soviet Union.. .are reasonably good.” Walter Mondale told reporters Sunday that the Reagan-Gromyko session was an “apparent failure in arms control.” and “both disappoin ting and a basis for apprehen sion” because it raised doubts about “which Reagan will we see” if he wins a second term. “Will we see the Reagan who for four years has engineered an arms race. . .or will we see a Reagan who, as he has in the past week, talks about peace?” he said. j r j r m m J r m J r m J r m m J r •EARS For all your professional hair care needs Also a J BARS hair clips, combs, earrings, and more 1233 Alder • 344-2447 ti** i r nr i j r