Duck volleyballers get sweep in Washington By Robert CoOias The Oregon volleyball team opened its NorPac season with convincing wins over Washington State University and the University of Washington this weekend to move their conference record to 2-0. The 13th-ranked Ducks had little trouble beating the Washington schools. All America candidate Sue Harbour and her teammates thrashed WSU 15-3, 15-13 and 15-7 on Friday night in Pullman, Wash. Oregon finished the sweep with a three-game victory over Washington 13-6.15-5 and 15-6 in Seattle The Docks played both games without hitter Cynthia Shepherd who suffered a broken finger in practice. The Ducks’ frontline problems were farther compounded when Shepherd's replacement. Laurie Krejcha. sprained an ankle early in the WSU contest. Oregon coach Chris Voelz replaced Shepherd and Krejcha with sophomore Heidi Eakin and freshman Laurie Hattemer. “Both played ray well."’ «aul Voelz who saw her team raise its record to 14-6 on the year. The key to both victories was the play of Harbour and Oregon setter Lisa Gemoya. “Those two are our big play people, the ones we count on in a pinch," said Voelz. Gemoya and Harbour's performance squelched any upset hopes the Cougars had with the Ducks sporting a depleted lineup. Gemoya bad three service aces while Harbour led the teem with 10 kills. Against the Huskies in Seat tle. Harbour and Gemoya again showed why both have a chance to be selected All-America this year. Most of Harbour's 18 kills were set up by the excellent passing of Gemoya. The Washington match was also an opportunity for Voeiz to utilize her bench and give her freshmen some playing time. “At one point in the match. 1 had five freshmen and Harbour on th« floor,” said Voelz. "There’s nothing like ex perience. and I’m happy we could get everyone out on the floor.” The Ducks play their first home match of the year against in-state rival Oregon State University. The Civil War mat chup will start at 7:30 p.m. in MacArthur Court. "You can throw the record book out the window, when it comes to the Beavers.” says Voelz."They always find a way to play us tough.” et al. SIGN IIP IMMEDIATELY in Room 244 Hendricks Hall for the following recruiters: Oct. 2 — Meier ft Frank group meeting 7 p.m. Room 101 EMU. Oct. 3-4 — U.S. Marine Corps (for officer training). Oct. 4 — ‘‘Meet the Firms Night,” 6:30-10:30 p.m.. Valley River Inn (Accounting). Oct. 5 — ‘‘Continental Breakfast with Laventhol ft Horwath,” 7:30-9:30 a.m.. Room 167 EMU (Accounting). “ONE HUMAN SOCIETY,” a multimedia presentation featuring basic issues around the theme of human unity will be shown at the Eugene Public Library, 100 W. 13th Ave., today at 7 p.m. Admis sion is free. Sponsored by Ananda Marga, Eugene. For information call 345-0042. SPIRITUAL SURVIVAL SEMINAR: A workshop designed to help students and others find ways to survive daily life at a higher, happier level. Free and open to all. Tonight from 7-9 p.m. in Century Room B EMU. Sponsored by ECKANKAR. CAMPUS AFS MEETING in Century Room D EMU tonight at 7. Contact Karl Wsngien for more information: 448 E. 17th Ave., 485-0154 _ AD CLUB MEETING: Advertising, Marketing, or any other interested students are invited to attend the first meeting of the Ad Club today at 4 p.m. in Room 301A Allen Hall. There is no obligation to join — Come and check it out for yourself. For more information call Laura at X3712. OIL PAINTINGS by Betty Field-Haley will be exhibited today through Oct. 31 at the Campus Interfaith Ministry, Koinonia, at 1414 Kincaid St. Themes of the land scape paintings are from the Psalms. IN LOVING MEMORY of a good friend and wonderful human being, }im Forier, Eugene memorial services are being held at 2 p.m. Oct. 7 on Spencer’s Butte by all those who knew and loved ]im. For more info, call 485-6175. Ask for Tod or Don. METAPHYSICAL WISDOM, a free SEARCH non-credit workshop, will meet Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. in 243 Gilbert Hall. Call SEARCH. 686-4305, for more information. SYNERGETICS, a free SEARCH non credit workshop in the ideas of Buckminster Fuller, will begin Wednesday at 4:50 in Room 111 Gilbert Hall. Call SEARCH, 686-4305, for more information. THE ON-CAMPUS INTERNSHIP PRO GRAM has a variety of fall-term intern ships available. For more information con tact the office at Room 364 Oregon Hall or call ext. 3216 by Oct. 12. THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPART MENT IS RECRUITING PEER ADVISERS for fall 1984 through spring 1985 terms. For information call 686-3803 or go to Room 115 Hendricks Hall. Deadline for fall term is Tuesday. INTERVIEW PROCEDURE WORKSHOPS will be held Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room. POLITICAL SCIENCE PEER ADVISING is now taking applications for fall term. Good academic standing and sophomore or above status are required. Apply at PLC Room 907 by 3 p.m. Friday. Sept. 28. THE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR POSITIVE THOUGHT is seeking the use of a good sounding tape player for its free motivational lecture series. The lectures are open to the public and begin Oct. 27 at 7 p.m in the Far West Federal Bank, 96 E. Broadway. Anyone who can lend or donate a tape player can bring it to the agency at 267 Van Buren St. or call Mike Stevens at 688-7407. THE 1984 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO COMPETITION, sponsored by the JVC Company of America, is accepting entries from students, as well as professionals, in four categories: communications, training, promotion/merchandising and local cable production. The competition closes Nov. 30, and there is no entry charge. Prizes will be awarded. For official rules and entry forms, write to 1984 Professional Video Competition, do Shaw & Todd, Inc., 6101 Empire State Building, New York, N.Y. 10118, or call (212) 244-5225. GROUP COUNSELING FOR EATING DISORDERS is available through the University's Student Counseling Center. The group will meet Tuesdays beginning Oct. 2 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Contact the Student Counseling Center at 686-3227. STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD is accepting applications for the following board positions No. 2 Educa tion. No. 3 Humanities. No. 5 An thro/Psych/Soc, No. 7 Telecomm'Speech. APPLICATIONS FOR STU DENT/FACULTY COMMITTEES are now available in SUAB. Suite 3, EMU. or ASUO Suite 4. EMU. Application deadline is Oct. 5 at 5:00 p.m.. Call SUAB at 686-3720 for more information. CONSUMER HOTLINE COORDINATOR NEEDED. Receive up to nine hours of class credit Contact OSPIRC. Suite 1 EMU, 68S*4377 GERMAN LANGUAGE RETREAT sign up in Friendly Hall Room 202. For more in formation contact Helmut Plant in Friendly Hail Room 312 or by calling 686-4059. THE GELHAN GALLERY IS LOOKING FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS to show black and white photographs on "Politics: the 80’s, A Social Documentary. ” For informa tion. send a S.A.S.E. to the gelhan gallery, 795 Willamette St. Room 2(H). Eugene 97401. or call 683-1497. Deadline for sub missions is Oct. 14 for students. Classifieds For Sale 1974 PLYMOUTH SCAMPSiant six 2 door, PS. Auto., air shocks. *396 or best offer 726-8063 10-5 Superb Waveless Waterbed- kingsize *220 or offer. Old sofa $10 or offer. Stop by 1635 Ferry St. before 11a.m. or after 4p m., or weekends10-1 Used Furniture and Clothing; dresser, desk, table, chair, lamps, TV stand, mir ror, shirts. 2965 Mill St. after 4 p.m. workdays. 342-2713.10-jt DRUMS 4 pc. - Stewart kit with Camber Cymbal $ hat *350 QUITARS Crown acoustic steel string $40. Westminister acoustic nylon string classical $95 Will negotiate. Call 686-4343, leave message for TIM tin SEWme MACHINE Solid metal, RIC CAR F-200 Superstretch Excellent shape! 687-175410-1 GUITAR- acoustic. Guild D-25. Hard shell case. Superbaaad! *250 firm 687-1754 10-1 gcNwhia Varsity 10 speed. Good condi tion. *65 345-94481(M ronaos* ctvctfic lypMrnsr maoe oy Smith Corona, excellent condition. *130 Schwinn Varsity 10 speed, pood condition *75.683-90571 CaM Chris at 606-4703102 10 Speed 23" LeMans Centurion Good coodttion $125 683-0882105 1970 Yamaha- Eriduro 175. XLN condi tion. Street Legal. $675 6834)682 10-5 Buy & Sell THE BUY $ SELL CENTER 8 uy> Sell‘Trade Musical intruments, stereo, tools. 446 E. 13th. tfn:8184 I Services Two French Girts offer to be your tutor for $5.50/hour. Or babysitting. 344-2689.345-473210-1 Instruction KEYBdAWD IN&tftu£fl6M with composer songwriter Susan Kennedy. Improvisation techniques 083-3743. 106 The Fun Classes HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC HISTORY OF ROCK I Elvis, Berry, Holly, Beatles. Stones, Who, more. Wed 6:30-9 pm HISTORY OF ROCK II Hendrix, S.F. Bands, Dylan. Soul, New Wave, 60s Music, more. (1) Tubs 6:30-9 pm (2) Thurs. 3:306 pm Combine Rock Musk, American History and Culture Register Music $66 per class Modem Greek Class: Monday 7-10 p.m. Cali Stella 3436967 101 WOMEN'S BEGINNING RUNG FU CLASS Oct 2 26 Begin* Oct. 2. 6JO 1002 W. 2nd Inlo- 34&S49Q 102 W* hew juet opened two addNIonaf Ikfl-Mnn wcltoi of CLASS PIANO for non-majors Fm *35. 2 credit* P/NP for mor* infer (nation caM ail 37*1. School of Music _or evenings. 5*3-1*47_ Typing »s5Fss5»ixrTYpa?n statistic* specialist. IBM Corr. Sal. Grad approv ed._Neai campus 344-075# ^3159tfr> RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectrtc Graduate School approved CaM Paula Demons- 4*49405 DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 4SS-2S14 TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDmHO’QIUPHICS Tbesesidteaertattens, diagrams, ars. tables, including statistical n —-nm m f’oaaixialllfMl A wsaSfkw V Wi 1 ** V t MaWng BpeciaBet Fast. Profes sional Quality Sanies, Guaranteed WotdStytai A Tmlotph CINDY 4S4MS4 BRANDY 4S4A044 atsattn PRO TYWNQItDmNO El part at Utesas and dissertations blocks from UO No job too smalt. 3t8t:«n WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services Formerly Bit* Typing Service TYPING, $1 PAGE SAVE THIS AD! Satisfaction guaranteed 20 years' ex perience IBM Correcting Seleclrlc Call Carol at 606-0134 10-t if Doonesbury YEAH, YEAH, YEAH OKAY, - CUE THE PHONE! OKAY, ISTS TRY 'ER AGAIN! I POtfr BEUEVBTHI5I YOU HAP MONTHS TO TECHTHfS OUT! -s -* A BY GARRY TRUDEAU Native American Student Union Meeting Tuesday Oct. 2nd 4:30 p.m. Room 15A EMU Agenda: Elections Welcoming Pow - Wow .