SOAPSUDS Our LUm, on the new soap. Rituals Wonder what will hap pen when these two villains get together? Actually. In real life, two nicer people never existed ... Lots of Loving: Patty Lotz, who plays construction worker Ava on Loving, really was a construction worker two years ago, building houses with her brother-in-law ... Michael Da mian, who plays Danny on the hot Young & Restless says a guy feels just as dumb when a girl turns down an invitation to dance as a girl probably feels when she doesn't get asked In the first place. Michael, who digs going to clubs and looking at the beautiful women, says he usually has a comeback when he gets turned down. "1 say, Oh, I don’t dance. I fust warn ed to know if you did.’ " And the beat goes on. SlU \KI\< , t »[ M* *\ II S There are about nine million movies in the making (a slight exaggeration, perhaps), some for release around Christmas 85, and here goes with a list of sons. Fast Forward, directed by Sidney Poitier, is the story of 8 young kids from Ohio who go to New York to be dancers, and the rest is history (and herstory). Franc Roddam of Quadropbenia has taken on a project starring Jeannifer Beals and Sting. Called The Bride, it's a re-telling but not a re-make, erf the Bride of Franken stein Although it's not a rode movie, it will have music, but it still isn't for sure that Sting will participate in that end. Sting was also in Quadropbenia, a my-t-fine British rock film of a few years past White Knight, starring Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines (al right!) along with Ingrid Bergman’s daughter Isabella Rossellini, is helmed by Taylor (An Officer and a Gentleman) Hackford and isn't a dance movie, a musical or a comedy. (Okay, that’s fine with us.) The success of Purple 3AMMAUMS0N I---7 From Uttto Houm on tho Pralrio to Big Scroondom: Molina Qllbort, onco TV% favortto pionoor wort, polo with lovablo roguo Richard Fomoworth In Sytvostor. Ram from Prince has given birth to five more such projects. One will be a second feature starring Prince, and Maurice White of Earth, Wind & Fire and Ray Parker will be featured in two more. Since there really are almost nine million movies in production, let's take a shorter form and see if we can't turn you on to what to expea from your neighborhood screens. The following are in production: Sylvester (working title), starring Melissa Gilbert (film debut) and Richard Farnsworth — an old rodeo horse is retrained for Olympics '88.. Big Trouble, star ring those famous in-laws (out-laws?) Peter Falk and Alan Arkin, also Beverly D'Angelo and John Cassavetes ... The Mean Season, with Kurt Russell and Mariel Hemingway ... Eddie Murphy as Beverly HiUs Cop (the movie Sylvester Stallone was too tantrum-prone to make)... Timothy Hutton's latest, Turk 182 .., Mask starring Cher and Sam Ell ion ... Ray Sharkey and Marjoe Gortner in Hell Hole ... Ridley Scon’s very secretive Legend with Tom Cruise ... Oz, via Disney, not an animated feature and not a re-make or a re-telling, another of the adven tures from the Oz books ... Jodie Foster and John Lithgow in Mesmerized .. Silver Bullet from shockathon scribe Stephen King, not to mention his Cat's Eye ... Steven Guttenberg in Cocoon ... Enemy Mine starring Dennis Quaki and Lou Gossett Jr.... Sylvester Stallone’s First Blood II (second blood? Oh, never mind) ... The Howling It, Police Academy II, Electric Boogaloo Is Breaktn' II (with Shabba Doo and Boogaloo Shrimp, who else?), Porky's Revenge and Meatballs III... Gary Busey in Insignificance ... Turtle Diary with Ben Kingsley and Glenda Jackson .,. G Thomas Howell in Secret Admirer... Miracles, starring Tom Conti, Terri Garr and Paul Rodriguez ... Richard Pryor in Brewster's Millions ... Two famous ftetional characters coming to the screen are Chevy Chase as that very strange "detective" Fleicb, and Btrdy, starring Nicholas Cage and Mathew Mondine ... Tatum O’Neal and Irene Cara are working together in A Certain Fury, one of many flicks being shot in Vancouver, B.C., as are Sissy Spacek and Kevin Kline in Violets Are Blue, which was lensed in sumptuous Venice, Italy, and Kathleen Quinlan and Sam Waterston in Biohazard n uti BY JACK HANDEY I bet one of the mam rules of hunting is. "Don’t shoot any animal that is hitching a piggyback ripe on your friend" Hare s a good mage trek Ask somebody to pek a num ber between one and ten Then, run away I guess of ail my uncles, I liked Uncle Cave Man the best He called him uncle Cave Man because he Irved m a cave, and because sometimes he'd eat one of us. Later on we found out he was a bear Greed, Hypocrisy and Stupidity were all walking down the road when they came to a beautiful forest ’Oh. boy.“ said Greed, 7 think /-“ All of a sudden. Murder ran up and shot all ot them. The place was teeming with fish. And I was teaming with desire to catch them But there would be no fishing today This was Pop Teeming's property I hope that someday man is able to realize his age-old dream of farming on a comet, because ummm, i bet comet corn would be good D onl laugh, but / used to be real afraid of trams, but I thmk rm finally over it For mstance. I was afraid of taking a nap on the railroad tracks, and! was afraid to hop on the locomotive as it went by l was even afraid of tying pillows around myself and letting the train hit me I'm glad this fear of trams is behind me. because now I can get on with my life It I was a surfer, id surf right up next to another surfer and go, "Hey, man. how's the surP" vVe would both already know how the surf was. but my saying it would be like a bond between us surfers I bet what happened was. they discovered fire and in vented the wheel on the same day Then, that night, they burned the wheel Ma larta said she once kissed the ring of the bishop That's nothing," I said "Once I kissed the ass of a millionaire" Sometimes Marta thinks she's so smart Innocence is like a young deer, nibbling at some acorns your kid walks up to feed him, but suddenly, the deer grabs your kid by the neck of his Superman shirt and drags him off into the woods You chase after them, but then a gang of deer comes out. They flap those big deer ears across your face, and man, it stings I So, you give up and go back to your car, and hope your kid is raised by a nice deer family. About a year later, you hear some hunters bragging about shooting a Superman deer, but naw, it's not him.