HERE COME THE GOONIES Steve Spielberg has dreamed up another critter, and it'll be cavorting before the cam eras this fall for a movie to be released next summer. It’s called a Goony, and since there are plenty of the little (big? — no one knows, thanks to Ste ven’s famous secret network of workers who don’t blab) what ever, the title of the film will be Goonies Richard Donner of Superman fame will direct and co-produce this further dip into Spielberg’s kid-at-heart imagination. The word from the front is that Goonies is a young person’s adventure for people of all ages, and that it definitely isn’t a sequel to Gremlins or a creature feature. Spielberg is also working toward his third (and final, sob) Indiana Jones epic, and also his much-discussed Peter Pan. With so many of the “teen’’ movies peopled by ac tors who haven’t been teens recently, Steven promises Peter will be played by a boy around 12 years old. "No five o’clock shadow," swears Captain Steve. In his spare time (ha), Spiel I berg will head a weekly TV project set to debut in the fall of ’85. Titled Amazing Stories, it’ll be a weekly half-hour an thology of... you guessed it... amazing stories! Part of the idea fodder will come from a magazine (Amazing Tales) that’s been around since the winter of ’09 (actually 1926) j and now belongs to Universal. The rest of the goodies will come from SS’s amazing head. NOSING AROUND HOLLYWIERD Stories are still filtering in about the Jackson’s Victory tour and it was truly a biggie, but a lot of the tales concern Michael’s propensity for going out in disguise in nearly every town and bringing Jehovah to the wicked in the Witnesses’ own inimitable style. My fave is the story of him going out as himself and everyone thinking he was an MJ dress-alike and that this worked so well, he went on doing it and was never recognized. I've interviewed Michael several times, but not since he became a star’s star and loosened himself from the earthly bonds of reporters ... Congrats to Hill St. Blues and St. Elsewhere for their Emmys and to the television industry for voting for the best, not the most successful ... Tom Selleck was in Vancouver (see what I mean?) finishing up his Run away movie when his Magnum buddies John Hillerman, Roger Mosley and Larry Manetti each received a very special present from Mr. Dimplecheeks himself —would you believe a Porsche? ... Jonathan Demme s film of the Talking Heads concert tour, Stop Making Sense, has a dis tributor and will open in New York and Los Angeles before Thanksgiving, followed by a major cities release around Christmas ... I had dinner on the set of the now-hot Karate Kid with Ralph Maccio and the teens who played The Cobras, and it was quite a night! The caterers were serving steak and lobster, not bad for location fare, but Ralph passed on the lobster. He was on a very stria diet-plus-exercise to look lean and mean for the Karate se quences ... If you’re into Trivial Pursuit, there’s a reference book on the market to help you dazzle them with your foot work. By Avon, it’s called Trivial Conquest and sells for a whop ping $995. PHOTO COURTESY UNIVERSAL STUDIOS diploma^ c""“ r*>tevisi°n $erl herR the man * Set# Teiev*9 ^nnen^8lo pan^v* " Than* » It « po»>«l» bv —« n .^.yfsiott Series MW m„ „t» rr^S'Vr; pssri-sirJ.—— •“* ■25S -h, hefty *- S ZSZ'JgZfy" Bankr$^ Sio" ^ S orograms **! WaM with a cnervt over * tetecofl'111 * Americana ^ *'hiah« educ»ion '*^ o9 this fa" ,n * ^..ce that are ^ CoHiun‘ make h»g wck Broadcasung . ptlme«me hich bring ttie P"*™" !*d on the ^broadcast during <> *rios. and e beingPre“"!3 tW„»»» ,„„, Three » ,,„. «W ®“ -he - -ssss ota\ viewing Ml introduce series a r0gram adm hich /•be Nete he making. lhci*\ of the funding P nda^11 s W **“,£. Mayor dit«t«°g -TWV heip effort." says pubhc Bro aieria\s R n a degree the e Cotpo^S, coitection s IOU,e to ^ ^ lhe series ..^ ,e *ill buiW a iradiUona\ on on the ^ wdl ns former i/ho cannot go u\\ing out1 Presid^ J'^ h heavyweig^ and ,rmer SecreorT>J-^____ J This Ampersand of the Month is a joint effort, even though Dan Levine of Syracuse University did it all by himself. Boning up on the principles of illusory art in Professor Alex White’s Visual Communication class, Levine fractured our staff with his ef fort. A $30 prize is his. Want to get a leg up on your own art career? Send us your fresh concept of an ampersand, ren dered in black ink on sturdy white paper: Ampersand of tbe Month, 1680 N. Vine, Suite 900, Hollywood, CA 90028. PARANOIA GAZETTE Are you ready to worry about Cabbage Patch Dolls? The government fears that some folks who aren’t exactly living dolls will use those cute birth certificates to put the dolls on welfare!! ... In Beverly Hills, they’ve just opened a Caviar Bar where you can buy a bit of your own roe to hoe, plus a sip of champagne for as low as 15! I ask you, where else could this happen? ... Prince Charles is seriously thinking of becoming a vegetarian (no more steak and kidney pie? Tut) and Princess Di is already practi cally a veggie (so to speak). ... Did you know that Michael Jackson’s nickname amongst his intimates was Smelly? No, he doesn’t smell, but he does have a habit of saying “smelly jelly” when a song sounds good to him ... Cindy Williams and her husband Bill Hudson (of the Hudson Brothers) are readying a joint television ven ture in the form of a series for NBC ... Great Quotes: How’s this one from Pia Zadora’s hus ’ band, Meshulam Riklis — “I consider that I was put on this earth to serve women.” Does anyone have this guy’s phone number? I’d like a Salade Nicoise and a gin and tonic. Poolside, please. SOAP SUDS Kin Shriner, that beastly Scotty from General Hospi tal, has been signed to play the boyfriend of Philece Sampler, that beastly Renee from Days of Ampersand, Sept./Oct. 1984