The Oregon Dally Emarald It Making paopla to (III the following three positions: Applications cIom at 9 p.m. Sapt 28 for Managing Editor of I ha Emarald Job dutlas Include administrating payroll, editing A .P. wire copy and overMelng personnel matters. Applicants should have a strong background In newspaper writing and/or publishing and should have strong organizational skills Applications will be taken until 9 p.m. Oct 1 for typist and librarian Typist must type at least 60 WPM, and VDT ex perience is helpful. Both of these jobs require about two hours per day Work Study preferred. The Emerald Is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply Applications are available In Room 300 of the EMU 9-26 UO SURVIVAL CENTER Is currently hir ing for the position of Legislative Coor dinator. Position Includes organizing and coordinating Survival Center ac tivities dealing with local, state, and federal environmental legislation 19 hours per week minimum, workstudy applicable. Contact Survival Center. Suite 1. EMU. MS-4386. Equal Oppor tunlty Employer_ 3221:9-28 THE OREGON DAILY EMERAUHs hir ing a staff writer for the community beat. Applicators are available In EMU Room 300 and are due Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 9 pm Experience In writing and reporting helpful. Applicants must be willing to work hard __ 10-2 GRAPHIC ARTIST for the SEARCH program of student directed claeMs and workshops Responsibilities: ad copy writing, layout of quarterly catalog, flyer design, layout public relations, alter native education desirable but not a prerequisiste, Work-study wage of 85-29 per hour, 10-15 hours per week For information and application, calf SEARCH, 666-43053162 9 28 Top Secretarial PoeNlenl Must be ex cellent typist. Word processor and elec tronic typewriter Flexible hours. Work study qualified only Contact Bob Hackman 686-5706. 10-1 EMU CULTURAL FORUM WANTS STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS ANNUAL APERATURE GALLERY SELECTION Submit 8-12 photos Friday, Oct 5th 0-5 EMU CULTURAL FORUM 1(4373 3228:928 Interested tn Teaching English as a foctegn language’ Contact TESL Clear mghouse 8033 Sunset Blvd, Suite 164, Los Angelas. CA 90046MWF The ASUO is currently accepting ap plications lor the following positions: -Assistant Coordinator ot Stats Affairs Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator of Student Events Executive Assistant Publicity Media Coordinator Applications are available in Suite 4 EMU and due there no later than 5 p.m. Wed , Oct 3 ASUO Is an Affirmative Ac fion/Equal Opportunity Employer. 32318-28 PART-TIME GREAT EARNINGS POTENTIAL! DYNAMIC LIFESTYLES PUBLICATION LOOKING FOR INTELLIGENT. CAN DO DISPLAY REP. PETER af 3436387.10-2 Wort Study Night Building Supervisor Musi have own transportation, be ex plremety responsible UJhr 7264307 _10-2 Excellent Income lor part lime home assembly work. For Info, call 504641-8003 Ext 8887104 Interested la Teaching EagNah as a tortegn language? Contact TESL Clear inghouse. 8033 Sunset Blvd .Suite 164, Los Angtetea, CA 80048MWF UO SURVIVAL CENTER la currently hir ing lor the position of Legislative Coor dinator. Position Includes organizing end coordinating Survival Center ac ttvHles dealing with local, state, and Federal environmental legislation. IS hours per week minimum, workstudy ■ppMcrtls. Contact Survival Center, Suite 1 EMU. 8884168. Equal Oppor tunlty Employer _3221:10-1 o ot 0 SURVIVAL CENTER is now hir ing a Planer-Coordinator for our cam pus recycling program Job includes coresponding with other coliege recycl ing programs to design a national model recycling program here on cam pus. IS hours a week minimum. Workstudy or S45 per month or stipend. Apply at Survival Center. Suite 1 EMU Equal Opportunity Employer 686 4356 3550:10-2 B Interested tn art* management? The COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS it accepting applications for membership now I This year's con certs range from Bach to Indian music. All full and part-time UO students are eligible for member ship. For more Information call 686-5664 or 9966807 For Rent Furnished, BOOM AND BOARD $250. Close lo campus. Call 342-4503. 9-28 Apts., 1 bedroom *155,2 bedroom $180. Pool, tennis courts available. 644 Mill, Springfield. 747-1692.165 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS? OSPIRG's Renter's Handbook details renter’s and landlord’s legal rights Vi obligations & preventing or solving common problems. *1 at OSPIRG, EMU Suite 1.3520 9-28 1 BED. APT. Quiet country setting. 15 min. from U of O *250, utilities pd. Ref. 747-2155. 628 HOUSING Possibility of im ** ^?uP*ncy of P'«ce yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom S142/mo., 1 bedroom St 13/mo. Amazon unfurnished z bedroom SttSfmo. Future openings expected In all areas. Contact UO Hous ing Oepl. 688-4277 317S:tfn. UADS 'AM At W66osi0fe MANOR (g. IBtt 4 Available Oct 5. *139 per month. Tel; 345-4600. Edward S28 Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT 485-9686 TARA DORM CONTRACT FORSALE CaH Tiffany 343 9020 9-28 10-2 MUST SELL NOW! Contract H-K In Smith Hall, rm 102. Tel: 485-9474.__ g-26 Oorm Contract For Sale. Bonus case of your favorite beverage when you buy 485-9685 Jill.3233:9-28 BUY MY CONTRACT And 1*11 buy you a cue of beer or din ner. Female Hamilton Complex Call Michele after 5 p.m. 726-5831 10-2 Buy dorm Contract Oaf free pizza Mala or Female. Call Lori 4*5-4752 9-28 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE! CONTACT CARIN 8885304 9-28 DORM CONTRACT 485-9682 ASK FOR KEITH S km Re hrss al Estate For Solo: 3 Bdrm Hour* like new, located central to colleges. Owner will finance. 687-8075 3517:9-28 Unique and charming home. Totally private with separate rental cottage studio. Completely remodeled, beautifully landscaped with care and at tention to detail. Great U of O neighborhood, ideal for professor. Some financing avalable, $64,000. 3443818 928 Pets FREE KITTENS Orange Tabbies, 8 weeks old, with tails or without. M-F, 345-8350. t0-i Working Farm Dog needs good country home Registered Australian Shepherd, blue merte male cannot adjust to city. Sire good working dogs in Silver Lake and Parsley Best suited for female or older couple Was raised around Longhorns and will protect owner. Call 484-5326 10-1 Lost & Found Stolen: Medical Beg. Acupuncture tools of my trade. Please return. No Ques tions asked 913 E. 19th 345-9539 Patty _ 10-1 FOUND. Cash on Hillyard Street Thurs day, Sept 15. Identify and claim- C. Young, Law School.928 Found In EMU- Checkbook, wallet, Japanese passport. Go to Campus Security, Straub Complevtin LOST AT AUTZEN: Men s rust leather jacket- has sentimental value 484-9697 10-1 Market Basket Want To Feel Better? Increase energy level, stamina, strength, mental clarity, experiense calm alert nets Athletes- decrease recovery rate CERNfTIN POUTABS SPORT TOOAYI Used by leading Olympic/professional athletes. Scien tifically proven for 30 yrs - World’s most complete 100% pure/safe super food. New to U.S. 100% money back guarantee. 484-6068 or 485 0164 Tricla. _9-28 QRAPES-for wine and table. 2S« lb. U pick/40t lb. picked. 746-6060 9-28 Events The EMU Cultursl Forum needs volunteers to work security, tickets, etc. for the 1984-% concert season. Apply in Suite 2. EMU 11.30 M.W.F. 3234 9-28 PSYCHO ASUO Presents Psycho, Thurs., Sept. 27 7 and 9 pm 150 Geology THE FIXX Oct 17, 8 P.M. Mac Court Tickets on Sale NOW Sept. 25, 8:30 a.m. at the EMU Main Desk & G.l. Joe’s Open dance floor S12 Public, S11 UO Students. Oen. admission Balcony. $11 Public, $10 UO Students. sponsored by the EMU Cultural Forum and Albatross Productions. _3209:9-28 Interested in cycling, rat ling, canoeing, hiking, or wind surfing? Check out the Outdoor Program JSFUHA ln ,he basement o( the EMU. 886-4365 tor more Into. 3189:9-28 CLUB ,LACROSE Come experience the fastest game on foot with the winningest team on campus. Meeting Tonight, Thursday, 9:30 p.m. 111 EMU. No experience necessary. Refreshments. 3216:9-27 Women’s Resource and Referral is having an OPEN HOUSE to celebrate a new year and a new image. Come join the fun. Fri. Sept. 28, Room 336, EMU. 3:30-6:30. 688-3327 for info. 3232:9-28 Entertainment! -jX^fluuES BSCEStl CAT’S MEOW JAZZ A BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Flfthpeart Bldg 5th A Peart _ 3155:HF Mult Center Birthday Weekend A Eugene Celebration present DELORES KEANE and JOHN FAULKNER with REEL UNION and special guests KEVIN BURKE and JERRY O’BURNE Ireland's Finest Celtic (Traditional) Musicians SORENG THEATER 8:30 p.m. Sat. 9-29-84 Special % price rush tickets go on sale at Hult Center starting 7 p.m. Saturday. 923 THE BIJOU M2 E13th 6M-2458 NOTE; STUDENT DISCOUNTS Wfl.D. EXPIRES SOON) DISCOUNT TICKET BOOKLETS WILL BE AVAILABLE. *♦*♦♦****♦ FROM THE CREATOR Of THE ACADEMY AWARD-WINNING "KkNNY AND ALEXANDER" AN IN 11 MAI 1 Kl VI VIIM . ANtMlieovg im*. vi III! Ill VKI MINI I ANIWAI iS lilt WOl UK ARI R THE Rl HI ARSAL ONE WEEK ONLY FRI - SAT 7:15, •, 10:35 pm. SUN • THURS 6:15, 8. 8:35 pm. SAT • SUN matin** 4 pm. ★ ★★★★★★★★★ K-ZEL WELCOMES BUOU LATE-NITE THE KIDS ARE ALLRIGHT THURS 12:15 >2 FRI A SAT 12:15 *3 The JACKALS plus A FEW CHAIRS FrL, Sept. 28 9:00 “Club Bag” 830 Hillyara SCO Presents: Humphrey Bogart Katherine Hepburn THE AFRICAN QUEEN Saturday, Sept. 29 8 and 10 p.m. Admission: $051.50 3237:9-28 NEW WAVE NITE THE HEADHUNTERS THE JOHNSON UNIT at tha Vatican 17th & High Saturday 8 p.m. Only $2 9-28 HARO LIQUOR tor the first time at CASSADAY’S TAVERN pick up your coupon for 2 FREE DRAFTS or 1 FREE COCKTAIL AT THE GALA OFFICE Suite 318 EMU 686-3360 ---m Personals WANTED Good Quality Clothing lor Consignment TOP DOLLARS For your unwanted clothes, ac cessories and jewelry. New store opening Oct. 5 SECOND THOUGHTS 720 Vi E. 13th Call for Appt. 342-7241 Katy or Lisa _ 3507:3-28 WANTED: 50-100 people TO SET HEALTHY. 100% Natural 100% Guaranteed. 3450603.328 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 688-4488. 3144:tftl VISA and/or MASTERCARD credit cards for students, 18 years or older. Low fees, small savings account required. Write for details. National Credit Assistance Corp., Suite 300-AC, 325 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003_ 135 10 Wk. Songwriter's Workshop, cover ing every aspect of: writing, arranging, recording and producing. Starts Oct. 3445530. 3205:328 Sigma Chi Court Tryouts Be at Sigma Chi on the corner of 19th and Emerald at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of Oct. Formal Dress The O of O Football Team welcomes back Marching Band Captain Theresa Wilkins, featuring her new haircut and white legs (that haven't quite figured out how to march).9-26 PHI DELTA THETA Announces its tryouts for the 84/85 Red Rose Court on Thursday Oct 4th and Friday Oct. 5th at 8 p.m. All U of O ladies cordially invited to attend. 10-1 EARL III Contact your bank. Call me. Zil-im B«M5.9-28 Play Catch With Yourself BOOMERRANGS From the people who bring you kites KITES AND OTHER DELIGHTS 5th Street Public Market Kappa Sigma You are the Best!! Love, Suzy JF28. Spiritual Survival Seminar Monday, Oct 1,6,15; 7-9 p.m., Cen tury Room B, RMU. This will be a series which will allow the par ticipants to design a system to help them balance life to such a degree that it becomes a well organized journey; allowing relaxation in a hec tic wortd of choices. We will use visualization techniques to become aware of, and tap deep wells of positive energy within ourselves. Free- open to the public. Phone: 686-5621 or 686-8204. 10-1 THE LAME-DUCKS, a new current events (History) club is forming. Meetings: 9-28, 9-27, 9-28 at 1:30 p.m., 104 Condon Hall028 FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100. 2 p.m. M-F. 3182:WHF PHILADELPHIA HOUSE ROOT BEER MUGGER!! Friday, Set. 28- 99s All the Root Beer and Fun you can handle from 8 'til late! Vi BLOCK W. OF LIBRARY ON 15TH,9-28 WOMEN OF THE U of O The Gentlemen of Chi Psi Fraternity invite you to attend: CHI PSI Court Tryouts Come to the lodge at'018 Hiyard St. "on the scenic millrace” on Oct. 2nd and 3rd. Refresments and pleaant con versation await. Ouestions? Call 485-9682 Ask for David Cheonis Casual Dress _ - _ 10-2 Cathy Smith, still here? When can we meet? Two years ago Jim 9-28 THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA NU Cordially invite the women of U of O to try out for their 1984/85 WHITE ROSE COURT. Sonorities: Oct 2nd 9-11 p.m. Independents: Oct. 3rd 9-11 p.m. Call 887-1345 for info. 10-3 UNATTACHED LADY? Looking for meaningful relationship? Divorced white male, 42 (going on 24), straight, witty, conscientious. Enjoys camping, hunting, country music. Stamped envelope to Box 5170, Eugene, OR 97405 for particulars. PLEASE DONT INCLUDE name, phone number or any correspondence.9-28 We would like to thank everyone who attended our “PLEASURE BROKERS' BREAKIN’ THE ICE’ HAT FUNCTION” last Saturday night in the Social Wing: the Bartenders and Hosts SunSun, RC, Steve. David. Van. Bill, and Jim. 9-28 DELTA GAMMA is proud to announce our 1984 Fail Pledges: Michele Beck Casey Leaner Laura Bennett Liz Lock Cathy BergeronStephame Marshall Brenda Bills Molly Mavrolas Jackie Bonney Leslie Marlow Christine BrookeOeAnn Montgomery Trisha Caldwell Jill Moore Erin Carson Lynn Ontjes Nikki Oadglen .Jennifer Parke Mary Jane Daniels Tami Phenice Jean Day Colleen Sahlin Leslie Golden Elizabeth Scully Chris Goodrich Emily Urgigkeit Jayne Hansloven Leslie Vroman Signd Jensen Sharon Winfield Krista Kohler Heide Woodhead Welcome Aboard! -3240:9-28 DELTA DELTA DELTA would like TO welcome its newest Pledge^: Tammy Auvil Tesa Bowan Robin Brown Jamie Codings Susan CunninghamAngela DelPriore Michelle Greig Sheryl Hansen Molly Jacobs Tina Jacobsen Karin Knutson Lisa Kuenzi Mischa Lanyon Julie Lippold Melanie Martinson Misi Monroe Kari Mortin Christi Patterson Coco Paynic Nikki Powell Michele Rohlfing Julie Ross Kara Seger Jennifer Soden Alicia Smith Sandy Stutheit Jeanne Taber Megan Thompson Tiffany Tripp Dawn Van Volkinburg We're proud to have you! 9-28 1 THE GENTLEMEN OF PHI KAPPA PSI Invite you to attend the 1984-85 JAC QUEMINOT ROSE COURT TRYOUTS. Tuesday Oct. 2, Non Greeks Wednesday Oct 3, Greeks Thursday Oct 4, Final Selection Tryouts are 7:30 each evening. PHI KAPPA PSI, 729 East 11th. Ques tions? Call X5276 or 485-9454, ask for Ryan of Jeff. 10-2 PHI PSI Wilson, Sean Broderick, Darren Viahovich, and guest cook (fall ’84) Dave Merrick. Breakfast was delicious and the company couldn’t have been better! Thank you, The D.G.’s 3242:9-28 PREGNANT ? WE WANT TO HELP. Free Pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651.823:F « Alpha Phi is proud to announce its new Pledges: Sarah Ballin Patricia Fitzpatrick Stephanie Howe Marijean Hunter Tracy Popma Stephanie Koeller Joy Senkel Deborah Anderson Gail Gast Stacy Turtay Amy Baver Holly Hoffman Shauna Wide Melissa Griffith Jerl Mandelbaum Pamela Damesek Tracy Hinchcliff Susan Howe Lisa Mackin Sarah Schaubel Vicki Reed Karyn Peeples Melinda Camplin Sandra Ingram Amy Johnson Ten Craig Christine Rapp Jenny Green Wendy Walker Lori Shelly 9-28 DELTA DELTA DELTA would like to welcome its newest Pledges: Tammy Auvil Robin Brown Susan Cunningham Michelle Greig Molly Jacobs Karin Knutson Mischa Lanyon Melanie Martinson Karl Mortln Coco Paynic Michele Rohtfing Tesa Bow an Jamie Colilngs Angela DelPriore Sheryl Hansen Tina Jacobsen Lisa Kuenz) Julie Lippold Misi Monroe Christ! Patterson Nikki Powell Julie Ross Jennifer Soden Sandy Stutheit Kara Seger Alicia Smith Jeanne Taber Megan Thompson Tiffany Tripp Dawn Van Volkinburg We're proud to have you! 9-28 The U of O Football Team welcomes back MarcMng Band Captain Theresa Wilkins, featuring her new haircut and white legs (that haven’t quite figured out how to march). * 9-28 PHI DELTA THETA Announces its tryouts for the 84/85 Red Rose Court on Thursday Oct 4th and Friday Oct: 5th at 8 p.m. All U of O ladles cordially invited to attend.10-1 PREGNANT ? WE WANT TO HELP. Free Pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651_ 623:F Alpha Phi is proud to announce its new Pledges: Sarah Ballin Patricia Fitzpatrick Stephanie Howe Marijean Hunter Tracy Popma Stephanie Koelter Joy Senkel Deborah Anderson Gail Gast Stacy Turlay Amy Baver Hoiiy Hoffman Shauna Wide Melissa Griffith Jeri Mandelbaum Pamela Damesek Tracy Hinchcliff ' Susan Howe Lisa Mackin Sarah Schaubel Vicki Reed Karyn Peeples Melinda Camplin Sandra Ingram Amy Johnson Teri Craig Christine Rapp Jenny Green Wendy Walker Lori Shelly 9-28 ★ ★ ASTROLOGY Associates PERSONAL BIRTH CHART ALL ABOUT YOU. • Personality • Compa lability • Relationships • Career • Area ol potential strengths and possible weaknesses ASTROLOGY CHART with 10 • 12 page interpretation ★ ★ *10 * it Allow ten days Send Birhtdatermonth-day-yr Birthplace:town-state Birthtime:time-am-pm P.O. Bo* 181 ^Zephyr Cove, NV. Cards & Postcards Stickers • Stationery Posters • Wind-up Toys Party Supplies & Favors Mugs • Stuffed Toys Gift Wrap ETCETERA 3ftBBERWOeKY CARDS e GIFTS 1308 HILYARD ST. (across from Dairy Queen) Mon. Sat. 9:30-3. 484-0530 BLOOM COUNTY by -npt np/ <■ 'meKHBu'mcav: "Homcp i. johu, ah ». mm bn. MU-BLACK, sac. sec# oos-gnos... SBAm. A 6L-77-IHO... ucem#3#7bno.. 'll ^S~JVCKrMNim * ■ '*“£y&wr# nm. AMPfumemxE, rue /scam eeapepim m mewueoTHvoiM h SCHETHM HOKSHOKUMLWN amrvmsr mm you uke fOOTMl! ;«»" \ /l\\