et al. REGISTRATION FOR SWIMMING CLASSES at the Easter Seal Pool will be held today at the pool, 3575 Donald St. Classes will be offered for all age groups from babies to adults. For information on lessons and recreational swims, call Carolyn at 686-9290. SEARCH COURSE FOR CREDIT beginn ing Saturday: Preparer’s Seminar at 9 a.m. in Mil EMU. SEARCH NON-CREDIT WORKSHOP beginning Saturday: Using the Map Library, at noon in Room 165 Condon Hall. OSPIRG is offering class credit for work ing on the Citizens Utility Board campaign. Contact OSPIRG for more information. Suite 1 EMU, 686-4377. STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD is accepting applications for the following board positions: No. 2 Educa tion, No. 3 Humanities, No. 5 An thro/Psych/Soc, No. 7 Telecomm/Speech. APPLICATIONS FOR STUDENT/ FACULTY COMMITTEES are now available in SUAB, Suite 3, EMU, or ASUO Suite 4, EMU. Application deadline is Oct. 5 at 5:00 p.m.. Call SUAB at 686-3720 for more information. CONSUMER HOTLINE COORDINATOR NEEDED. Receive up to nine hours of class credit. Contact OSPIRG, Suite 1 EMU, 686-4377. GERMAN LANGUAGE RETREAT sign up in Friendly Hall Room 202. For more in formation contact Helmut Plant in Friendly Hall Room 312 or by calling 686-4059. AAF BOOKSALE will continue through today, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the EMU Skylight Room A. THE GELHAN GALLERY IS LOOKING FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS to show black and white photographs on “Politics: the 80’s, A Social Documentary.” For informa tion, send a S.A.S.E. to the gelhan gallery, 795 Willamette St. Room 208, Eugene 97401, or call 683-1497. Deadline for sub missions is Oct. 14 for students. AN ARCHITECTURAL SEMINAR AND LECTURE will be given Oct. 4 by John Fidler. The seminar, entitled “Nondestruc tive Building Pathology and Diagnosis,” will be held at 9:30 a.m. in Lawrence Hall Room 283. “Preservation of the City of London” will be the topic of his lecture to be held in Room 177 Lawrence Hall at 7:30 p.m. ADULT READING WORKSHOPS FOR NON-READERS will be held Saturdays, Oct. 6 and 13, 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., at the Lincoln Community School, 650 W. 12th. For further information, call 344-4061. THE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR POSITIVE THOUGHT is seeking the use of a good sounding tape player for its free motivational lecture series. The lectures are open to the public and begin Oct. 27 at 7 p.m in the Far West Federal Bank, 96 E. Broadway. Anyone who can lend or donate a tape player can bring it to the agency at 267 Van Buren St. or call Mike Stevens at 688-7407. THE 1984 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO COMPETITION, sponsored by the JVC Company of America, is accepting entries from students, as well as professionals, in four categories: communications, training, promotion/merchandising and local cable production. The competition closes Nov. 30, and there is no entry charge. Prizes will be awarded. For official rules and entry forms, write to 1984 Professional Video Competition, do Shaw & Todd, Inc., 6101 Empire State Building, New York, N.Y. 10118, or call (212) 244-5225. NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION is accepting applications for the Environmen tal Conservation Fellowship and Publica tion Award programs, 1985-86 academic year. Grants are for up to $4,000 for the Conservation Fellowships and cash awards are for up to $2,500 for the Publication Awards. Write: National Wildlife Federa tion, 1412 16th St. N.W., Washington. D.C. 20036. GROUP COUNSELING FOR EATING DISORDERS is available through the University’s Student Counseling Center. The group will meet Tuesdays beginning Oct. 2 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Contact the Student Counseling Center at 686-3227. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER applica tion materials are available for the employ ment examination at Hendricks Hall Room 244. Positions are in administration, con sular offices, economic and political analysis. Applicants must be U.S. citizens at least 20 years old. available for world wide assignment. An informal group meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 15th at 9 a.m., EMU Room 101. Classifieds Clothing Vintage Clothing Newsletter Send lor Free Copy P.O.Box 1422 Covalis, OR. 97339 9-28 For S ale Guitar Fender Telecaster w/ schector rosewood neck. Excellent condition. S275. 344-2188 or 686-4343.9-28 10 Speed- Takara, new paint, wheel, tire very good. 3145. 683-4535 9-28 Guild G-37 Steel String Guitar with hard case. Excellent. 3395 683-4535. 9-28 GUITARS- Takamine Classical, Yamaha Acoustic- 3150 each; Royal elec, typewriter $60. 485-3151.9-28 Fender Precision Bass (1966). $495 or best ofier. 344-5530.3203:9-28 1974 PLYMOUTH SCAMPSIant six 2 door, P.S. Auto., air shocks. *395 or best Otter. 726-808310-5 Linear Tracking Turntable and Electric Guitar (telecaster). Both in mint condi tion. 344-1886. _9-28 TOSHIBA RECEIVER 100 Watts per side Must Sacrifice Call 344-8762. 9-28 STEREO CABINET 343-3106 9-28 3-BEDROOM CONDO in good condition on one level. Large covered patio, yard and swimming pool for owner use. Near university housing. $27,500. Shellev Real Estate, 343-4232.9-28 Electric Typewriter. Used portable $150/Offer. Good condition. 485-3078 AbbySW8 Superb Waveless Waterbed- kingsize $220 or offer. Old sofa $10 or offer. Stop by 1635 Ferry St. before 11a.m. or after 4p.m., or weekends.10-1 Used Furniture and Clothing; dresser, desk, table, chair, lamps, TV stand, mir ror, shirt3. 2985 Mill St. after 4 p.m. workdays. 342-2713.10-1 FRAMUS (GERMAN) 12-STRING GUITAR Ebony-Abaione fretboard, great condition. $295, $330 with strobe tuner. 344-4410 9-28 6 Ft. Hide-a-bed, excellent condition, and 2 chest of drawers. Call 942-1531. 9-28 DRUMS 4 pc. - Stewart kit with Camber Cymbal — hat. 1350.GUITARS Crown acoustic steel string $40, Westminister acoustic nylon string classical $95. Will negotiate. Call 686-4343, leave message for TIM. tfn SEWING MACHINE Solid metal, RIC CAR F-200 Superstretch. Excellent Shape! 687-1754.10-1 GUITAR- acoustic, Guild D-25, Hard shell case. Superbaaad! $250 firm. 687-1754.10-1 Schwinn Varsity 10 speed. Good condi tion. $65. 345-9448. 10-1 Portable Electric Typewriter made by Smith Corona, excellent condition, $130. Schwinn Varsity 10 speed, good condition $75. 683-9057. 10-1 NEED A DESK? Tables, Bikes, Kitchenware, Sporting Goods. Huge moving sale, rain or shine Th. 9-27- Sat 9-29; 10 to 7 3390 Harris 9-28 Garage Sales ' GOOD STUDENT STUFF CHEAP Combining 4 households. Dishes, linen, furniture, more! Sat. 8-4 only. 1572 W. Broadway. 9-28 Buy & Sell THE BUY ft SELL CENTER Buy*Sett*Trade Musical intruments. stereo, tools. _ 446 E. 13th. Instruction EMU CRAFT CENTER • WORKSHOPS • MEMBERSHIPS Sign Up Today! Woodworking Ceramics Weaving and Fibers Metalwork Watercolor Pottery Bike Repair Photography EMU CRAFT CENTER 6864361 Ground Floor EMU Modem Greek Class: Monday 7-10 p.m Cali Stella 343-6967. 10-1 KEYBOARD INSTRUCTION with composer-songwriter Susan Ken nedy. Improvisation techniques. 6833743. 10-9 U of O Riding Classes: 20 hours *75. Hunt Seat, Jumping & Western. Covered Arena 100' X 160'. Also: TRAIL RIDES BARN DANCES HORSEORAWN HAYRIDES Pruitts Equestrian Centre 484-5100 »28 The Fun Classes HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC HISTORY OF ROCK I Elvis, Berry, Holly, Beatles, Stones, Who, more. Wed. 6:30-9 pm HISTORY OF ROCK II Hendrix, S.F. Bands, Dylan, Soul, New Wave, 60s Music, more. (1) Tues. 6:30-9 pm (2) Thurs. 3:30-6 pm Combine Rock Music, American History and Culture Register Music *66 per class 3176:9-28 Early Afternoon Openings. Guitar, Piano, Bass lessons. John Sharkey, 344-5530.__3204:9-28 We have just opened two additional first-term sections of CLASS PIANO for non-majors Fee *35. 2 credits P/NP for more in formation call ext. 3761, School of Music or evenings, 683-1667 3222:10-2 Services wo French Girl* offer to be your tutor for *5.50/hour. Or babysitting. 344-2689.345-4732 _10-11 HARP LESSONS, Beginning and In termediate. Also music theory. Salzedo Method. Have own harp or practice on mine. $12 per hour. 343-2355. 9-28 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Cott Set. Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 344-0759. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EOrrtNG«GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, including statistical. Law papers. Resume Composition,. A Mass Mailing Specialist Fast, Profes sional. Quality Service. Guaranteed WordStyie* A Typescripts CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 484-6044 3150:tfn PRO TYPtNO/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations. 5 blocks from DO No (ob too small. Jennifer 485-3883 3151-tfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Formerly Elite Typing Service. 484-1846 3146Tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-9405 3145:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 _ 3143:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30-4 30 Eveings by appointment only 345-2289 _ 3158:ttn Typing: 15 years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing. Graduate School approved. IBM Selectric. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 888-3983. 3157tfn TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 _ 3154:tfn WORD PROCESSING T&C Professional Typing Service. Manuscripts, dissertations, theses. Graduate School approved. 887-9328 3142:tfn GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III. Call Mina between 3 and 10 p.m. at 726 9824.3149tfn TYPING-WORD PROCESSING. Quality papers, super resumes. Near campus. Phone 686-0812,9-26F Deadlines always met Typed copy always proofed. 345-5614 Ruth 345-5614 3227:UH Sound Systems Ticcam 122 Cassette Mastering Deck $500, JBL 4311 Walnut Studio Monitors *500, Fender Rhodes Stage 73 *500. Crumar Ochestrator String Machine $850. 747-4174.928 Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a m.-1p.m. _ 3148:9-28 OHM WALSH - II audiophile speakers. Outstanding' *475 pr. 344-3585 eves. 9-28 Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK AM Selling 40-50% oil Hst prices •Textbooks*Cliff Notes»magazines» USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 3162:tfn Outdoor Gear Backpacks. Soft Briefcases. Bags, Lug" gage, Vests & Raincoats Factory direct to you. PACKTfUULS 5th Street Market 5th & High. Eugene 10-3 Recreation MAKE IT FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS Stay dry this year wearing make-it-yourself outdoor wear and gear Gortex, Thinsulate. Cordura GREEN PEPPER ACTION FABRICS Downtown Eugene-941 Olive Street 3564: 9-28 THE GASTRONOMIC CLUB The Gastronomic Club seeks gourmet food lovers from different countries willing to become members of the club and participate in international cuisine dinners. For more information call 484-4125 3239:10-3 Bicycles 1983 Univega 21 Inch Sporttour 12 speed. Excellent condition. Blackburn rack included. 485-7377. *230 9-28 24 Inch RadnafSport Bicycle. 531 Tub ing with camp! mixture of components *550. Jim 887-1275 Evenings. 9-28 PEUGEOT ARROW LIMITED EDITION 12 speed racing. Like new. *325. Chris 485-3457 Eves._ 10-2 Women's Takara 3-spead.Great condi tion *85/offer. Call Julie 485-1755 days or 688-0281. Need to sell immediately! 9-28 Several Used Bikes, 10 speeds, 5 speeds, 1 speed. *25 to *55. Russ' Buy, Sell, Trade. 2120 Main, Srlngtield. 726-0985._9-28 Peugeot PBW 10 racing bicycle. Ex cellent condition. *225. Call 747 3070. _10-1 Rallelgh Sport 3-speed, new tires and sheep skin. Asking *60. Call John at 345-2960 10-1 Cars & Cycles Aero, I960.9 months old, excellent con dition. Off to Europe, must sell, *650 485-6256. 3519:9-28 175 YAMAHA ENDURO Perfect condition, red, new brakes *450 or best, 344-9334. 9-28 NEED WHEELS? Must sell. 1977 Honda 360T. One owner. Low miles. *550 or of fer. Call 344-5811 9-28 1980 HONDA EXPRESS excellent con dition, new rebuilt engine, *320 484-1794._ 9-28 HONDA 75 CYCLE, excellen* condi tion, low miles- many extras- 60 plus MPG. *475, offers considered. 345-7343 10-3 1971 Toyota Corona Mark II, 1900 4 Door, low miles, sunroof, AMFM Cassette, runs great $1280 344-4410 *78 ‘76 Vega Wagon 4-speed, 4-cylmder. new stereo, new tires, luggage rack, trailer hitch, 22 MPG $080777 Attar 6 p m. 34*66461*1 ’81 Datsun 310 G-X $2500 OBO 688-7665 *28 Auto Repair Car tune-upa, Volkswagen $10 and up. Priority tor students 683-8372 nights MWF 1*19 October Only $100. Call 726-7600 *28 hlvU-SIIV ^ I 744 E 13th second floor -Smith Family Book building ROUND TRIP FARE Seattle - London Seattle - Frankfurt Eugene - New York Eugene - San Diego Eugene •599 •699 *373 *264 ‘259 683-5577 Rides & Riders From Corvallis to (carpool) wanted 752 ridestriders nights. 1*3 Commuting from Portland to Eugene. To share ride call (1)-284-8287 eves. 1*10 Wanted ' THE BUY A SELL CENTER Clean backpacking equioement wanted. 361 W. 5th St. 3163:9-28 MODELS for advanced education classes in the art of hair design Par ticipation will be in exchange for free service. Creative Id, 342-1751 10-10 Opportunities STEP INTO THE FUTURE WITH MEIER • FRANK Come join the Meier & Frank represen tatives for an informal orientation on October 2, 1984 at 7p m. In the EMU Room 101. Meier a Frank wilt be recruiting at the University of Oregon on October 15th Sign up now at the Career Planning and Placement Office. 3197:9-28 Gain effective leadership experience and be part of an organization that helps set University policies and pro cedures by applying for SUAB, Student University Affairs Board. Applications for the following Board positions are now available: no. 2 Education, no. 3 Humanities; no 5 A n - thro/Psych/Soc ;no 8 Journalism; no. 7 Tele. Comm./Speech Applications can be picked u In the SUAB office, Suite 3 EMU or in the ASUO Otice, Suite 4, EMU. Application deadline is Oct 3, at 5 Phi- 3546:MWTF Associated Student President’s Ad visory Council (ASPACj is seeking 2 representatives from ASUO funded pro grams. Applications are available in Suite 4, EMU. Due no later than Oct 5,5 Pm 3243:10-5 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD Publishing Co Board of Directors is seeking to replace the student at-large representative on the board. At monthly meetings the Board of Directors oversees the business, flnacial and corporals aspects of publishing the Oregon Dally Emerald The board also selects the editor lor the coming year IT he Board of Directors has absolutely no control over editorial content of the Oregon Daily Emerald Currently serving on the board are tour representatives from the newspaper, two faculty represen tatives. two student government representatives, and a member of the Eugene community. Board members recleve no salary tor their positions It requires Approx imately 4 to 10 hours of work per month To apply, please send a resume or vita and a typed statement about your abilities and how they would benefit the board to Karen McLain, c/o the Oregon Dally Emerald Board of Directors. Erb Memorial Union, Suite 300 by Oct. 5, 1964 10-5 gummer Jobe. National Park Co’s. 21 Partis. 5000 Openings Complete infor mation $5. Park Report Mission Mtn Co , 651 2nd Ave W N . Kailspell. MT 599019-26 HEALTH. WEALTH, AND INDEPENDENCE International health and nutrition com pany offers rewarding opportunity to help poepfe and earn 950092000 a month part-time, lull-time on your own schedule. 345-0603. YOUR SKILLS ARE NEEDED See your campus representative. Marsha Swartz, tor information on spring and summer openings NOW is the time to apply. (503) 580-3235 244 Hendricks Hall Help Wanted Literate work-study office sec N W Review 686-3957 after 1 p.m.3S42:»28 WORK STUDY TUTORS wanted. If you are interested in one-to-one tutoring (U of O courses only), stop by Educational Opportunities Program. 207 Emerald Hall, 086-3232. Starting pay is *5.32 / hour351S10-5 KEYBOARDIST FOR serious, original and progressive syntho-wave protect Some cover. Call Chaz, Ron Mike at 344-7510 for tryout. HELP! Sports writers are desperately needed for the ODE weekly sports supplement- Sidelines. If you’re interested in writing feature articles on sports and/or recreational activities, please call Sheila Landry (Sidelines editor) at 686-5511. »28