THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD Publishing Co. Board of Directors is seeking to replace the student at-large representative on the board. At monthty meetings the Board of Directors oversees the business, flnacial and corporate aspects of publishing the Oregon Dally Emerald. The board also selects the editor for the coming year. The Board of Directors has absolutely no control over editorial content of the Oregon Dally Emerald Currently serving on the board are four representatives from the newspaper, two faculty represen tatives. two student government representatives, and a member of the Eugene community. Board members recieve no salary for their positions. It requires Approx imately 4 to 10 hours of work per month. To apply, please send a resume or vita and a typed statement about your abilities and how they would benefit the board to Karen McLain, do the Oregon Daily Emerald Board of Directors. Erb Memorial Union. Suite 300 by Oct 5. 1984.10M5 Summer Jobs. National Park Co's. 21 Parks. 5000 Openings. Complete infor mation *5. Park Report. Mission Mtn Co., 851 2nd Ave. W.N.. Kallspell. MT 59001 9-28 Are You Looking For a Class to Help Reduce the Anxiety of Looking For a Job? COLLEGE TO CAREER: JOB FINDING STATEGIES. Learn and discuss resume, interview, and )0b search strategies in a suppor tive small group environment twice weekly over a four week period. CPsy 199 1 credit Begins October 22 (MAN 3 305) and October 23 (T/H 10 30-12 or 3:30-5) Sign up Counseling Psycotogy, 1781 Alder St. _____ 3230 9-27 Gain sWecMse leadership esperlsecs and be pari pot an organization that helps set University policies and pro cedures by applying tor SUAB. Student University Affairs Board Applications for the following Board positions are now available: no 2 Education: no, 3 Humanities: no 5 An thro/Psycb/Soc .no6 Journalism, no. 7 Tate Comm ./Speech Applicat ions can be picked u in the SUAB office. Suite 3. EMU or in the ASUO Of tee. Suite 4. EMU Application deadline is Oct 3. at 5 pm 3548MWTF I.... ' - 1 t I Help Wanted Literate work-study office sec. NW ■ Bey19* 686-3957 after 1 pm3542 928 A QTF POSITION is available with the Provost’* Oil ice for • graduate student A senior intending to continue studies for a master* degree would also be considered The position is at 0 40 FTE, September June with a salary of *5,000 Duties will not exceed t75 hours per term Computer programming experience and familiarity with the DEC 1091 and IBM 4341. Contact Paul Civin, ext 3050 ____3219i>-27 UO SURVIVAL CENTER is currently hir Ing for the position of Legislative Coor dinator. Position includes organizing and coordinating Survival Center ac tivities dealing with local, state, and federal environmental legislation t5 hours per week minimum, workstudy applicable Contact Survival Center, Suite I. EMU. 6894350 Equal Oppor tunity Employer3221:928 THE OREOON DAILY EMERALD is hir mg a staff writer for the community beat. Applies!ons are available in EMU Room 300 and are due Tuesday. Oct 2 at 5 pm. Experience in writing and reporting helpful. Applicants must be willing to work hard__10-2 PART-TIME WAITRESS for China Blue restaurant. Apply Thursday 927 after 4 pm in person only.3223:927 GRAPHIC ARTIST for the SEARCH program of student directed classes and workshops. Responsibilities: ad copy writing, layout of quarterty catalog, flyer design, layout public relations, alter native education desirable but not a prerequlsiste. Work-study wage of *5.25 per hour, 10-15 hours per week For information and application, call SEARCH, 686 43053182:928 Top Secretarial Position! Must be ex cellent typist. Word processor and elec tronic typewriter Flexible hours. Work study qualified only. Contact Bob Hackman 686-5708 _____ 10-1 EMU CULTURAL FORUM WANTS STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS for ANNUAL APERATURE GALLERY SELECTION Submit 8-12 photos Friday, Oct. 5th 95 EMU CULTURAL FORUM X4373 ___ 3228:928 Interested In Teaching English as a foriegn language? Contact TESL Clear inghouse. 8033 Sunset B!vd„ Suite 164, Los Angeles, CA 90046.MWF Reader Needed lor advanced classes Payment to be arranged. Call Neil 485-3526 927 The A$UO is currently accepting ap plications for the following positions: -Assistant Coordinator of State Affairs •Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator of Student Event* -Executive Assistant -Publicity-Media Coordinator Applications are available In Suite 4 EMU and due there no later than 5 p.m. Wed,, Oct 3. ASUO Is an Affirmative Ac tion/Equal Opportunity Employer. 3231:9 28 Funky room In house 21st University tree in exchange tor nightlme (11 p,m,-8 a.m.) childcare References. 343-6729 9-27 NEEDED SUBJECT*, of college age or older, tor decision experiment in political science and psycotogy. Spon sored by the Political Science Depart ment ol the University ot Oregon. The experiment will be held on the Universi ty ot Oregon Campus Subject s pay ment can vary from nothing to 315, tor about one hour's participation. The pay ment depends on your own decision and on the decisions of the other par ticipants In the experiment For par •‘clpation and/or information call 686-5062 workdays between 9-12 a m or 24 P«n,_ 3522:9-28 Many positions still available for volunteer tutors In Eugene schools. Art, Math, ESL, Reading Science, Music, Drama. P.E., Computer- all levels. ESCAPE Credit available. Volunteer ser vices 687-3472. 3563:9-27 Christmas Around the World, America's newest party plan Hiring demonstrators for fun 10 week job! Free 3300 kit! Curious? Call 747 5560. Volunteers to tutor llmlted English stu dent In academic subjects at So;. Eugene High School, 9:50-10:40 A.M ESCAPE credit available. Volunteer Ser vice* 687 3472. 3561: 9-27 FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN tutors needed In Eugene schools, many times and locations ESCAPE credit available Volunteer Services 687 3472 3562:9-27 WORK STUDY TUTORS wanted If you are interested in one-to-one tutoring (U of O courses only!, stop by Educational Opportunities Program. 207 Emerald Hall, 686-3232 Starting pay is 35 32 '/? hour 3515:10 5 The Oregon Daily Emerald is seeking people to fill the following three positions: Applications close at 5 p.m Sept. 28 lor Managing Editor of the Emerald Job duties Include administrating payroll, editing A.P. wire copy and overseeing personnel matters. Applicants should have a strong background In newspaper writing and/or publishing and should have strong organizational skills Applications will be taken until 5pm Oct 1 for typist and librarian. Typist must type at least 60 WPM. and VDT ex parlance is helpful. Both of these jobs require about two hours per day. Work Study preferred. The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply Applications are available In Room 300 ot the EMU 928 Part-time position for word processor typist on IBM PC 100 Must type at least 70 WPM Some evening work, schedule Is flexible Must have extensive ex perience with dictaphone Please aply at 132 G Broadway no.316 on 927 bet ween 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. 927 MfcLr! Sports writers are desperately needed for the ODE weekly sports supplement- Sidelines. If you’re interested in writing feature articles on sports and/or recreational activities, please call Sheila Landry (Sidelines editor) at 686-SS11. 928 KEYBOARDIST FOR serious, original and progressive syntho-wave protect. Some cover. Call Shaz. Ron Mike at 344-7510 tor tryout. B Interested in arts management? The COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS is accepting applications tor membership now! This year's con certs range from Bach to Indian music. Alt full and part-time (JO students are eligible for member ship. For more information call 686-5664 or 9966807 For Rent JO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im nediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnished jpartment; 2 bedroom *142/mo., 1 sedroom $113/mo Amazon unfurnished > bedroom *118/mo. Future openings rxpected in all areas. Contact UO Hous ng Dept 686-4277 3178:tfn. -umished, ROOM AND BOARD $250! 3iose to campus Call 342-4503. 9-28 kpla., 1 bedroom *155, 2 bedroom *180 Jool, tennis courts available. 844 Mill. Springfield 747-1692.165 I Bedroom, Utilities Pd. fireplace. washer-dryer, non-smoking female. 185-4982 after 6 p m.3518:9-27 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS? DSPIRG s Renter's Handbook details enter's and landlord's legal rights V» ibllgations & preventing or solving :ommon problems. *1 at OSPIRG, EMU Suite 1__3520:9-28 1 BED. APT. Quiet country setting. 15 min from U >f O *250, utilities pd Ref. 747-2155. __9-28 -arge "Master” Bedroom, plus share ipacious house in SE hills *125, single woman or *165, couple. 484-2679 927 Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT 485-9686 TARA __928 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Call Tiffany 343-9020 162 MUST SELL NOW! Contract H-K in Smith Hall, rm 102. Tel: 485-9474 9-28 Dorm Contract For Sale Bonus case of your favorite beverage when you buy. 485-9685 Jill. ___ 3233:9-28 BUY MY CONTRACT And I’ll buy you a case of beer or din ner. Female. Hamilton Complex Call Michele after 5 p.m. 726-5831. 10-2 Buy Dorm Contract Get free pizza Male or Female. Call Lori _485-87529-28 Dorm Contract for sale! Contact Carfn 686-5304. 9-28 I Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED tc share warm, comfortable country home 23 miles from campus Wood heat. Non smokers Pets? $9S/mo Pam or David, 937-3155 or 343 5362 3140:9-28 Real Estate For Sale: 3 Bdrm House like new located central to colleges. Owner will finance 687-8075 3517:9-28 Unique and charming home. Totally private with separate rental cottage studio. Completely remodeled, beautifully landscaped with care and at tention to detail. Great U of O neighborhood, ideal for professor. Some financing avalable. $64,000 344-3818. 9-28 Pets FREE KITTENS Orange Tabbies; 8 weeks old, with tails or without M-F, 345-8350 10-1 I Lost & Found Stolen: Medical Bag. Acupuncture tools of my trade. Please return. No ques tions asked. 913 E 19th 345-9539 Patty 10-1 Market Basket Wan! To Feel Better? Increase energy level, stamina, strength, mental clarity, experiense calm alertness. Athletes- decrease recovery rate CERNITIN POLITABS SPORT- TODAY! Used by leading Olympic/professional athletes. Scien tifically proven for 30 yrs - World’s most complete 100% pure/safe Super food. New to U S. 100% money back guarantee 484-6068 or 485 6164 Tricia. __9-28 GRAPES-for wine and table. 25« lb. U p VNIIM4 I m iiii iskii nm ( i)*rhr'*->WP. - After The Rehearsal Personals BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free Pregnancy testing. Confidential. Bir thright 687-86513162:H OREGON CREW Wants men and women light weight and heavy weight rowers. Organizational meeting Sept. 27 7:30 p.m. EMU Forum Rm. EMU Club Sports.3208:9-27 WANTED Good Quality Clothing for Consignment. Mako: TOP DOLLARS For your unwanted clothes, ac cessories and jewelry. New store opening Oct. 5 SECOND THOUGHTS 720 VS E. 13th Call for Appt. 342-7241 Katy or Lisa 3507:9-28 WANTED: 50-100 people TO GET HEALTHY. 100% Natural. 100% I Guaranteed. 345-0603._9-28 I PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 688-4488._ 3144:tfn VISA and/or MASTERCARD credit cards for students, 18 years or older. Low fees, small savings account required. Write for details. National Credit Assistance Corp., Suite 300-AC, 325 1 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003105 10 Wk. Songwriter's Workshop, cover ing every aspect of: writing, arranging, recording and producing. Starts Oct. 344-5530.3205:9-28 THE LAME-DUCKS, a new current events (History) club is forming. Meetings: 9-26, 9-27, 9-28 at 1:30 p.m., 104 Condon Hall. 9-28 FOR ANSWERS TO YOU questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100. 2 p.m. M-F. 3162:WHF EARL III Contact your bank. Call mo. 342-7273 Ext.45. 9 28 The Member of Pi Beta Phi Are proud to announce our 1984 Fall Pledges: Michele Arnett Carolyn Magoon Perptua Bishop Kim Bolt Katie Clawson Annette Clovis Pam Collier Courteneay Detjens laDonna Dixon Chris Dobbie Julie Eggers Patty Feldkamp Kristi Gillam Sara Hanson Sarah Lachkar Christ! Long Kristen Winner We re looking forward to a great year! 9-27 Lisa Mandell Jill Murray Karen Neuberger Michele O'Bym# Glynnis O'Dell Julie Paul Kim Philleo Shelly Robb Sarah Sanetel Traci Sasaki Dawn Seggelink Julie Steege Mary Kay Therrien Melissa Willey rhe one and only BETA ROSE COURT !ry-outs will be held at 7:30 Thursday September 27 (At least stop by for some ree wine). For more information call Mike Leahy at 686-5179. P S. We've turn 3d over a new leaf. Love, THE BETAS. 927 PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early sregnancy test that is 99% accurate. Call for appt. 344-9411.3500:H PHILADELPHIA HOUSE ROOT BEER MUGGER!! Friday, Set. 28- 99< All the Root Beeer and Fun you can handle from 8 'til late! % BLOCK W. JF LIBRARY ON 15TH._ 928 WOMEN OF THE U of O The Gentlemen of Chi Psi Fraternity invite you to attend: CHI PSI Court Tryouts Come to the lodge at 1018 Hiyard St, "on the scenic millrace" on Oct. 2nd ind 3rd. Refresments and pleaant con ersation await. Questions? Call 485-9682 Ask for David Cheonis Casual Dress 10-2 lathy Smith, still here? When can we neet? Two years ago. Jim 928 TRIVIA CONTEST TEAMS OF 4 WIN PRIZES Every Monday at 7 p.m. EMU REC.CTR. x3711 (We use “Trivial Persuit") 3211:9-27 Kappa Kappa Gamma Welcomes its Wonderful Pledges: darcie Anderson --- ’amela Bonn .eslie Carlson >ebbie Oelazzaro iindy Dunbar 3eggy Frasse rina Grosulak -eslie Hunt roni Keiterman Dhris Lea dolly Mattson Shannon Parker Shriste Ramsey darikay Werle Jennifer Berry Shana Campbell Tara Cross Lisa DiTullo Elizabeth Evans Christine Gerich Cathy Guy Ann Johnston Kim Kendall Alyson Marx Cindi Moll Erin Quinlan Mary Russell Suzanne Wilson ihaun WolferspergerJoannette Wright lulie Yoshimura Ve love you !9-27 ALPHA CHI OMEGA s proud to announce the Fall Pledges who were ommitted from yesterday’s ist: ieri Sisavic Lianne Sueda iusan True Lisa Tyler 9-27 THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA NU Cordially invite the women of U of O to try out for their 1984185 WHITE ROSE COURT. Sonorities: Oct 2nd 9-11 p.m. Independents: Oct. 3rd 9-11 i.m. Call 687-1354 for into. 10-3 ★astrology^ HOROSCOPE Learn more about yourself, relation ships, career, areas of potential strengths and possible weaknesses. Personal Astrology Chart with 10-12 pages of interpretation explaining you chart,MO. Send date, place, specific time of birth. Allow ten days. Astrology Associates, Box 1815, Zephyr Cove, NV., 89448. jr BLOOM COUNTY ihibikw, MomeK.rwpis /vm&pwe* lemseptUHS VCmtMMT FUS trsmeMKH TML tmz*.. HOT F TECHNICAL (MB' somNWAPor/ PVSHAFEWtvrmi wka Few terns? fflST you *m u; trnrr \ by Berke Breathed 0AN6f j< ( HOUMP.L ftmp.wu cmwrof mtemr liar ewes. aria cjmmzd w ™ / vwVCA ■ Hteseme. , mmnoodti —i—