WRITERS: The Oregon Dally Emerald la looking for hard-working, enthusiastic freelance writers. Experience Is helpful but not required. If Interested, meet In Room 300 of the EMU Monday Oct 1 at 7 p.m. 9*26 The aSIWJ exec. Is currently accep ting applications for the position of Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator of Student Event*, Assistant Coor dinator of Student Affaires, and Ex ecutive Assistant. Stipends range from *125 to *175 per mo. or w.s.. Ap plications are available at Suite 4. EMU They are due there no later than 5 00 pm, Oct.3. ASUO Is an affir mative actlon/equal opportunity employer. 3500:9-26 V atF POSmOM Is available with the Provost's Office for a graduate student A senior intending to continue studies for a masters degree would also be considered. The position Is at 0.40 FTE, September-June with a salary of *5,000 Duties will not exceed 175 hours per term. Computer programming experience and familiarity with the DEC 109t and IBM 4341 Contact Paul Civin. ext. 3050. _ 3219:9-27 0SPIRO taking applications for Board position. Apply Suite 1, EMU, 3521 9-26 Positions available In residential'train ing home for severty retarded adults SUPPORT WORKER: 7a.m,-10a m. Mon Erl Morn routine, personal hygiene, transportations. NIGHT MANAGER: !1p m,-7a m Sat & Sun Security, safety, cleaning shores, breakfast preparation, staff teaching skills and carryout behavior program. Apply 1893 Alder, weekdays 9-3. ____ 3523 9-26 Applications are now being taken for Janitor position al Oregon Daily Emerald. 2 hours pet wem. flexible Work study preferred Apply al Rm 300 EMU Deadline is 5 p.m. Sept 26th ODE Is an Affirmative Action, equal oppor lunity employer. _926 WORK STUDY OFFICE STAFF is need ed at Oft Campus Housing Congenial, sunny office, work with the public, should be outgoing and friendly, willing to (earn landlord-tenant laws 5-15 hours/week *4 16 to start Applications in Suite 3 EMU OCH is an Affirmative Action, equal opportunity amptoyar Oil Campus Housing taaks a Director Should be assertive, fnendly. capable, have initiative, enfoy budgets and deal ing closaty with staff tot four to seven) Long hours <8-12 a week), low pay <*75 a month), but s great experience Applica tions. fob description in Suite 3 EMU Otf-Cempus Housing is an Affirmative Action, equal opportunity employer _3554-9-26 U ol 0 Survival Center is now hiring an Executive Assistant Thu fob includes typing, bookkeeping, and public rela tions 15 hours a week. Workstudy or *45 per month stipend Apply by 5 pm. Wed Sept. 26 at Survival Center. Suite 1, EMU Equal opportunity employer 888-4386. 36619-26 U ol 0 Survival Center is now hiring a Planner-Coordinator lor our campus recycling program Job includes cor espindtng with other college recycling programs to design e national model recycling program here on campus 15 hours s week minimum Workstudy or *15 per month stipend. Apply at Sur vival Center, Suite 1. EMU. Applications due by 5 p.m. Sept 26 Equal oppor tunity amptoyar 686-4356 35809-26 Part-time position lor word processor typist on IBM PC 100 Musi lyps at isssl 70 WPM Some evening work, schedule U flexible Musi have extensive ex perience with dictaphone Please aply at 132 O Broadway no 316 on 9-27 bet V»een2pm andSpm_ 927 Student campaign tor Disarmaments now accepting applications lor the position of coordinator lor 1984-85 Ap pticetion forms are available at the SCO office in Suite t, EMU Workstudy is •variable Deadline for applications is Sept 28 SCO is an Affirmative Ac tlonfequal opportunity employer. _ 3555:926 HELP! Sports writers are desperately needed for the ODE weekly sports supplement- Sidelines. If you’re interested in writing feature articles on sports and/or recreational activities, please call Shelia Landry (Sidelines editor) at 686-5511. 9.2s Many portion* aim available for volunteer tutor* in Eugene schools. Art, Math. ESL, Reading Science, Music. Drama, P.E., Computer ell levels. ESCAPE Credit a«eitable Volunteer aer *lc** 687 3472 3563:9-27 Christmas Around the World, America's newest party plan Hiring demonstrators lor fun 10 week |ob! Free *300 kit! Curious? Call 747 5560. _*27 Volunteers to tutor limited English stu dent in academic subjects at So;. Eugene High School, *50-10.40 A M ESCAPE credit available. Volunteer Ser Vices 667-3472 3561: *27 FRENCH. SPANISH, GERMAN tutors needed in Eugene schools, many times and locations. ESCAPE credit available Volunteer Services 087-3472.3562:»27 YOUR SKILLS ARE NEEDED See your campus representative, Marsha Swartz, for Information on spring and summer openings NOW Is the time to apply. (M3) 668-3235 244 Hendrick* Hall Th« Oregon bally Emerald ia seeking e*°pe 10 fill the following three poaltlona: Application* close at S p.m. Sept. 28 for Managing Editor of the Emerald. Job •JJJ** Include administrating payroll, editing A.P. wire copy and overseeing personnel matter*. Applicants should nave a strong background In newspaper writing and/or publishing and should have strong organizational skills. Applications will be taken until 5 p.m. Oct 1 for typist and librarian Typist must type at least 90 WPM, and VDT ex perience Is helpful. Both of these |obs require about two hour* per day Work Study preferred. The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply Application* are available In Boom 300 of the Efv.U. 9-28 KEYBOARDIST FOR serious, original and progressive syntho-wave project. Some cover. Call Chaz, Ron Mike at 344-7510 for tryout Roommates FEMALE R»4MAti WANttb to share warm, comfortable country home 23 miles from campus. Wood heat Non smoker*. Pets? 196/mo. Pam or David, 932-3158 or 343-5362.314Q-9-28 FEMALE' ROOMMATE NEEDED to share bi level, furnished apartment on the Mlllrace. Comfortable. 2 bedrooms Non-smoking, good-humored, responsi ble roommate wanted. * 140/mo Call 344-8124. *8 p.m. 9-26 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom tl42/mo, 1 bedroom 8113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo Future openings expected in all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept 686-4277 3178:ttn. Furnished, ROOM AND BOARD *250 Close to campus Call 342-4503 9-28 Apis.. 1 bedroom *155.2 bedroom *180 PooI, tennis courts available 844 Mill, Springfield 747-1692 _ 10-5 1 Bedroom. Utilities Pd, fireplace, washer-dryer, non-smoking female 485-4962 after 6 p.m.3518:9-27 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS? OSPIRG's Renter's Handbook details renter's and landlord a legal rights bi obligation* & preventing or solving common problems. 81 at OSPIRG, EMU Suite 1.36203-28 ATTENTION ALL DUCKS Centennial Apts. Wants You 1 Bedrooms 8250 to 8260 2 Bedrooms *295 to *326 Swimming Pod. Sauna, and Tennis Court. 2 mi east of Autzen Stadium 508 W Centennial Btvd 747 2045 _ 9-26 1 BED. AFT, Quiet country sotting. 15 min from U of 0 $250, utilities ptj Ref 747 2155. _9-28 Large "Master" Bedroom, plus share spacious house In SE hills. $125, single woman or $165, couple 484-2679 927 Quads $99 Month Large Modern Ouads next to Universi ty 1866 Harris. 3490981 3147:tln I Rea forisr l Estate :or Sale: 3 Bdrtn House like new. located central to colleges. Owner will finance. 687-8075. 3517:928 Unique and charming home. Totally private with separate rental cottage studio. Completely remodeled, beautifully landscaped with care and at tention to detail. Great U of O neighborhood, ideal for professor Some financing aval able, $64,000. 3443818 928 Pets FREE KITTENS Orange Tabbies; 8 weeks old, with tails or without M-F, 345-8350 191 Market Basket Want To Feol Better? increase energy level, stamina, strength, mental clarity, experlense calm alertness. Athletes- decrease recovery rate CERNITIN POLITABS SPORT- TODAY) Used by leading Olympic/protessional athletes. Scien tifically proven for 30 yrs - World's most complete 100% pure/safe super food New to U S 100% money back guarantee 484-6068 or 485 6164 Trtcia. 928 QRAPES-foTwine^and_tabie_25«Tb_i9 pick/40* lb picked. 746-6060 928 Dorm Contracts MUST SELL NOW! Contract H-K In Smith Hall, rm 102. Tel: 485-9474,**§ DORM CONTRACT 485-9686 TARA 928 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Call TIHany 343-9020 Events PSYCHO ASUO Presents Psycho, Thurs., Sept. 27 7 and 9 pm 150 Geology _3213:927 interested in cycling, raf ting, canoeing, hiking, or wind surfing? Check out the Outdoor Program located In the basement of the EMU. 686-4365 tor more into. 3189:9-28 FREE! FREE! FREE) 3 Great Events on EMU Cultural Forum Night Wednesday Sept. 26 4:00-7:00 BEER GARDEN featuring Ed and the Boats In the EMU Dining Room I D. required. Alternative beverages and food available FREE! 7:00-8:30 p.m. OUTDOOR DANCE with the CRAZY 8’s The rockinest ska dance band in the Northwest on the EMU EAST LAWN 8:45 p.m. The action continues on the EMU East Lawn CINEMA under the STARS bring a blanket, food, drink, etc. for Due to circumstances beyond our control REPOMAN will not bo shown, however ROAD WARRIOR Will Show Instead ALL FREE! Sponsored by The EMU Cultural Forum In case of rain (or It ground is very wet) The Dance will be held in the EMU Dining Room at 9 p.m. The film will be shown in 177 Lawrence at 7 p.m. 3510:9-2< THE FIXX Oct 17, 8 P.M. Mac Court Tickets on Sale NOW Sept. 25, 8:30 a.m. at the EMU Main Desk & G.l. Joe’s Open dance floor: $12 Public, $11 UO Students. Qen. admission Balcony: $11 Public, $10 UO Students. sponsored by the EMU Cultural Forum and Albatross Productions. 3209:9-28 The Jewish Student Union Invites all JEWISH STUDENTS to meet at the JSU office Thursday, Sept. 26, 1984 at 6:30 pm to attend ROSH HASHANA together. Night sevices for the holiday will be at BEALL HAIi. [Entertainment WANTED! 2 tickets to Oct 17/18 Tacoma Springsteen show. Call 484-6701 Now!9-27 Literate work-study office sec. N.W. Review. 886-3967 after 1 p.m.3542:928 Catalyst Films Proudly Presents The DOONESBURY & FRIENDS ANIMATION FESTIVAL An evening of short humorous films, including The Doonesbury Special, nominated for an academy award, plus seven other selected shorts. FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 7:30 & 9:30 pm. 180 PLC s2.00/51.00 * THE BIJOU * 4 < 492 E. 13th 886-2458 NOTE: STUOENT DISCOUNTS W/I.D. EXPIRES SOON) DISCOUNT TICKET BOOKLETS WILL BE AVAILABLE. "A STUMMING AMD POWERFUL film:' -Molly Haskell. Ms. MAGAZINE Sugarcane Alley Unn-ThiM* rit n.m. oa KZEL Welcomes Bijou Late-Night The Kids Are Alright Weds. 8 Thurs. 11:15 pm Fri. 8 Sat. at Midniaht Personals WANTED: 50-100 people TO GET HEALTHY. 100V. Natural. 100% Guaranteed. 345-0603928 The EMU Cultural Forum needs volunteers to help with the Film Pro gram. Drop by the Cultural Forum Of fice. EMU Suite 2, or call us at 686-4373, ask for Jeff 3509926 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488.3144:tfn 10 Wk. Songwriter’s Workshop, cover ing every aspect of: writing, arranging, recording and producing. Starts Oct. 344-5530. 3205:928 PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears, birth control methods and counseling. Day and evening appts. Call M-F 344-9411,3202:U THE LAME-DUCKS, a new current events (History) club is forming. Meetings: 926, 927, 928 at 1:30 p.m., 104 Condon Hall. 928 Buy books for less Sell books for more $$$ at the AAF Book Exchange CENTURY ROOM A EMU SKYLIGHT 10-4 MON.-FRI. You set your own price, so the profit goes to you9-26 VISA and/or MASTERCARD credit cards for students, 18 years or older. Low fees, small savings account required. Write for details. National Credit Assistance Corp., Suite 300-AC, 325 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003 10-5 IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy ell Birthright. Free testing. 687-8651. 623:W FOR ANSWERS TO YOU questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100. 2 p.m. M-F. 3162:WHF WANTED Good Quality Clothing for Consign ment. Make: TOP DOLLARS For your unwanted clothes, ac cessories and jewelry. New store opening Oct. 5 SECOND THOUGHTS 720 VS E. 13th Call for Appt. 342-7241 Katy or Lisa 3507:9-28 Gain effective leadership experience and be part pof an organization that helps set University policies and pro cedures by applying for SUAB, Student University Affairs Board. Applications for the following Board positions are now available: no. 2 Education; no. 3 Humanities; no. 5 An thro/Psych/Soc.;no.8 Journalism; no. 7 Tele. Comm /Speech. Applications can be picked u in the SUAB office, Suite 3, EMU or in the ASUO Ofice, Suite 4, EMU. Application deadline is Oct 3, at 5 p.m. 3546MWTF HERE’S LOOKIN AT A GREAT THETA HOUSE Love. Alabama9^6 OREGON CREW Wants men and women light weight and heavy weight rowers. Organizational meeting Sept. 27 7:30 p.m. EMU Forum Rm. EMU Club Sports.3208:9-27 VARSITY BOWLING Tryouts Oct. 1-5 Sign Up At EMU REC. CTR. X3711 or Basement EMU _35493-26 PROVE ORWELL WRONG DUMP REAGAN IN 1984 Eye-catching red, white and blue quality vinyl 15 inch bumper sticker. Pring name, address, zip and send 82 to Pacific Coast Advertising Agency, P.O. Box 6407, Portland, OR 97228. Quantity discounts. 9-26 ALPHA CHI OMEGA 1964 Fall Pledges: Cathy Archer Elise Bouneff Sara Briscoe Pamela Christopher Amanda Clemens Cindy Ellison Tracey Foster Mariellen Gillis Debby Hardy Kathy Jost Stacey Miura Stephanie Reese Lynne Russell Shephani Urell Sherri Webber Donna Wolf Alison Gill Andrea Hand Suzanne Iselin Tricia Lazzar Lisa Monte Barbara Rogers Caroline Sheridan Liz Warren Julie Wiktorek Laura Zagorin 9-26 CHI OMEGA WISHES TO CON GRATULATE ITS NEW FALL PLEDGES. Angela Ausman Marisa Pasini Carrie Yeager Lauren Bull Mary Branagan Michelle Horseman Jean Lleske Jennifer Pryse Jenny Smith Gaya Amundsen Teri Mullin Katie Hamilton Terry Gavin Kay Fatkenberry Paula Sasser Dona Thomberg Mary Hogan Elise Bums Susan Cook Jodie Lee Kathy O'Connor Kim Proctor Mindy Wollmuth Teresa Larson Jenny Barton Dana Arndt Mara Kershaw Kathleen Hughes 3217:9-26 FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-6651. 623 M EARL III Contact your bank. Call me. 342-7273 Ext.45.9-28 GAMMA PHI BETA would like to welcome her newest pledges: Laura Lee Bums Brenda Sund Shelly Studer Susan Logsdon Suzanr - i>n*e Robin h xrty Becky Brown Laurel Amato Renee Rocker Rebecca Lorain Heidi Sturman Kadi Quinn Tricia Nolan Dana Robinson Mendy Tiger Julie Foster Jennifer Nash Jody Madder Megan Dixon Jan Stewart Lisa Stevens Rene Becker Pam Pifler Shelly Nuzum Jodi Priore Sara Leatham Kelly Mccusker Laurie Ann Levenson Kris Moody Laura Willoughby 9-26 NEED A LOCKER? EMU REC.CTR. $1 PER TERM! 3547:9-28 Alpha O., Amy Caster, Congratulations on your election to President of Boynton!! Go get 'em, Kiddo! Love, Your Sisters. ___ 9-26 ALPHA OMICRON PI Congratulates our Quintessential Fall Pledges! Sara Bancroft Denise Barsby Amy Caster Cindy Finwait Yvette Jefferson Bonnie Nichols Christine Oakley Sharon Otterstedt Tiffany Smith Gena Snow We love you ! Welcome to the best! 9-26 44 Just like you said, “Let go with the hand but not with the heart.” Save that prayer. I love you. 27 9-26 The one and only BETA ROSE COURT try-outs will be held at 7:30 Thursday September 27 (At least stop by for some free wine). For more information call Mike Leahy at 686-5179. P.S. We'vetum ed ever a new leaf. Love, THE BETAS. 9-27 ★ ★ ASTROLOGY Associates PERSONAL BIRTH CHART ALL ABOUT YOU. • Personality • Compa lability • Relationships • Career • Area of potential strengths and possible weaknesses ASTROLOGY CHART with 10 • 12 page interpretation ★ ★ s10 ★ ★ Allow ten days Birhtdate:mon*h-day-yr Birthplace.town-state 8irthtime:time-am-pm P.O. Box 1815, Zephyr Cove, NV. FREE DELIVERY Small Pizza $4 70* topping Serves 2-3 Medium Pizza $6 90* topping Serves 3-5 Large Pizza $8 ST.IO topping Serves 4-6 Extra Large Pizza S10, $1.30 lopping Serves 5-8 Thick Crust, Whole Wheat or White TOPPINGS Canadian bacon pepperoni green pepper pineapple extra cheese 'cost less tomati. "onion; olives *" mushrooms Italian sausage * "extra charge 343-8023 after 5 pm BLOOM COUNTY tm I (SKXP MS FU fmn-rmus.coM/vm 8ahk$. z s&mto me -msef-m /uooerm. mrm.eo'm t reauzz mrr, -mis mm? MOTHER. I* vmrnmrve ■gcmp-aw OUT Of extsrme. by Berfce Breathed rrmws im. as a sxerr, mvemuYiKAm/imiAST vesmes ofouAwnw/nY FtXAserofsommwmL NUMBO®.' wewB&N wmjztp by/i rmmy Bu/tewcmcYuptp an 1 *55$i M'S 6m w sues me sm>mey? ) STU