rterdeck ^ Restaurant ft Lounge A Oq MAINSTREAM IN OUR LOUNGE THURS. • SAT. 9 to 2 NO COVER WED., FRI. & SUN. SPECIALI PRIME _ln Extra RIR thick cat, ,u“ eg. *11.95 Includes Soup or Salad Bar 695 20th A WILLAMETTE 686-2337 WHEN YOURVOLVO NEEDS SERVICE... ...bring it to a Specialist! Aiplnelmport s /Serviced The volvo Specialist Located at 12th & Main in Springfield Call 726-1808 for an appointment or just drop by. All Work Guaranteed VISA Webfoot Foliage Sale Prove you're a Duck (Bring U of O ID) and get .00 off your choice of foliage WE GROW OUR OWN Exotic Plants & Flowers Q?ase (jardeQS (jree9t?o