U of 0 Survival Cantar la now hiring an Executive Assistant. This job Includes typing, bookkeeping, and public rela tions. 15 hours a week. Workstudy or 145 per month stipend. Apply by 5 p.m., Wed. Sept. 26 at Survival Center, Suite 1. EMU Equal opportunity employer 686-4356 3561:926 HELP! Sports wrltsrs are desperately needed for the ODE weekly sports supplement- Sidelines. If you’re interested in writing feature articles on sports and/or recreational activities, please call Sheila Landry (Sidelines editor) at 686-5511. s-28 Many positions still available lor volunteer tutors In Eugene schools Art, Math, ESL, Reading Science, Music, Drama, P.E., Computer- all levels. ESCAPE Credit available. Volunteer ser vlces 667-3472.3563:927 Christmas Around the World, America’s newest party plan Hiring demonstrators lor lun to week job! Free $300 kit! Curious? Call 747-5660 _ 9-27 Voluntaers to tutor limited English stu dent in academic subjects at So, Eugene High School. 95610:40 A M ESCAPE credit available Volunteer Ser vices 687 3472 _ 3561: 927 FRENCH, SPANISH, OERMAN tutors needed in Eugene schools, many times and locations ESCAPE credit available Volunteer Services 687-3472.3562:927 Work Study support trainer for aemi independant living program clients liv ing in apt Provide training and assistance, to hrs/weekly $3 40-3 85/hr Evenings A Sat. bra, Car required. Apply 1893 Alder St weekdays 8-3 3502:926 EMU CRAFT CENTER IS ACCEPTING WORKSTUDY APPLICATIONS FROM PERSONS EXPERIENCED IN WOOO WORKING, JEWELRY, PHOTOGRAPHY. ETC. APPLY AT THE CRAFT CENTER, GROUNO FLOOR. EMU 6864361.3185:926 The ASUO executive M now hiring a Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator lor Sfudont Events. Positions require at least 20 hrs/wk and pay S175/mo for Assistant Coordinator or W.S Applica tions are available at the ASUO office. Suite 4 EMU They are due there no later than Oct 1 at 5 00pm ASUO is an affir mative action/equal opportunity employer. _3163925 Work Study and ESCAPE students come work and play with children, ages 15 months- 10 years In one ot Campus Child Care Centers, Child Car# aid Development Center or EMU Child Care. Student ades needed throughout the day, call 6864384 925 WORK STUDY OFFICE STAFF is need ed at Off-Campus Housing. Congenial, sunny office, work with the public, should be outgoing and friendly, willing 10 team landlord-tenant laws. 5-15 hours/week. $4 16 to start Applications in Suite 3 EMU OCH is an Affirmative Action. equal opportunity employer Oil-Cam pus Housing seeks a Director Should be assertive, friendly, capable, have Initiative, enjoy budgets aid deal ing closely with stalt (ol four to seven) Long hours (912 a week), low pay ($75 a month), but a great experience Applica tions. job description in Suite 3 EMU Cfl-Campus Housing is an Affirmative Action. equal opportunity employer 3654:926 Wanted: Full time reteach assistant (B.S, or M S. degrees In biology or chemistry) l am studying the regulation of several genas ol enzymes involved in fixation Of carbon dioxide in com leavee (C4 pathway enzymes). The study involves isolation ol mRNA and genomic DNA, making and probing cONA libraries making and probing genomic DNA libraries. DNA restriction mapping and DNA sequencing The position will be ol at least one yea duration it will continue If expected funding la realized The tentative start data is October 1, 1984 Applicants should have some familiari ty with the techniques ot recominant DNA analysis, and the successful can diditate wilt be the person who best demonstrates such knowledge and is most Interested In working on the problem. For further Information call Donald Hague: 6894545 3553:925 % a a 1 UUn OMLLO ARE NEEDED See your campus raprasentatlve, Marsha Swartz, for Information on spring and summer openings NOW is the time to apply. ($03) 686-3235 244 Hendricks Hall WORK STUDY TUTORS wanted. If you «f«iInterested In one-to-one tutoring (U ot O courses only), stop by Educational Opportunities Program, 207 Emerald Hall, 686-3232. Starting pay Is *0.32 V!i hour. _ 3615:10-5 WRITERS: The Oregon Daily Emerald Is looking tor hard-working, enthusiastic freelance writers. Experience Is helpful but not required. If Interested, meet In Room 300 of the EMU Monday Oct. 1 at LP™9-26 The Oregon Dally Emerald Is seeking people to fill the following three positions: Applications close at 5 p.m. Sept. 28 for Managing Editor of the Emerald. Job duties include ad ministrating payroll, editing, A.P. wire copy and overseeing personnel mat ters Applicants should have a strong background in newspaper writing andVtior publishing and should have strong organizational skills. Applications will be taken until 5 p.m. Oct 1 for typist and librarian. Typist nust type at least 60 WPM, and VDT experience Is helpful. Both of these jobs require about two hours per day. Work Study preferred. The Emerald is an Equal Opportuni ty Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applica tions are available In Room 300 of the EMU. _9-28 NEEDED SUBJECTS, of college age or older, for decision experiment in political science and psycqlogy. Spon sored by the Political Science Depart ment of the University of Oregon. The experiment will be held on the Univerity of Oregon Campus. Subject's payment can vary from nothing to *15, for about one hour's participation The payment depends on your own declion and on the decisions of the other participants in the experiment. For participation and/or information call 686-5062 workdays between 9-12 a m or 2-4 p.m. __ 3522:9-25 OSPIRG taking applications for Board position. Apply Suite 1, EMU 3521:9-26 First M Instructors. The Department of School and Community Health is cur rently seeking certified Advanced First Aid Instructors to teach HEP 260 Labs for Fall Term 1984 Submit resume to 250 Esstinger.3513:9-25 Positions availsbl* in residential train fna home tor severly retarded adults: SUPPORT WORKER: 7a m -10a m. Mon.-Frl. Morn routine, personal hygiene, transportations. NIGHT MANAGER: 11p m -7a.m. Sat & Sun Security, safety, cleaning chores, breakfast preparation, staff teaching skills and carryout behavior program Apply 1893 Alder, weekdays 9-3. _ 3523:9-26 Part time to full time employe* at retail lumber yard Apply in person at Serve N Save Plywood. Hwy 99 and Beltline _ 9-25 Janitor position el Oregon Daily Emerald. 2 hours per week, flexible Work study preferred Apply at Rm 300 EMU. Deadline is 5 p m. Sept. 26th ODE is an Affirmative Action, equal oppor tunity employer. 9-26 f .. ——. , i* QOMMATES ALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share warm, comfortable country home 23 miles from campus. Wood heat. Non smokers Pets? *95/mo. Pam or David, 937-3155 or 3*3-5362 _ 3149928 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share bi-levei. furnished apartment on the Millrace. Comfortable, 2 bedrooms. Non-smoking, good-humored, responsi ble roommate wanted S146/month. Call 345-1911, 4-6 p.m 9-25 Quads *99 Month Large Modern Quads next to Universi ty 1866 Harris, 343-0981. 3147:tfn For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom *142/mo., t bedroom *113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom SI 18/mo. Future openings expected in all areas. Contact UO Hous ing Dept. 686-4277.3178:tfn. Furnished, ROOM AND BOARO *250 Close to campus. Call 342-4503. 9-28 iTBedroom, Utilities Pd, fireplace, washer-dryer, non-smoking female. 485-4962 after 6 p.m.3518:927 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS? OSPIRG's Renter's Handbook details renter’s and landlord's legal rights VS obligations A preventing or solving common problems. $1 at OSPIRG, EMU Suite 1.3520:928 ATTENTION ALL OUCKS Centennial Apts. Wants You 1 Bedrooms $250 to $260 2 Bedrooms S295 to $325 Swimming Pool, Sauna, and Tennis Court. 2 mi east of Autzen Stadium. 506 W. Centennial Blvd. 747-2045 926 1 BED. APT. Quiet country setting. 15 min. from U of O *250, utilities pd Ref 747-2155. 928 Apl»., 1 bedroom *155,2 bedroom *160 Pool, tennis courts available 844 Mill, Springfield. 74M692. 10-5 Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT 485-9686 TARA 9-28 Real Estate :or Sale: 3 Bdrm House like new, located central to colleges. Owner will finance. 687-8075 3517:9-25 Pets FREE KITTENS Orange Tabbies; 8 weeks old, with tails or without M-F, 345-8350 10-1 Market Basket Want To Feel Better? Increase energy level, stamina, strength, mental clarity, experiense calm alertness. Athletes- decrease recovery rate CERNITIN POUTABS SPORT- TODAY! Used by leading Otympic/professional athletes Scien tifically proven for 30 yrs - World's most complete 100% pure/safe super food. New to U S. 100% money back guarantee. 484-6068 or 485 6164 Tricia. 9-28 1-—. ■ i Entertainment U of O Riding Classes: 20 hours $75. Hunt Seat, Jumping & Western. Covered Arena 100' X 160'. Also: TRAIL RIDES BARN DANCES Pruitts Equestrian Centre 484-5100 9-28 WANTED! 2 tickets to Oct. 17/18 Tacoma Springsteen show. Call 484-6701 Now!9-27 Uterale work-study office sec. N.W. Review 686-3957 after 1 p.m.35429-28 : THE BIJOU * 492 E.13th 688-2458 NOTE: STUDENT DISCOUNTS W/I.O. EXPIRES SOON) DISCOUNT TICKET BOOKLETS WILL BE AVAILABLE. *★★★★★★★★★ "A STUNNING AND POWERFUL FILM.'' —Molly Haskell. Ms. MAGAZINE Mon-Thurs. 789 p.m. KZEL Welcomes Bijou Late-Night The Kids Are Alright Weds. 8 Thurs. 11:15 pm Fri. 8 Sat, at Midnight Events o The Jewish Student Union invites all JEWISH STUDENTS to meet at the JSU office Thursday, Sept. 26, 1984 at 6:30 pm to attend ROSH HASHANA together. Night sevlces for the holiday will be at BEALL HAIL THE FIXX Oct 17, 8 P.M. Mac Court Tickets on Sale NOW Sept. 25, 8:30 a.m. at the EMU Main Desk & G.l Joe’s Open dance floor $12 Public, $11 UO Student*. Oen. admission Balcony: $11 Public, $10 UO Students. sponsored by the EMU Cultural Forum and Albatross Productions. _3209:9-26 FREE! FREE! FREE! 3 Great Events on EMU Cultural Forum Night Wednesday Sept. 26 4.AA *».AA BEER GARDEN featuring Ed and the Boats In the EMU Dining Room I.D. required. Alternative beverages and food available FREE! 7:00-8:30 p.m. OUTDOOR DANCE with the CRAZY 8’s The rockinest ska dance band in the Northwest on the EMU EAST LAWN 8:45 p.m. The action continues on the EMU East Lawn CINEMA under the STARS bring a blanket, food, drink, etc. for the Eugene premier of REPOMAN An outrageous new comedy combining the seedy world of auto repossession with zany sci-fi aliens. Most people spend their lives avoiding intense situations. Repoman seeks out intense situations. Soundtrack by Iggy Pop, Black Flag, The Circle Jerks, and others. ALL FREE! Sponsored by The EMU Cultural Forum In case of rain (or if ground is very wet) The Dance will be held in the EMU Dining Room at 9 p.m. The film will be shown in 177 Lawrence at 7 p.m. 3510:9-26 THE COUNCIL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN LATIN AMERICA PRESENTS Former CIA Analyst David MACMICHAEL “U.S. Security Intersts in Central America, The Rationale for War and Peace” 7:30 p.m., Tues day, Sept.25 150 Geology (13th Ave. and Universi ty St.) University of Oregon Admission: *1, students; *2 .general public CouonMrad by the Council lor Human Riughts in Latin America. the UO Latin America Support Committee, and the ASUO Event* Program Interested in cycling, raf ting, canoeing, hiking, or windsurfing? Check out the Outdoor Program located in the basement of the EMU. 686-4365 for more info. 3189:9-28 Personals PROVE ORWELL WRONG DUMP REAGAN IN 1984 Eye-catching red, white and blue quality vinyl 15 inch bumper sticker. Pring name, address, zip and send $2 to Pacific Coast Advertising Agency, P.O. Box 6407, Portland. OR 97228. Quantity discounts. 9-26 WANTED Good Quality Clothing for Consign ment. Make: TOP DOLLARS For your unwanted clothes, ac cessories and jewelry. New store opening Oct. 5 SECOND THOUGHTS 720 Vfr E. 13th Call for Appt 342-7241 Katy or Lisa 3507:9-28 FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-8651. 623:M. WANTED: 50-100 peopie TO GET HEALTHY. 100% Natural 100% Guaranteed. 345-0603._ 9-28 The EMU Cultural Forum needs volunteers to help with the Film Pro gram. Drop by the Cultural Forum Of fice, EMU Suite 2, or call us at 686-4373, ask for Jeff.3509:9-26 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488._ 3144:tfn Buy books for less Sell books for more $$$ at the AAF Book Exchange CENTURY ROOM A EMU SKYTJGHT 10-4 MON.-FRI. You set your own price, so the profit goes to you.9-26 VISA and/or MASTERCARD credit cards for students, 18 years or older. Low fees, small savings account required. Write for details. National Credit Assistance Corp., Suite 300-AC, 325 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003_ 10-5 CHESS CLUB EMU REC. CTR. LOBBY 7 P.M. EVERY TUES. __3548:9-25 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS. Free pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651. 623:U 10 Wk. Songwriter’s Workshop, cover ing every aspect of: writing, arranging, recording and producing. Starts Oct 344-5530.3205:9-28 Are you interested in earning upper divi sion credit for helping others? Volunteer as a counselor at Cascade Middle School. Register at the ESCAPE table in the EMU lobby or call 686-4351. 3504:9-25 PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears, birth control methods and counseling. Day and evening appts. Call M-F 344-9411. 3202:U TO WHOEVER LEFT ME IN THE PICKUP SAT. NIGHT...THANK YOU?? EMBARASSED 9-25 Kappa Alpha Theta is proud to announce its fantastic new pledges: Susan Astle, Heidi Baldwin, Jenriifef Barbisan, Carin Bordner, Lisa Bordner, Janet Borke, Lisa Boyer,Bar bara Carter, Caroline Cooke, Amy Oavls, Sandi Ounn, Jerl Fllnn, Kristin Gummer, Shelly Herbers, Kristi Howton, Katie Jackson. Jill Jacobsen, Lisa Lunceford, Erin Martens, Kerry McDaniel, Lisa Meyer, Susan Mickel, Sarah Pierce, Laura Reames, Nancy Reeburgh, Kristen Robertson, Kim Rose, Shelley Siegel, Holly Stutsman Ringold, Julie Weeks, Tracey Ehlers. 9-25 FREE DELIVERY ' Small Pizza $4 70* topping Serves 2-3 Medium Pizza $6 90* topping Serves 3-5 Large Pizza $8 $1.10 topping Serves 4-6 Extra Large Pizza $10, $1.30 topping Serves 5-8 Thick Crust, Whole Wheat or White TOPPINGS Canadian bacon pepperoni green pepper pineapple * extra cheese •cost less tomati •onion; olives * 'mushrooms Italian sausage •'extra charge 343-8023 after 5 pm 15$ COFFEE You bet! 8 cm. of hot coffee for only 15c refills only 10c Offer Good through Sept. 1473 E. 19th 343-8023 Howe: 1- Midnight. Fri. 8 Set til 1 Cards & Postcards Stickers • Stationery Posters • Wind-up Toys Party Supplies & Favors Mugs • Stuffed Toys Gift Wrap ET CETERA JfYBBERWOCKY (across from Dairy Queen) Mon.Sat. 9:30-6. 484-0530 BLACK STUDENT UNION Come to our first meeting. Meet the people and find out what's happen ing. Free bowling afterwards. MEETING 7 pm. TUES. SEPT. 25 215 ALLEN HALL BLOOM COUNTY AHEM *ms LMKA tMMTZ HSHE9W COWet HU HOST /O'" mmaum OTM ■nm wsmjHbW... Htmup.nmt'ttm ifymnmMfTY FIMM£: by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY MHltomHto itmecMim eesm,iCAH mraon— .'n^'U/4^ cu?!< SOM, FOUR MOTHER TOLP ME imf.Hxmmwm. you Nfte BUSY IN H6K. TRYtNb novae mi tmcescf ne rncmim fibs oermiK.5.. by Berke Breathed emimBKernmue, foutkm, PM-osomcfiL MV FEUOOUS tWUCAWNS OF THS ME CMMFBP BY ire enemmub mfl kf vons of expumm ms